Just Say No to Responsible Ohio initiative

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LMAO ....hack.... it only takes 1 vote to send them packing and nothing is a sure thing in Ohio.
LMAO ....hack.... it only takes 1 vote to send them packing and nothing is a sure thing in Ohio.

That is the absolute truth. LOL And, this petition has a lot of haters. There is still a chance that the voters will not pass it. Like you said, in the end, it's all about how many votes. LOL

I guess we shall see.
Actually, Responsible Ohio doesn't get any of the money. Each grower will profit from his own efforts. Each retail store will profit individually.

Responsible Ohio is a Political Action Committee, not a business.

The only money they get is now. The investors pay them to get this all organized and passed. After that, Responsible Ohio will no longer exist. The petition calls for a committee to be formed to regulated everything. The committee will collect fees FROM the growers and retail stores and use that money to pay for the administration required to regulate it all.

Responsible Ohio will make their last dime the day this is passed. That's how a PAC works. I spent 17 years in Washington. I have seen it a few times. LOL

So, I don't know how everyone thinks RO is going to profit. In fact, they will no longer exist.
I just finished re reading the actual document several times and reading what everyone hear has to say, who are much more politically savvy then myself by the way, and what with the 4 flowering plant addition and the 8 ounce use, and the fact I can get rid of some to someone that's 21 or older, I will likely vote for it. a change of tune. if one does it correctly one can harvest 21 plants a year, with 4 not flowering which is WAY more then I could personally use. I don't care much for the license part but they wont be knocking my door in and I never anser my door unless I am expecting someone and even then I use my peep hole soooooo
I think the ideal situation would be an open market. I personally don't care who makes money from this other than the state. These guys are coming in and forcing us to buy from them or forcing us to stay underground as we already are. One would assume that penalties for avoiding licensing and Operating illegally would be more severe than our current ones. An assumption of course but we have yet to see "ex post facto" language....
I just feel that every citizen in the state should have the option of getting in the game. Hacker, u mentioned that you built your own business once. It was successful from the sounds of it . You were able to do that with the open market America is supposed to guarantee. Why is it OK for this to happen ? It's wrong, it's against our very cornerstones .
It's all how you look at it.

If I look at it from a dope-smoking hippie perspective, I like the petition that allowed for 99 plants and possession "as much as the patient feels is required for his particular illness". I love that. I need a ton for my illness. LMAO

From a drug dealer's perspective, I hate it all. I want the black market to continue.

From a money perspective, I love RO. I was talking to my buddy tonight and he is all ready and has the money and credit to open at least 10 retail stores. He wants to monopolized the local area. LOL He did own 7 State Liquor Stores back when they went public so he knows how they work.

From a staunch Democratic voice (which is huge in Ohio) I don't think you dang hippies need no dope to get you crazy and kill people. LOL

So, I guess it depends how you look at it.
lordy.lol. such perspective. I just wanna be able to grow and smoke it anymore. tho I may have the knowledge to grow and distribute I by far don't have the monitary means to get to that point. even if it was 99 plants. and at my age so close to retirement and plans on buying a motorhome and seeing the country, I would be fine with RO. tho I do see its not the best at least it is a start.
hack said:
If I look at it from a dope-smoking hippie.....

From any perspective it is wrong.

If you don't care where your money goes, why do you shop Walmart?
No what I mean is you could have used a better choice of words besides "dope-smoking hippies".

My perspective is what founded America. Your perspective is from Karl Marx.
That's a pretty lame retort. Perspective does not make an injustice sound. It appears the only reason you are alright with RO is because you stand to profit from it. Whether that's indirectly , like consulting for your friend or directly by being a partner.
Regardless those of us who actually reside in Ohio are wasting our energy with the direction of this thread. Instead of attempting to change the bill or spread the truth we're just arguing with Hackerman who continues to troll. I had it right 3 pages ago.
I propose that we start discussing how we can make the most impact against RO and its financiers for Ohioans that will remain in the middle class state of staunch Democrat's. Personally I'm contacting a few of my friends. If we have to fight to stop them so be it.
My friend, I also live in Ohio, and I would like to know how you plan on going about doing this. no one actually reads anything anymore, they just listen to whatever they happen to be talking about on the media in regards to this. RO is the best shot we have to at least get something passed, responsible ohioans have no money to even start getting signitures, and it doesn't seem likely they will by 2016. and I don't plan on growing 99 plants or having 99 kilos in my house. tho it does sound good it will never happen. first off think of the people that don't smake but they may be thinking ok I am fine with smaoking. but you throw 99 plants AND 99 kilos in there face even I sit back and say whow. ***. forget the issues with who is making money cause it will never be me or you.
I'll state this one last time b/c it's really getting old. I do not care if I earn money from growing an herb that heals and strengthens humanity and the earth we live on.

