If you get 1 seed per plant is it female?

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Feb 27, 2008
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I'm sure this has been asked b4 but I can't find it so I'll ask.

I just harvested some LemonSkunk & WW grown from feminzed seeds.
While trimming I find 1 seed on 1 plant (ww) and 5 on another (ls) (but no 2 in the same bud-2 in upper buds and 3 in lower) and Fully mature, not little greenies. Total harvest was 9 plants no other seeds found on any other plants.

Same thing last crop, got about 6 or 7 from them.

So I guess the question is are these seeds female? I could swear I remember reading something about this in the original growers bible I have but it seems to be misplaced at the moment. This happenned to me once a while back also and I grew out the seeds fine to seedlings but due to an oops factor (me) I accidently killed them (rip) and never got to see the final results.

Just trying to figure out if I need to invest in some more seeds or if these will be good to go.

just a note: indoor grow, hasn't been a male plant in the room ever. Don't know anyone else who grows. Chances of outside pollination extremly unlikely. and also (right or wrong) I don't consider a plant that gets one "bannana" on it a hermie. I used to grow back in the 80's and I turned out my fair share of hermies (lol) and in those cases the whole plant would flip. (we use to call it going Chiquita!) After 20+ years off I'm still figuring out which of all these new grow methods works best for me and my setup. Starting to ramble again (lemon-widow mix tends to due that!) so I'll go. Thanks in advance for any info.


note: sorry last grow journal ended abrubtly, attribute it to total computer meltdown. But after a few weeks and some $$$ I'm finally back online. Yea!
It's not unusual for ladies which haven't reproduced to self as a protection measure.
Amaethon said:
I don't consider a plant that gets one "bannana" on it a hermie.

Sorry, but whether you "consider" one nanner a hermie or not is immaterial--if a female plant selfs, it has hermied and the seeds carry this hermie genetics.
If a plant self pollinates it is a Hermis seed that seed may be male or female with a chance of morphing. The Hermie characteric will be passed on to any plant that is a decendent of these seeds.
You wld be wise to destroy the seeds...no way to sugarcoat it...the plants hermied at some point...
aplaisia said:
I think you may have some neighbors letting their plants pollenate the air...

otherwise I think you would have had more seeds if you had a flower pollenate.

Do you use a fan?

If you have a fan I think you would have a lot more seeds if you had one of your plants flower in the room.

This actually sounds most likely, I dust in the most minuet amounts on most of my bushes to increase the resin production, and it amounts in a far greater amount of seeds in the one bud i choose than you got on all of your plants.
I dust in the most minuet amounts on most of my bushes to increase the resin production,
...wait.. you "pollinate" to increase resin production"..??????
Unpollinated, Sensimillia is the most potent form of mj. Pollination only serves to convert it's energy to produce seeds. It does NOT increase potency...

Pistilate flowers on otherwise female plants(hermies) often only pollinate a few pistillates in only a bud or two. Depending on the "degree" of hermaphrodism. Not all staminate flowers are always fertile.
Hamster Lewis said:
You wld be wise to destroy the seeds...no way to sugarcoat it...the plants hermied at some point...

Hick said:
...wait.. you "pollinate" to increase resin production"..??????
Unpollinated, Sensimillia is the most potent form of mj. Pollination only serves to convert it's energy to produce seeds. It does NOT increase potency...

Pistilate flowers on otherwise female plants(hermies) often only pollinate a few pistillates in only a bud or two. Depending on the "degree" of hermaphrodism. Not all staminate flowers are always fertile.

Yeah, I think that if you pollenate some bottom bit on a plant that they plant knows that their is male pollen available and the rest of the plant tries to catch any possible remaining pollen in the air by making more resin... and no, i have no idea if this is the case in sme clinical trail thing, but in plants that i pollenate just the one bud, i get a boost of resin on the plant as all the other buds mechanically try to grab more from the air, that doesn't happen in the unpollenated plant next to it. No, no sites of info, no books to quote, no nothing, just someting that might be really really wrong, but i think that it's actually happening and have been practicing for a long time now.

