light per cm square

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Feb 3, 2009
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I have just purchased a 1200 x 1200 x 2000 cm square grow tent and have the option to buy either a 600 or 400 watt lighting system, Which would be best for me?
yeah, my mate lent me his tent with a 600 bulb but it would be cheaper in power for a 400. Thanks heaps.
Ngakuru999 said:
yeah, my mate lent me his tent with a 600 bulb but it would be cheaper in power for a 400. Thanks heaps.

Remember that the savings in power result in less bud. So, it depends on whether you want to spend the extra money for the 600 and get more bud or whether you want to save some money and get less bud. Yield is more a function of your lighting than anything else.
StoneyBud has launched his own space vehicle grow room, (SVGR), towards the Brightest Light ever recorded in history. During his ride, he'll start his seedlings and progressively increase their light via the windows of his craft. The craft will tow another tanker with 2 million gallons of sun-tan lotion for Stoney.

The trip will take only two billion years...

"The brightest burst of light ever seen - which peaked at a few hundred million billion times the brightness of our Sun - has been witnessed by astronomers.

Wednesday morning astronomers detected a burst which was so bright it could have been seen on Earth with the naked eye, without the help of binoculars or a telescope, even though it was seven thousand times further away than the Andromeda galaxy, in the constellation of Bootes.
The 50 second burst was discovered by the Swift satellite, launched in November 2004, which is a NASA mission in partnership with the Italian Space Agency and the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council.
Swift typically finds two a week; but for the first time Swift found five bursts within 24 hours. The second burst of the day is the new record holder.
The enormous energy released in the explosion - brighter than the light from all of the stars in five million Milky Way Galaxies - was caused by the death of a massive star which collapsed to form a black hole."

Good luck, Ngakuru999. It might be best if you used one of the lights the others have suggested. Unless you want to ride along...

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