*LOVE*, Homebox XS, bag-seed, soil, (Long-winded ;-) with Pictures!!!

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Ganja Gardener
Feb 23, 2008
Reaction score
:spit:I'm new to the forum and wanted to post pictures of our set up and past harvests. Right now, my man and I are vegetating our third crop in our Homebox XS with 400 W HPS Hortilux with a 400W Sunleaves ballast.

Our first crop (what my man calls the “proof of concept” as in “can this really work? Like, for real? Like, we can really grow our own?”) was in the kitchen cupboard, which we lined with gutted mylar baloons. I threw a bunch of bag seeds into two eight inch plastic pots from the grocery store filled with Miracle Gro Moisture Control and put them under 24 hrs of fluorescent light (the twisty regular light bulb kind) until they were ready to flower when we switched it to 12/12 (manually, every day). I wasn’t expecting this to work. (see the picture of the lady waving hello from the cupboard?):woohoo:

It was successful beyond my wildest dreams, in so far as we got several ladies and some chronic smoke out of it --- we killed all the males at the perfect time just by dumb luck and wound up with no seeds and the stickiest buds I had ever felt after 2 weeks of drying…..

[Bear with me, because I’m new to the site and uncertain how to add photos---I hope it works and if it doesn't, i'll keep trying!]

For our second garden, we planted bag seeds again, only we invested in them further:

We bought the Homebox XS, the lighting system, a timer, a small fan, and some solo cups and Miracle Gro Moisture control again. We put the box in our bedroom, so our babies could absorb all the love-vibes. We planted two seeds in each of the 36 cups that could fit in there. They were too crowded and didn’t have enough room inside the cups. We still had a substantial (well, much bigger than the first time!) harvest [even though a hermaphrodite snuck in there and impregnated all our virgin ladies!] :hairpull:

Now we’re on our third harvest. We’ve made some improvements this time so far:

We started them on 20hrs of light and 4 hrs off so the seedlings seemed much healthier in their initial days (i think the 2nd crop was stressed out by too much light!).

We picked seeds just from one strain of weed, not just a mixed bag. We saved them from a particularly good batch of …. “street pharmaceuticals” one that really primed us for love-making and enhanced the experience (not that such enhancements are necessary, just, fun!)… [the weed was not a pure strain, and definitely unknown, but goooood, so we’re hoping to propagate the original groovy-ness of the smoke]. We’re calling it “The Sex Weed”, and hoping for the best. [I did read the site rules about offensive material, and let me know if I am stepping out of bounds here :) I don’t mean to be crude or offend anyone … my fiancé and I are getting married in May and we strive to live our lives based on love, and love-making is a huge and beautiful part of that, and our beautiful home-grown ladies are our love-children!]

We also picked seeds that were produced by mistake during our second crop. In our second crop, we had a plant that we called “The Princess” because she grew so perfectly and had the biggest, juiciest top bud. We planted some of her seeds too, and one germinated this time around! We’re calling “it” Princess too, and hoping for another beautiful girl like her mother ;-)

Three other plants in our current garden were produced from seed from our second crop. We have 18 current plants, and they have been vegetating for 2 weeks as of today! I just transplanted the 8 strongest (well, the 7 strongest and The Princess) into 6 inch pots, and 10 of them are still in Solo cups (with holes punched in the bottom). I need to buy more pots, but the store was out, and I’m kinda curious to see the size difference between the plants grown in the smaller and bigger containers and their eventual yield!:yay:

Suggestions ALWAYS welcome--please, please please!!! :-D We're in a small one-bedroom apartment, and the Homebox XS is all we have room for right now :fid:

Let me know if you can or can't see the 10 photo attachments --- i'm on a mac:holysheep:










Not bad growing so far any finished product is always great :aok: IMO though id try to start adjusting the lights as the plants grow though the ones in the pics look really stretched. Ive been trying to keep My 2 400W HIDs about a foot off the canopy. and so far Ive had good node spacing and tighter thicker stalks and buds from it.
looks like your off to another great start and a first great start here at MP! that one plant top middle look pretty unknown but beautiful non the less rest of those ladys seem alittle stretched but pretty awsome either way! welcome to MP and all be watching!
GMCORP said:
one foot away won't be too hot?

If the plant is a recent cut clone or seedling id go with 2 foot to be safe but for one that is vegging it shouldnt be so long as you have adequate ventilation for the area, ive had my 2 400s as close as 6 inches to the tops with out burning.
We just started flowering last Saturday--March 15th! I wanted to update everyone on the ever-maturing grow---any comments and constructive criticism are very welcome! We haven't sexed them, we're waiting until they sexually mature on their own, and of course hoping for mostly ladies :hubba:



clarification: we started the 12/12 flowering cycle on the 15th.
nice looking plants youve got there :tokie:
good luck on the females ratio:peace:
That bowl of weed looks so damn good right now...I have not smoked in a month man! And my grow is only on day 2! aaaanyways, your plants are looking great bro. keep it up. peace!
Looks great there my friend. Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see some pics farther into flowering. That bowl of weed looks great! I wish I had it right now to go along with my rum and coke. Good luck with those ladies and keep us posted. Take care and be safe.
:holysheep: WOW!!! We tried to follow religiously that article on here about getting the maximum number of females. So far, it seems our ratio is WAY better than previous harvests, and we have MP to thank!!!:aok: xoxoxoxo

So far, we've taken out 5 males, which are hanging in our closet, and we have 14 plants that are either female, or yet to show a definite sex. I'm hoping for fewer hermies than we've had in the past. dang them. I'm keeping a fierce vigil for pollen sacs :banana: on my ladies and potential ladies.

The pictures below are of what i'm hoping are the "lady parts" of the ladies, and of the definite males meeting their doom above my shoe collection.






the old man loves smoking the leaves. i'm not gonna deny him ;-)
LOL, nice... Just wondering.... So your the one with the green thumb not your man?
I'm the one with the B.S. cum laude in Forestry --- just a lot of random botanical, biological knowledge knocking around in my postbaccalaureate brain. He's more of a technician, very good with mechanical things, so between the two of us, we've got a good thing goin on :aok:
Thats so cute...LOL, me and my girl grow also. But shes still learning.
This all seems very ... intimate :watchplant:. I'm a little embarrassed from taking such up-close pictures of their lady-parts, but, heck, if the OBGYN can do it, i can do it.

I set my camera for close-up-at-the-beach (because it's so bright!!!) and tried to take pictures of all 14 girls, but this is the best my technology has afforded me so far (these are all of different plants :hubba:):






