Marijuana legalization a pipedream? I don't think so...

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Ganja Farmer
Bud of the Month Winner
Oct 31, 2007
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So, without getting too political and trying my hardest to stay within the rules, I feel I must speak up and say that I truely feel that marijuana prohibition is on its very last standing limbs. You can almost "smell it in the air" that REFORM IS TAKING PLACE RIGHT NOW. With all the news stations finally giving the truth about marijuana, people realizing what it can do for our failing economy, and California talking about full out LEGALIZATION. This is huge right now. People are demanding answers from the President of the United States (,,, this has never happened on this scale before . It seems that every day things are looking better. I just felt like I had to write this down because I see these last few months as the start of a new era on marijuana policy.

Also, tomorrow should be interesting, with so many questions aimed at marijuana on the new "White House Open for Questions", he is bound to give a REAL answer. I can hardly wait to hear what he has to say.

Stay tuned, I think it's gonna be a good year for marijuana!
I dont see why news stations find a problem in giving time to the issue. Spend months of nonstop talk about a woman who had 8 kids. When people were sick of that story and many others after a week.
Eh, probably because so many medical companies have commercial slots and/or someway a branch from the parent company. I dunno. Cause it seems that what Michigan and Mass is doing is huge.

Its kinda funny. With America going over 3 trillion deeper in debt in a few short months. Over the next 8-10 years, be trillions more most likely. Its us here, the ones the government hates that could save them, and bring more impact to helping than anything else combined.
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i think people forget that the governments are some of the biggest drug dealers on the planet....and what happens when some guy starts making money off of someones turf?yeah they tend to not like competition.but yes im as hopeful as ever ill be able to grow luscious plants in my yard and take my bong rips without serving a mandatory 5 year sentence for taking money away from my government.
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Well i sure hope you guys are right, i would chuffing love to see cannabis legalised in US cos it might spur the spineless politicions here in UK to sit up and take notice.
You've already got me dreaming of been able to grow a field of green in peace.
Dont even need that much weed would just love to look at it lol
Just seen Obama's answer on the news to the MJ question. And his answer on the subject was NO!!!...Come on people he is a Politicain what did you expect?...take care..
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yeah,,,,I read that as well,,,was very bummed,,,,because it was almost 100K ppl who voted...
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gmo said:
Also, tomorrow should be interesting, with so many questions aimed at marijuana on the new "White House Open for Questions", he is bound to give a REAL answer. I can hardly wait to hear what he has to say.

Well, in my eyes today was a letdown. Not a total loss, but a huge huge slap in the face. He literally laughed at us! I'm truely outraged at the whole situation. Somebody needs to throw a shoe at that man! And a bust in SF today too, what a shame. Politicians are LIARS and I hope that karma really bites them ALL in the arse.
NorCalHal said:
I agree, change is happening now in terms of decrimalilizing MJ. NOW is the time to speak up, not 2010.
norcals got it right...don't put off till' tomorrow what can be accomplished today.
With the negativity of my last post it may be easy to forget that CHANGE REALLY IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. The wheels are moving, and the pace is picking up. I don't think the public or even the media will stand for prohibition much longer. Remember, in 37 states patients cannot legally get the medicine they need. I just don't see people tolerating such a stupid law much longer.
i sure as hell hope so...maybe i'll get out early
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Newbud said:
Well i sure hope you guys are right, i would chuffing love to see cannabis legalised in US cos it might spur the spineless politicions here in UK to sit up and take notice.
You've already got me dreaming of been able to grow a field of green in peace.
Dont even need that much weed would just love to look at it lol
It won't be legalized under Gordon the moron, after he ignored his drug advisors and reclassed it to class B.

We'll have to wait fot the next general elections to have a hope :eek:
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If actual legalization happens in some state, any state the citizens of that state will be rolling in money.
Can you immagine if Dutch stle coffee shops were legal in a state. The tourism rates would skyrocket.
I totally agree with Hal, this is the time to be more active not sit back and say "see it's happening". I just finnished E-mailing my congressman and our "1" Senator( for the mean time we only have 1, go franken), informing them how dissapointed I am in the presidents response as well as his dismissal of citizens legitamate quesstions and concerns.
I am politcaly active not only with my vote, but also financialy, and as an activist for candidates I believe in. I will also be just as involved against any candidates who oppose my concerns.

i actually feel like they're making one last hard push on the war on MJ lately.. see a lot on the news recently about how our BC bud is being taken south, being traded for cocaine and guns.. then right after; "another shooting today.. linked to the drug trade." :(
many big busts recently here too. sucks cause there are many sheeple in this world that will believe them that MJ is a huge problem and the reason for all these recent shootings (and eveything else wrong in the world)

they're trying to do the fear thing again it seems to me.

also, i was reading the thread yesterday about sending Obama a weed question.. then right after, i hear on the CNN them talking about how there was a lot of questions regarding marijuana, and they spun it into "it's an epidemic right now, marijuana is a huge problem"
I didnt see CNN taking it as saying theres "a huge problem" kaotik.
There was a couple people saying that. But CNN guys like Cafferty were firing back like. "Well if you cut these cartels funding, they couldnt afford to be 100k soldiers strong." And kept pointing to examples like the US Marshall that was bound, beatin to death, and tossed in a ditch on the border just yesterday.

MJ is the main reason for all these shootings. 7000+ dead in Mexico inside 2 years. Cause if it was legal in the states, they wouldnt have the money or manpower to accomplish 1/8th of what they were.

I still say Obama treated the questions he got on it lightly because there should be more important things on Americans minds. I think he was a bit surprised like. "Why are you worried about this when thousands are losing jobs daily." Thats why he joked around. This BCS college football thing thats going before congress soon about having a playoff. Obama loves college football, but Im sure he would of laughed that off as not being of high priority at the moment if surfaced during the Town Hall thing aswell. And I gotta agree with him on that. Just was bad timing. But atleast its out there now.

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