My first journal!

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Liven The Dream
May 7, 2008
Reaction score
Dark side if the moon.
Hey MP peeps, pull up a chair for my first journal. This is not my first grow, I have a few under my belt. This is a stealthy cabinet grow that I will scrog 2-3 plants in 3 gallon smart pots all organic. Vegging under a 2ft 4 bulb T5 I will top them then stretch um out, after a 4-5 wk veg with 24hrs continuous light, I will flower with my 250w HPS via cool tube courtesy of The Hemp Goddess. I am growing Dutch Dragon by Paradise seeds. So pill up a chair and enjoy!

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Looking forward to following along with you. Did you decide on your other strain?
O-Ya I;m Here.... all the best....
Hi Hemp, Mr Cane, Weed hopper, Fog, I think I might put in Chocolope I love Sativas! I'm using FF light warrior to seed and after that FFOF with some EWC, Azomite, epsom salts, guano. I might do a tea somewhere in the middle, my name is Killertea for a good reason lol.
No problem Fog, ask all the questions you like. That goes for everyone visiting as well, I love constructive criticism. I'm a busy person so I will try and keep up with answers to questions as soon as I can. Take care and stay safe!
HI Killertea,

Happy to follow your journal. Chocolope just sounds good. Sound like you grow like me. Mojo for the grow.
Checked on the girls today, nothing yet Temps are between 78-80 ° F. I have my axillary fan connected to a thermostat to cycle on at 80. I just picked up everything for some super soil. Once mixed I will let it cook for 30 days or so. Half of the 3 gal smart pot will be super soil and the top half is just reg potting soil. Watering with water treated with Epsom salts and molasses only.
Checked on the girls today, nothing yet Temps are between 78-80 ° F. I have my axillary fan connected to a thermostat to cycle on at 80. I just picked up everything for some super soil. Once mixed I will let it cook for 30 days or so. Half of the 3 gal smart pot will be super soil and the top half is just reg potting soil. Watering with water treated with Epsom salts and molasses only.

i have never fed for the first 3 to 4 weeks. no need. feed already in soil. just ph. i like water at between 6.2 to 6.4. i use a hanna meter. very easy and do very well. sorry, but i dont know how much u know. i will be here too. also dont drop lights on them close for the first week. they are fragile. i killed a 4 day old by dropping light dn on top too close, too soon. almost cant go wrong with all the great u get here. goodluck!
Thank you Grass hopper, I have a few grows under my belt mostly outdoor with only 2 successful indoor grows. It has been years since I did anything so I'm reading and researching like crazy lol. So after they sprout and fill out there cups I'm thinking I will transplant them into there 3 gal smart pots, wait 1 week to reduce shock then top them. Anyone disagree with this idea?
should be about right, id also really wait on feeding them if they are just going to be transplanted, usually unless i have a heavy feeder the soil and occasional teas are enough to tide them over until they go into their flower pots and get flipped, or if im vegging them for a long time then they need something to tide them over till transplant, dont wanna over do it and hurt them, it takes a while for them to bounce back from a heavyfeed or overwatering... just keep that in mind, even in organics things can snowball quickly if yah go overboard
I'm not in town, as soon as I get back I will check on them. I hope they popped by now, my seed stock is like 4 years old, not sure how long they stay fresh.
good question for the group of experienced peeps in here. Please look at my first picture with the light on above. On top of the cool tube I made a real ghetto reflector, using sheet metal bent to curve with Mylar glued to it. Should I continue with this or by an Econo Wing reflector like in the picture just to hack it and use the hammered aluminum for its better reflect ability. I found a local spot that has this Econo wing for 27 bucks!

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On another note, lets talk about some soil! I am going to mix up some super soil, I had to go with a local garden center for good potting mix. I wanted FFOF but I saw the stuff they carried and was impressed. Peat, perlite, guano, kelp, mycorrhizae, ect all the good stuff for only 8 bucks 1.5cu! I'm adding earth worm castings, epsom salt, kelp meal, azomite, and I got this bag called "Earth Juice Rainbow Mix Grow" I just need some guano with high phosphorous for bloom.
Pulling up a chair....Green mojo to ya bro! :48:
So I was busy today, finished up the super soil. It's going to cook for 30 days, although its not exactly every ingredient Subcool uses separately. I found that some bags of fertilizer had some of what I needed inside with many other ingredients as well. We will see how it goes, time to roll a joint and put my feet up! No beans popped yet, aghhh when i'm not sure, cross your fingers everyone. Until then check out the new pictures, I got the DIY carbon filter up and connected to the lamp, just waiting for the in-line fan in a week I will connect it.

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Hey Fog I have stored them in their original packaging never opened. I had them in a box in the dark for about 4 years. Yeah I think I will have to get that reflector, the hammered aluminum is always used so you don't get hot spots. What do you think of my set up so far?
I actually don't like alarms or detectors brings to much unwanted attention. Even though I have my docs recommendation I never trust LEO's.
Ok so bad news, my soil continues to dry out and that's not a good thing lol. I'm using just seed staring mix with some perlite. I'm going to start over with new seeds asap, this time less perlite so I can retain more moisture. Anyone have any other advice? My temps are 75-80 and controlled via axil fan for high temps.