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Jan 24, 2009
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Hi everyone, I'm new to the community, one of my buddies from toledo hooked me to this site, and i would love to participate.

Ive been growing for about 2 months now. my original plan was to spend absolutely zero dollars on the setup and see what i could do.
So far i have spent around 50 and im having great results, if all goes well and remains cheap I would love to spread the design, its all contained in my coat closet

On the main crop i have two plants, both females (from what i can tell)
lit directly with an Ott light ($18 plant flouro, home depot), and a wide spectrum UV producing cfl. indirectly (farther away) i have a black light, red spectrum flouro, and another kind of grow bulb i found at home depot (too hot +more reddish spectrum, thought it couldnt hurt) I know i will have to switch to something along the lines of HPS or MH to flower, i have been considering a super cool LED grow bulb (1000's of lumens, only 10 watts!) at my local hydro store...

I am moving the water with your basic aquarium pump ($15, jacks) and have the plants rooted in sponge and peat moss in a 10" net pot full of hydro rocks.

Two questions : A) My water is exposed to light moving between the Res. and plants, how bad is this, and is tap water really that bad.

B)I am using basic 20-20-20 Nutes (designed for gardening? swiped them from the Mom), will these see me through to flowering, or is it smarter to just make the investment

i would totally appreciate any responses, thoughts, suggestions, or comparisons


its all in what you wish to get out of the ladies.i personally get a lumatek ballast.that way you can run MH or HPS with the same ballast.also need a hood.i would get a cool tube myself.
Welcome to the group VSD. :)

You may get better feedback on your questions if you posted on one of our other boards. This one is mostly new member introductions.
Hey voodoo,:welcome: .There is alot of information to be had and shared on here.This site has alot of very good people and info on here.So i hope you find what you are looking for.Heres a good place to look and read if you have any questions.Keep it GREEN:hubba:
Can't tell you about tap water because it varies so much-sometimes it works other times not.
You should be able to get a report from the water department.
They are required to test regularly and also water content varies in seasons.
Distilled water is preferred.
Do you have a fan in there?

:joint:Welcome to Marijuana Passion!!!!:joint:

wuts up everybody? So i herd from a birdy thata this wus the place 4 me 2 be. im tryin 2 soke up as much info as i can....CHEAP!!! BUT, IFFICIENT..thats my plan... so if u could help me out or just give me a few tips gimme a holler...thanx
Hello there, welcome to the only place you need lol.
Keeping this short, real tired man sorry.
Lights, more light = more yield so i'd say 600 hps or more and cool hood or tube.
Light getting to water bad, it breaks down chemicals in your nutes, apparently, and roots like the dark.
As for nutes, invest.
Look at it like this, the right investments will pay themselves back ten-fold.
Dont mean to sound abrupt but i'm knackered fella

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