I have never seen pure white flowers on a cannabis plant.

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That and the success of evil people have made me question if God exists. No more so than the last decade or so. I recently watched The Chosen and never having read the Bible cover to cover, I found I am really impressed with the teachings of Jesus. Each episode has a powerful message that if more people followed in His footsteps makes me believe the world would be a much, much better place. Unfortunately that is not the case. So many people are too wrapped up in narcissism and I feel that will be the end of civilization, if not mankind, as we know it. For a long time, I felt that if there is a ‘God’, we are kind of like a science experiment that he is observing and He is only observing, not influencing anything directly like a good scientist would do. That being said, I will always treat others better than I expect them to treat me and hope for a reciprocal response from them. If someone treats me poorly more than a couple of times, “f” them.

The Godpel according to a grouchy old fogey… ;)
You serving communion?

Bad Joseph Bad
He makes this planet. Puts Adam and Eve on it in a beautiful garden. Then because he can't control an Angel he created. Which absolutely makes no since what so ever. He sends him to this planet to fk with his so-called children. Just one big fking game to him. No compassion,, just a big game. Again. That makes no sense what so ever. He wasn't happy that there was no sin so he sent the Devil to make sure there was sin. I mean really,, come on. Thats what he calls love. :oops:
For an entity with so much power,, and yet no power to control what he creates.
I know god exists because I know I have free will (can't speak for all you stoners, though : ) which can't be explained with physics. With free will comes the option to be and do evil. Can't have one without the other. So god chose free will over banning evil, sort of like unmoderated forums... Agree on the science experiment thing, though.
Free will is really just synapses firing in a certain way that reinforce positive outcomes for other synapses(not necessarily benefitting the organism). Trillions and trillions of synapses fire every millisecond of every day. Pretty ‘sciencey’ to me(chemical, biological and physical) which brings me back to our planet being a big terrarium based science experiment run by something or googleplex to one long shot of probability.
Free will is really just synapses firing in a certain way that reinforce positive outcomes for other synapses(not necessarily benefitting the organism). Trillions and trillions of synapses fire every millisecond of every day. Pretty ‘sciencey’ to me(chemical, biological and physical) which brings me back to our planet being a big terrarium based science experiment run by something or googleplex to one long shot of probability.

There's no way currently to prove that is the sum of our choices. But if it is the sum of our choices why do we bother with doing the right thing?
He makes this planet. Puts Adam and Eve on it in a beautiful garden. Then because he can't control an Angel he created. Which absolutely makes no since what so ever. He sends him to this planet to fk with his so-called children. Just one big fking game to him. No compassion,, just a big game. Again. That makes no sense what so ever. He wasn't happy that there was no sin so he sent the Devil to make sure there was sin. I mean really,, come on.
For an entity with so much power,, and yet no power to control what he creates.
A lot of the Old Testament I think are parables and not meant to be taken literally. It is a coping mechanism some people came up with to explain the unknown before mankind had any inkling that we are a collection of cells moving around on and consuming a rock that is orbiting a giant ball of fire at the edges of a collection of many more balls of fire accelerating away from a random point in space-time that experienced the mother explosion of all explosions billions of randomly assigned time periods ago. Maybe God had a lab accident and we are an artifact of that accident…
He makes this planet. Puts Adam and Eve on it in a beautiful garden. Then because he can't control an Angel he created. Which absolutely makes no since what so ever. He sends him to this planet to fk with his so-called children. Just one big fking game to him. No compassion,, just a big game. Again. That makes no sense what so ever. He wasn't happy that there was no sin so he sent the Devil to make sure there was sin. I mean really,, come on. Thats what he calls love. :oops:
For an entity with so much power,, and yet no power to control what he creates.
The biblical god(s) never made much sense to me. They seem to be pretty obvious constructions for political and cultural control.

Bad Joseph Bad
When I was younger in catholic school we were talking about Adam and Eve and the garden of eden.I had made a comment that Adam and Eve Must have been anything other than Chinese .The nuns got annoyed and asked "Why were they not Chinese?" and I replied " Because if they were Chinese they would have eatin the snake .."
There's no way currently to prove that is the sum of our choices. But if it is the sum of our choices why do we bother with doing the right thing?
It makes those synapses fire in an order that thru evolution have been shown to have positive outcomes for those synapses and continues the evolutionary path? Or maybe Jeeves, at Gods bidding, has showered us with frankincense and myrrh for doing the right thing. :)
It makes those synapses fire in an order that thru evolution have been shown to have positive outcomes for those synapses and continues the evolutionary path? Or maybe Jeeves, at Gods bidding, has showered us with frankincense and myrrh for doing the right thing. :)
You mean positive outcomes for the species? Evolution doesn't work with individuals, who may very well benefit greatly from being and doing evil. For example, on average throughout history, or so says numerous genetic studies, 20% of the males produced 80% of the children. The rest of the males were SOL (or had condoms).
It's no secret that the Pope worships satan, he also has many followers in the so called churches. Evil has ruled this word for a very long time because they worship evil. Imagine people worshiping good, what a world this could be..
Lies were taught from the very beginning.
History and books were modified and yes, that includes the Bible.
There are many books that were removed from the Bible.
It's Good vs evil and it's all within you. I believe good wins and it's about $### time, dont you think..
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