I will be financially stable regardless of the law because I'm not relying on legalization to support my household. I do it to help friends who are very ill. I do it for enjoyment. Because I like growing and even more I like seeing my friends active and alive. Not just getting by with a pulse. I don't sell anything now and have never had the plan to. Sometimes they give me gifts of nutes, or bulbs or ph supplies. One guy offsets my electric bill b/c he is a stubborn old coot. By the way, that does not require 99 kilos or 99 plants even over the course of a year for the 6 of us. I would assume the 99/99 was put in the other bill to allow lawmakers to ammend the bill and feel they have control. It would be an easy area to create compromise, especially with those extreme numbers. It was also put in to allow home growers to turn some coin by offloading to dispenseries or people they know, simialr to CA.
I only care that the poeple (not just the consumer) get a fair deal and that the state is strengthened by the tax revenue and that the black market is crushed. Maybe you all aren't aware of the Sinaloa presence in Ohio, maybe you don't know who they even are. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinaloa_Cartel Believe me or not, they are here dealing drugs, murdering, raping and selling people into slavery.They are teaching our young delinquents how to be a criminal. However, I don't want to hand another cartel exclusive legal rights either.

Furthermore, vote for whom you'd like. You wont be in Ohio much longer once you get your motorhome you'll be on your way to enjoying the beauty and culture's of our country. I'm sure you've worked hard and deserve it and I'm happy for you that you'll have the security to enjoy that life! But you'll be leaving behind whatever situation you helped to create. It's un-American and illegal for me to influence your decision beyond education of fact. That may not mean much to anyone anymore, American ideals and morals. I realize times have changed and we are no longer the great generation that was there to birth you. Boomers and X's and Millennials. Each generation has stepped down in quality and it's because we've allowed other people to make our decisions for us. We've all lost our balls unless it involves shooting one another over racial slurs or addiction. We've lost the sense of responsibility. Each generation since those that fought WWII has slowly destroyed the very reasons our country was loved and defended for.
If you cant see the forest for the tree's you better buy a chainsaw beacuse you aren't going to get far. This group, that is funding the PAC RO are in fact the same folks who will own the intial 10 grow sites, testing facilities and retail locations. So let's get it straight about who were really debating on. RO is the mouthpiece and arm for these 10. All RO has done is listen to what these folks want and put it into a proposed contract with the state.
If you have a headshoppe now you would have a chance at getting one of those 1,100 licenses they claim that will be available to the citizens who have not been convicted of a felony in the last 5 years. They clearly state the only way any more cultivation sites will be allowed is if the 10 inital sites can not handle the demand for product. It's pretty obvious they most likely won't need more and if they do, they'll be the ones getting the permits. They, the 10, will control the market. They will have harvests (plural) before we are allowed to actually walk into a store and purchase our first legal bag or flip the switch in our legal home grows.Not true? Then how are they going to get it here to sell it? You can't cross a state line with it. Can't mail it or charter a plane or ship to transport it either.
Each grow center is going to need retail locations and a test facility. Herb and plant matter will also be sent to manufacturing facilities to make medible's, concentrates and what not. Down goes the "available" license count.
It's an oligarchy. 10 entities controlling all product. 10 entities supplying every store. For example, You think theyre going let Willie Nelson sell his brand if they dont grow it? You think Willie would hand over his life's work to these guys? Willie cant ship his buds across state lines... Thats stepping into smuggling and interstate transport. So, why cant I enjoy a seasoned stoners choice nug? Because those guys have all the chips. I think the fact that they will grow all the herb is going over peoples head. Wether its a kief-kat, a canna pop, some shatter or straight buds, it's all product cultivated by a team of people to own a market. If they own everything they set standards and they don't have to be high if they're the only provider. We all know these guys don't have anything to do with marijuana other than putting up money for the campaign. So they have to hire people to do it. Where are they going to get those people? Ohio? probably not. a few sure, mainly in retail locations or working labor elsewhere. Why? because they'll want someone proven in the field. The jobs they will create will be filled by folks from places that have medical/legal communities. Which, is understandable! I would want the best for my business just as I do my state.
Let's not even get into the change's on laws for illegal grow's because that option will be unfavorable and as yet it seems undefined.
At the very core of this situation I see an orginization that consists of seperate enitities. These seperate entities will work together. They already are. It's going to be hard for them not to get hit with anti trust suits. They will clearly have an advantage regardless of management skill. How? By growing every piece of retail marijuana. This is a monopoly regardless of how many different names are on different license's.
Maybe I am completely wrong. This could be the best thing ever. If they get through and become lawful, at least the state will gain much needed revenue. In the past few weeks I've noticed headshops popping up all over. Maybe they all know something we don't or maybe it's just these millionaires securing store front's for their winning proposal. Just in case this was to much to take in and you don't remember, it's not about the money. It's about ethics and the American dream. About everyone having the same chance regardless of race, wealth or religion. These guys take away the possibility and never define when the rest of the population will have a chance to be more than a cash cow.