But i think that plants benifit from o2 in dark respiration and venting co2 during night hours is necessary... and no one around here vents anything co2... and no one believes that plants grow in the dark at all either(and actually mine do)... so i guess i'm growing on mars and your guys are all somewhere else :) and in my world partially pregnant plants produce more resin on the remaining sensei buds... sorry, do we have a weird gardener of the month award?
I have grown seeds like that with no issues...I figured it meant that a speck of pollen made one seed on a female plant. My outise BG ended up with a couple seeds like 2 I think...friend says he is already growing it out...one of my NL is a bagseed and a perfect female.
SkunkPatronus said:
Yeah, I think that if you pollenate some bottom bit on a plant that they plant knows that their is male pollen available and the rest of the plant tries to catch any possible remaining pollen in the air by making more resin... and no, i have no idea if this is the case in sme clinical trail thing, but in plants that i pollenate just the one bud, i get a boost of resin on the plant as all the other buds mechanically try to grab more from the air, that doesn't happen in the unpollenated plant next to it. No, no sites of info, no books to quote, no nothing, just someting that might be really really wrong, but i think that it's actually happening and have been practicing for a long time now.

But i think that plants benifit from o2 in dark respiration and venting co2 during night hours is necessary... and no one around here vents anything co2... and no one believes that plants grow in the dark at all either(and actually mine do)... so i guess i'm growing on mars and your guys are all somewhere else :) and in my world partially pregnant plants produce more resin on the remaining sensei buds... sorry, do we have a weird gardener of the month award?

I'm not going to poo poo the idea at all. :holysheep:

In over 40 years of growing stuff I've noticed a lot of cause and effect (usually by accident :rolleyes: ), that's never mentioned in books, or anywhere, but is there if you care to notice.

Partially pregnant plants doesn't sound so far in left field to me.:D Not after whacking on a Avacado tree with a switch to really kick it into bloom and fruit set.:hubba: :hubba:

Droopy Dog said:
I'm not going to poo poo the idea at all. :holysheep:

In over 40 years of growing stuff I've noticed a lot of cause and effect (usually by accident :rolleyes: ), that's never mentioned in books, or anywhere, but is there if you care to notice.

Partially pregnant plants doesn't sound so far in left field to me.:D Not after whacking on a Avacado tree with a switch to really kick it into bloom and fruit set.:hubba: :hubba:


Well i have to say that around here, i think you're more the exception, sometimes i post something i have noticed or see and didn't read and people disagree, or laugh.. or throw a book at me that says the opposite, or kind of ignore it. But i do think that about the resin production thing in pot plants. But i really i wish i knew to wack the avo tree to make more fruit... i lived amoung a grove of them once, in California and one tree had 'nable' or naval' avo's on it, they were perfectly round and huge like 10 pound size 4 soccar balls, they fell and you heard them from the house... my mom got hit with one once, i'm sure she would have loved hitting the tree back in the next season with a big stick! must be like a pear, cut on a pear tree and it gets mad and makes more fruit.
Hi, I'm a newbe and new to growing. I have a question about pollenation. If I pollenate a lower bud will the whole plant pollenate or just that bud?
Just the bud as long as you are careful with the pollen from the male plant
Thanks for all the replies! I believe everyone that says they carry the hermie trait. But don't all seeds? I always thought hermies were more about enviromental conditions. (stress) I have plenty of fans running, enough where the plants acually sway, plus they are packed in the room and are always in contact with one another. (the 2 I found seeds on however were not next to each other)

So my conclusuion is somewhere in the grow there was at least 1 bannana.
Now I always thought that if a female plant produced a single bannana (survival trait) that the pollen it contains would be female, thus any seeds produced would be female. I am most likely wrong from the looks of it but not 100% convinced yet. I really got find my book and see what it says.

I've been reading up on feminized seeds and to be honest i'm a little confused how it's done. I'm not looking to breed or anything, just curioius more than anything. Of course I would love to cross the Lemon Skunk with the White Widow, that would be an awesome smoke! (yellow-spider is what I'd call it!)

I'm gonna keep reaserching and I'll check back soon, I've gotta trim down the bottoms later today, I'll let you know if I find anything else.

Thanks again to everyone in advance...


