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Give a man a fish and U feed him for a day --Teach a man to fish and U feed him for a lifetime !-- Give a man a joint ...........
I High!!!
You know one of those hold on hits..
In t&%$*mor*&^#
Sheet don't 'fect me none !--First year weed is legal I'm starting a new tradition !-- Instead of Veterans Day -- I'm changing it to "Give a Veteran a Joint Day " -- I'm headed to the V.F.W. with some of my best and by 5he time I leave there'll be a smile on every face there !-- That --Look at me I'm so stoned smile "
we are sad. Our best friend has to be put to sleep this morning. He is 12 years and 11 months and weighs 70 pounds. He had a neurological event yesterday and is resting in the ER till we go in 4 hours and let him slip away. Here he was a few months ago. This was so fast. Yesterday morning he was fine, then one leg became paralyzed...last we talked to the vet it was three legs. He was in pain the vet said but he is very stoic. Thanks for listening. RIP gearbear.

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Oh Rose, so sorry,no wonder you are up so early.
I am sure that the vet will keep him sedated.
I am lost for words Rose, wish I could give you a HUG!!
we are sad. Our best friend has to be put to sleep this morning. RIP gearbear.

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Oh Rose, my heart goes out to you, the tears are streaming down my cheeks because I know the pain and the emptiness you feel, I'm so very sorry for your loss, If I was there I would give you and Mr. RB a big hug, I know this hurts, and thats an understatement.
It's a bad idea to go to the grocery store high, and hungry. Saw a carrot cake I just had to have, ended up carrying it on my lap for 28 miles home. Motorcycle doesn't have much trunk space.

Hilarious! Sounds like something I would do!
Oh, Rose! I am so sorry about your baby. They bring such joy & yet the pain of losing them is nearly unbearable. I lost one of my luvs last August & it still hurts. Come see us here & pour your heart out; we'll be here to offer what comfort we can. This toke's for you gearbear, RIP.
Morning O.F.C. !--Rose pets are family loosing one hurts just as bad !--I have 2 buried in the flower bed!-- It cost $50,000 --$100,000 to clone a pet!-- I have promised RWS that if I can find a way she 'll have her Jazz back !-- I know where her DNA is just a matter of $ and I can give her Jazz back !--That would make me happy !-- I tell her Jazz is just resting --I plan to give her back to U if possible !
Where would a average guy come up with $50,000 to clone a pet!--I grow weed 20-25 lbs and I can give her Jazz back !-- There is a certain motivation there!-- Make it 50 lbs --Itsy -Bitsy my side kick for 17 years is there too !-
Morning all, found a bunch of dudes hiding in with the ladies so they got the chop this morning, flower tent seems mighty bare with just three little girls in there and the veg tent empty...I found a fem Nightshade bean that must be 5-6 years old and I really want to run it as a mother and clone off her for a bit, I lost the slayer clones, they just really never took off. I bought an 8 site aerocloner awhile back but have not used it yet, so if I decide to plop a 5 gal air pot in the veg tent and get me a mother (Nightshade) going I will be using it to clone, figure on taking 8 clones and picking the best 4 to run. So going to the bean collection now to get the Nightshade and drop her in some water....and the circle of life will begin again.
Kraven, So you soak your beans before planting?
Mighty nice ladies there...
So just dropped the Nightshade bean in some water, now lets hope for a tail tomorrow....
Kraven, So you soak your beans before planting?
Mighty nice ladies there...

Yes sir, I usually give them a 24 hour soak, if no tail I'll give them another 24 then they go in the dirt and get lightly watered in...if it pops it pops if not well I tried, most have tails in 2 days or less though. I did have one that didn't pop so it went in the dirt and a week later still no seedling, so I just put if off to the side and about a week later I noticed I had a 2" seedling, so I always give them plenty of time before giving up.
Kraven -U get ready to fire up that cloner and have a problem of any kind----I know this dude that has faced and solved just about any problem U will have ! I take a clone or 2 before sexing !--I take the top off a plant and stick it in the cloner when rooted the donor seed plant can finish the bloom cycle!-- If it is a boy I can always throw out his clones if I have no use for them !-- If it is a girl then U can use that first clone as a mother !--Mother can take up a lot of space so why not just take enough cuts off several clone to fill up the cloner!--Give the clone donor some time to recover and off to bloom she goes!-- Still got clones in veg.
Yes sir, I usually give them a 24 hour soak, if no tail I'll give them another 24 then they go in the dirt and get lightly watered in...if it pops it pops if not well I tried, most have tails in 2 days or less though. I did have one that didn't pop so it went in the dirt and a week later still no seedling, so I just put if off to the side and about a week later I noticed I had a 2" seedling, so I always give them plenty of time before giving up.

Ah! Thank you very much...Remember?no,, make note,yes LOL..
Hey Hopper U get all that dry wall ,Plaster or whatever U do --done in Arkansas? -- U getting to old to be running around on stilts!-- Dog I like old school taste but I'm lazy !-- We make our own rub and sauce !--I do got a little old school experience !--- That what I want to bring to my style of growing !--Old School experience with new age technique!--Yo Canada !!-- I'm watching U !--

Yesser it be done,,and yes im getting to old for stilts,,,lol,,but i can still jump up on them and rock and roll. Most need ladders to get on stilts,,so when i need a ladder I will stop getting on them.:stuff-1125699181_i_

Comforting thoughts your way Rosebud!!

He couldn't have had a better family to live his life with.

You made his life a wonderful loving experience, ANY living thing would be lucky to have the fates put them in your care.

Healing mojo to a broken heart.
Took some measurements of the spare room ---Roughly 10 ft.-X--16ft!-- Not as big as Umbra's garage but it'll do the trick!!--All Bloom !-- Umbra move a garage full in at a ti.e and runs them the does it again !--Right Umbra?--- I plan to move about a quarter of capacity to bloom every 2 weeks!--- After a couple months I'll be harvesting about 25% every 2 weeks! I think 2 lbs per month would pay the bills especially if I turn most to oil and make e-cig juice! --I figure 10% oil recovery from total weight !--I could whole sale the weed for what $2,500 a lb ?-- I turn it into e-cig liquid I can whole sale it for $5,000 for the same amount of weed!--
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