There's a much easier way to reach people than you think using the media you mentioned. There's a whole wide internet out there. Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram etc etc etc. Public assembly is still legal for the time being. There are communities where people gather. I know kids don't read. Hell half the adults I know barely can either. We can attribute that to the poor economy, the lack of education funding and the fact that most of us are sheep. Word of mouth can be as deadly as a cobra.
I can understand that you've lived part of your life in hiding due to prohibition and I can understand that the possibility of legalization and release from fear of LEO kicking in your door and shooting your dogs ( a fear we all share if we grow in OH right now). I understand you finally see victory on the horizon. This may not be the victory we yearn for. Everything about this is setting off my "spidey sense". The internal intution that has saved my life more than once in more than one type of situation. All I can say beyond this point is They won't get my vote or anyone I know personally. If you feel this is the time for you to punch yes, do it! It's your countries God given right and I'll support that even though I disagree with the proposal myself.
Right on AA.

I try to comment on most newspaper stories dealing with legalization. Mainly the smaller local papers, you may have seen some ofy postings.:)
Hackerman is just a troll. Maybe if he would take his head out from under his mothers stinking snatch he would "get it"

then again, maybe im just a poor loser, doomed to poverty cause i dont know how to make capitalism work me.

get bent you old fart
weedhopper, you're right. :\ Bunch of cryin huh. **** it. I'll vote for em. LEt's just get it legal.
I'll only show you my new editions and the new home they're getting. I don't take pics becasue of how all my devices are synced. I just bought my first house and haven't moved everything as well. I dont want my gardens showing up on my phone in public. Theres a couple Bubba Kush, Sour OG, Pure Kush and a mystery bean that was in a blank baggy.
I will have some cuttings coming from the old house in a while once the lease expires. If you're patient with me pics will come. I have a lot to do and can't just run over to the old place cus it's kinda far. I'm not due back there till saturday.
If that's good enough for you for now let me know. I'll start up again here.
I'll go take a pic of the seedlings...have it up in a few.
heres some pics... Not quite what you're after for proof, but I'll bring that to ya soon.
Geo tagging and all this stuff about locations and everything being imbedded into digital pictures freaks me out. IDK if it's ** or if it's all very true but once I had cops looking through my phone and I had pics on their for someone else. I got busted taking a picture of a rabbit, in front of an abondoned building in the ghetto. They said they thought I was a robber. I had a few oz's on me and the pics, rabbit included, were a gift for a friend. She loves bunnie's. :)
I got $170 ticket and they confiscated her stuff. So I had to go home and get more lol. MAn I was pissed that day.
Anywho, theres pic's of the basement I'm fitting. Next to the 10x12 I have photo'd is a 20x14 that has the furnace and water heater. I'm thinking that may be a project for the future. Making the units accesible and still hving room to set up something in there may not be worth the work involved but I haven't given it good thought yet.
The babies all close together are:
Bottom Right: Bubba Kush
Top Right: A Girl Scout Cookie- she's popped a tail but won't break soil. i may have try again with that strain.
Bottom Left: Pure Kush
Top Left: Sour OG Kush

The pics showing the styrofaom box has The other Bubba Kush, Pure Kush and the mystery seed. the biggest one is the???. those are ten days old and the other 4 are about 7 days since breakiing soil. They've been under some CFL's as I can't move any lights yet. I did pick up a huge T8 that I'm going to wire in tomorrow.
They ones in pucks are going into DWC soon. The other girls will move to larger pots and stay in soil.
I would have tried to post these pics more proffessionally but I never did get the hang of that.

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Hackerman is just a troll. Maybe if he would take his head out from under his mothers stinking snatch he would "get it"

then again, maybe im just a poor loser, doomed to poverty cause i dont know how to make capitalism work me.

get bent you old fart

It's too bad that closed minds don't come with matching mouths.
I don't agree with OhioVoter's use of language towards Hackerman. Sorry dude, but I don't. Pretty immature outburst really.
I called him a troll because he was just taking any stance he could to be on the opposite side. Saying things, that do hold truth, to be the other side of the debate. He himself said he was playing devil's advocate lol.

After my rant I spent time meditating on the whole thing and pretty much came to the conclusion weedhopper presented through imagery lol. Screw it man. It's all gonna help no matter what the stipulations are. Ohio's a kinda big deal politically it seems, so if we make it happen we'll just be another cog in the machine of leagalization. Thats good enough for me I suppose.

Also, it's almost that time of year for the Cleveland rally. If anyone's going to be there, I'd be willing to meet up and hang out for a bowl or two!

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