PS> How come you can buy seeds all day long but no one seems to sell pollen? Seems like an untaped market to me. Plus probably legal. ( I know you can make your own, but you can make seeds too) Just curious.
PS> How come you can buy seeds all day long but no one seems to sell pollen?
pollen cannot be kept stable/viable without desiccants and refrigeration. Therefor, difficult, at best, to attempt to market.

Now I always thought that if a female plant produced a single bannana (survival trait) that the pollen it contains would be female, thus any seeds produced would be female.
A female that hermies under only slight 'environmental' stress is NOT a good candidate for any breeding project. Females that 'pop a late 'nanner', per your (survival trait theory)" would not have shed pollen early enough to form seeds that would be mature at harvest. IMO, you can count that one out.
You will find there are varied "opinions" on it, but consider this.
The real "Breeders", that worked diligently to produce the 'uber' potent strains that we are priviledged to have access to today. Spent decades, if not centuries, breeding to ELIMINATE the hermie trait.
Why?... because they knew well, that it was not only detrimental to producing the most potent product possible from any particular strain/grow, but it was/is an undesirable trait that they hoped/tried to eliminate from the genetics.
You will have a few around spout 'theories', and partial truths. Even make claims of all of their 'hermie paternal' seeds being female. When in actuality, they have only further ingrained the undesirable trait into the gene pool.

Femminization of seeds, should only be done by experts, professional with a high set of values and discriminant selection in their breeding process. Random hermie pollination by hermies is not beneficial to anyone, and should never be allowed to propogate or be passed on to another generation... "IMO"
Amaethon said:
So my conclusuion is somewhere in the grow there was at least 1 bannana.
Now I always thought that if a female plant produced a single bannana (survival trait) that the pollen it contains would be female, thus any seeds produced would be female. I am most likely wrong from the looks of it but not 100% convinced yet. I really got find my book and see what it says.

Yes and no.:D

For the most part that statement is true because there are no male chromosomes in a pure female plant.

Natural hermies are another story, and Hick is more than right in his response. Plants that hermie under very little stress also fall into this category.

I would really suggest MARIJUANA BOTANY by Robert Connell Clarke An Advanced Study: The Propagation and Breeding of Distinctive Cannabis

It is not a 'how to' book, nor is it very light reading, but is very informative, and IMO a 'must have' book if you are serious about growing or breeding.

Thanks guys,
Maybe i'm still alittle unsure what constitutes a hermie. Not nessicarrily the scientific explanation but the real field explanation. I always was under the impression that a plant that changes sex is a hermie, not just a single isolated area on a plant. (ie. 1 bud) Like I said b4, decades ago (I'm getting old!) when we grew and a plant hermified it hermified! Not just a branch or two, but the whole thing top-bottom. Every bud site started showing male traits and within 3-4 days was on the compost pile. Now granted back then I didn't have all the modern equipment plus 20+ years more of knowledge avaiable to me,(thanks!) so they were really stressed out plants thinking back now and that could of accounted for it. We sometimes had 20%+ hermie. Wheras if a single bud site "hermied" (grew a nanna) it was the plants surivival trait kicking in and since as was mentioned above it would contain only female pollen and thus produce only female seeds, granted possibly with a hermie charteristic, but not neccicarily a hermie plant. For some reason i had it in my head that even a pollinated plant (by a male) did this (kicked out a few self nanners) just because it is in its genes to do so. Perhaps an experienced breeder has seen this, nanners on a reguarly pollinated plant. If so that would lead some creadence to the female pollen/ seed theroy? Now does a female that produces nanners only do so in the last feww weeks of life as mentioned or if it is a survival trait wouldn't it show up within the first couple of weeks in order to ensure that seeds could be fully matured at the end of plants life? Perhaps grow, do its thing and shrival up before it was ever noticed in all the long white hairs starting to form. Ok I'm starting to ramble again, not trying to contaminate the gene pool or even do any breeding, just curious more than anything. I'm sure I will plant a few to see what happens anyway but that is few weeks away yet. Enjoy!!


ps> Quick ?, how long does it take a nanner (whats the real name?) to form, open, mist and fall off? Hours, days, weeks? Thanks again.
.."ANY" plant that express's both pistillate(female) and staminate(male) flowers"IS" a hermie. You are only speaking of degrees of hermaphrodism.

there's the Botany link..;) have fun :D

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