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Those lights I send Giggy don't have a heat sink -- They got a little computer fan draws air in thru slots in frame over the components and out the top !--

All you need is a thin aluminum plate like what the LEDs would've been amounted to doesn't even have to be 1/8 thick so I was thinking he could just take the board that the LEDs are mounted to flip them upside down and mound his new ones to the bottom of the old board keef this is something you should start doing some research on it will cost you a fraction of the price to upgrade your lights and they will kick some serious *** when you're ready you obviously don't need to do that yet your girls are on point
Keef you and giggy should watch this guy he can teach you a lot about LED lighting how to upgrade your lights what to go with what not to go with and his gardens speak for themselves he is one of my favourite YouTube guys grow mouse

Although I will have to say switching from HPS to LED high sure throwing me for a loop I have to go in and re configure everything in my rooms my temperatures are all out of whack my ventilation now is all out of whack water temperatures all out of whack this is going to be a good time
Bud I think U gonna find the LEDs make things simpler !-- I got no "ventilation system"-- Unless U count a box fan ? -- The nute water in my boxes runs a temp in the mid 70's room --air --mid 70's --My biggest problem is in winter when I have to run the heat !-- Gets real dry !-
Got my chores done except for that light rack !-- I got to drill a new box lid too !-- Maybe just put a few holes in it ! --Plants are ready for bloom !
Kraven she been having some dizziness but I thought I saw her signed in this morning but no post !--

Rose -- Get Well !-- Somebody need to ride herd on me !-- I could go into a political rant without proper supervision !--
Bud I most certainly will upgrade my lights as time goes on!-- but Cuz -- I ain't got to the best I can do with these yet !-- It's not better nutes I need --or a better light -or some super new variety ? -- The plant needs to be a book to me !-- I'm reading them at about a second grade level right now !-- I don't need better stuff !-- I need to learn to be a better farmer and get the best from what I got !--
Dam I'm glad no one saw that !-- I had my light rack up just fitting stuff -- One piece came loose then it got ugly !-- That'll leave a bruise !-- Need someone to hold the other end !-- PVC kicked my a** !-- Pieces was hitting me here and poking me there !-- Might have a black eye !-- Whatever U can imagine ? --It was probably worse than that !-- Happened quick too !-- I need a 4:20 break !-- It wasn't supposed to go down like that !
Evening OFC. Out all day. Just got settle in. 4:20

Yes, I was wondering where Rose was to. Hope she drop by soon. And, everything is alright.
Bud i'll check them out. I like the vero's myself. I don't know if the q boards will be back they have been out for a long time now. There are some folks over on rollitup that use them. As for as turning the plates over in these lights i believe i would be better with new ones as these are coated with some kind of baked on stuff.
Evening ness, giggy and THE OFC.
Now I am wondering about Rose. Kravens you have me convinced on your trim before flower. I have plant that are unruly. I have a few that I am using your technique. They seem they will be manageable. Thanks for giving that knowledge up around the forum.
I need a taco. I got the munchies.
Giggy the circuit is baked into the light boards -- My dream would be little plug in chips so I could change the spectrum as needed !-- but -- We gotta learn to build lightboards !-- I'm using 5 watt chips now but I would love to be able to replace the light board and light boards so I could give those Cobbs and whatever comes next a try !-- I can work with these 5 watt chips for now !
I bet Rose and some other west coast peeps be down at Berkley listening to Ann Coulter speak !-- They big fans U know ?
Dam they gonna like this Nurse Larry down here !-- Rose U did good ! --She fine medicine !
Bud i'll check them out. I like the vero's myself. I don't know if the q boards will be back they have been out for a long time now. There are some folks over on rollitup that use them. As for as turning the plates over in these lights i believe i would be better with new ones as these are coated with some kind of baked on stuff.

If you do a quick search on roll it up there's a few guys working with these bridgelux eb series got my fingers crossed that they work good I got 12 of them there just a little under 4 feet long
Morning O.F.C. !-- Ugh !-- Feel like I had a mighty a** whooping yesterday !--,What happened ? --Oh yeah PVC !-- I remember now !-- Wake and Bake U old farts !-- Weed ain't gonna smoke itself !
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