I was going to post pics...

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Aug 31, 2007
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I was going to show you guys pictures of my first grow which looked beautiful, it really did, but... i got jacked :(. I had a strawberry cough, a homemade purple maui hybrid, and my last acapulco gold. I had so much pride in these plants, especially cause it was my first grow. One smelling like coffee and then when you open it up an overtaking sweet smell would escape. I would go on but I'm sure you guys don't want to hear it. Just had to tell somebody! Today sucks! Oh and I was coming home today to cut them down... how shitty is that? Come outside to nothing, horrible.
sorry to hear about your loss. i hope they choke on it when they try to smoke it.
Last year I had 65 stolen so I know the feeling. Although I learned don't put all your eggs in one basket. All Rippers will get caught eventually, there almost next in line with pedophiles. Lazy Scumbags.

Damn mang now that's a real bummer. Any idea on who may have snatched them?
Hey Man! That's a real bommer!! Next time, grow inside, it's safer!!
It's called Karma my friend!

But even that doesnt make you feel good inside, because you dont get to see them suffer...

Good luck next time and sorry for the loss.
Well now you have that out of your system. You know the pain of loss now. If your going to play in the guerrilla games you have to except the overwhelming odds that you are going to lose some if not all of them. It is what it is. Learn from it, analyze where you went wrong,and try to do a better job next year. Or like said above, stick with indoor.

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