incadescent bulb for cloner?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2009
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heyy there everyone ;) it's cloning day for me and this time i'm going with oasis cubes for cloning and i want to heat up my small cloning chamber so i was thinkin of putting an incadescent bulb 75 watts in there and i was wondering if that bulb would provide the clones with the little light they need or is it no good at all? i know they need some light but not much i also dont want it to be very strong but compact fluros of 18watt give almost as much lumens as a 100w incdescent but it's a different kind of light and im worried the clones wouldnt be able to benefit from the incadescent light? anyone tried this?
I would not use it. Many people have tried it and ended up with a lot of stretch.

I guess I better call Mother Nature and tell her to turn down the brightness of the sun otherwise all of her plants will die when they are young from getting to much light. Where in the world does it say that clones will not grow under bright lights? I have planted seeds and cloned under a 1000 watts with no ill effects. IME
no they will not die under strong light but they dont need it in the start and i cant fit it in my little dome, i always clone with compact fluros, hmmm i guess i will put incadescent and fluros in there this should warm it up a little bit
I would just put floros or those cfls..just say no to incadescents:)
Duck i need something that gives heat i would need many fluros i dont wana go shopping now :p i will work with what i have will put my cfl and add the incadescent for warming it up :) it's the first time i make all my clones with oasis usually i would add a heater i my cloner but the cloner is currently busy and i'm expanding my grow adding a light so ineed some more clones and the "dome" im using is actually a closet that i will lay down and use its door as a lid :D thanks
I think the incandescent light wld probably provide very little in the way of usable light...if you really need it for heat then it and a cfl wld be a better clones stay under the HPS light in my veg tent and they hve no problems...
CFL,s put off plenty heat,,and are cheaper to run,,not to mention the plant can use thr light from CFL,s,,where as Incandesant light has nothing to offer for growth.;)
if you still cant get your heat up, there is a ceramic reptile heater that screws into an incandesant fixture. come in all wattages.
ok so i found a 100watt incadescent i put it in my cloner and temp was closing up to 90 so i removed and placed my cfl temps went down to 72 i want it somewhere in between :p damn it was a long cloning session i ended up not puttin them in closet i found a great cardboard box with styrofoam tray on its bottom i made a rail and hung my light there and covered it :D i'll take a pic in some time i'm takin a break gona go down gona try with a 40w incadescent aside with my cfl hope this works ;) just a question what do you think i should aim for as temps with oasis cubes which are similar to rockwool? (i mean the atmosphere temp and not rootzone temps)
clones like it a lil warmer (80*) & def more humidity then rooted plants.
there it is :D i'll get a small 40watt incadescent and place it in there too this should raise temps further, thanks ;)

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Unless those plants can read an incandescent bulb is worthless...
i have a 35watt cfl in there with the 40w incadescent temp is at 84 stable, i wanted it at 80, i have a new idea though i got some more styrofoam, i'll cover the walls with it and then remove that incadescent, it should insulate that box more i think it would warm it up with that cfl alone, we shall see :D
why not just put a ceiling on it? another piece of carboard left loose so you could rotate it to vent/dial it in.
dogfishw i have a lid on :)
so i added another CFL 15watts today no more incadescent in there, i have 30watt + 15watt CFL box raised from floowr and bottom covered with styrofoam, temps are at 76, very good! i still didnt insulate the walls tho

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still no sign of roots! thats a very hard to clone plant normally, clones still looking awesome, im still hopefull :D
not even root bumps on them? sorry im not a botanist so i dont know correct terminology. im guessing no more than a week if not in a couple days. usually 10-14 days. what strain is it?
try the DIY bubble cloner....90-100% succes rate.

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