My plant...and a Q

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Active Member
Jun 22, 2008
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Hey Guys

Its been a little bit and I wanted to show you some updated pics.

Its still unknown the sex of my plant and its been about 1.5 months. Any idea how much bigger it will get and when I will know the sex?? Also I dropped another seed in and something came up...Will this develop? Right now there are like 4 leafs....

In Barcelona and growing on my terrace.



weed outdoor11 002.jpg
this plant look sweet and great, but do not add other plants with that pot cuz ya do not want their roots tease each other and cause other to die alone.. or something... just leave where it is that plant look happy outside where that spot is once it getting too big for that little pot, go ahead transparent when it is bigger than it is now other than that, you did great growing, here tip if you want grow more, grab that same soil ya got, and same potting ya got, that plant look happy in that picture and
those are looking great my friend..looks a bit small for 6 weeks...with in the next 2 weeeks you should start to see pre flowers..(female) can you take a clipping and put it under 12/12 light she will show herself then...Good luck and KEEP M GREEN
Hi Guys

Thanks for the advice but im not too clear on what you mean. What do you mean by clipping? Also I am growing outdoor so the light will be natural ...

Also what does this mean?

"you did great growing, here tip if you want grow more, grab that same soil ya got, and same potting ya got, that plant look happy in that picture and"

Finally do you think I should put the plant in a bigger pot? The truth is I don't want the plant to be really big...But if there is a health concern I will change the pot.

Again thanks for the advice....
Looking aok

You may want to have a go at SupperCropping, to try and control the overall height.

TOA has a great thread about this

I just can't seam to find it right now

So if someone else could find it and post the link I think this would help TCN out a lot:D
4u2smoke is talking about cutting off one of the lower branches then putting it under artificial light. I think all you need to do is stick the branch in a glass of water and under a 12/12 light schedule and it should show preflowers.

What size is the pot? You want at least 1 gallon per every foot of vertical growth. Also, either pull the new seedling out or transplant it into a new container.
Thanks Hippy

while your at it, maybe you could have a read through it:rolleyes:

you never know it may have helped with your beer issues:rolleyes:
Hi Guys

Again thanks so much for the advice. I like the sound of the benefits...A stronger plant and smaller size, but I am not quite sure where I should be stem pinching....

How exactly do you stem pinch...

Is the overall goal to completely remove a branch from the plant or something else.

I've got some leafs at the bottom that started small and has not grown at all...Could I take those out?

Oh ya and if I am cutting off branches but I dont have or want to use artificial light is it still possible to do something with them? Could I plant them in dirt and put 'em outside as well?
bcnguiri said:
Hi Guys

Again thanks so much for the advice. I like the sound of the benefits...A stronger plant and smaller size, but I am not quite sure where I should be stem pinching....

How exactly do you stem pinch...

Is the overall goal to completely remove a branch from the plant or something else.


Suppercropping done correctly will help manage the overall finnished size of your plant

I've got some leafs at the bottom that started small and has not grown at all...Could I take those out?

The 1st below pics show a young seedling that I suppercropped and the 2nd shows how this plant is developing. Have a look at the main stem, just a couple of inches above soil level, of how the plant self heals. I am continuing to suppercrop all of my plants, all of the sideshoots and main stems


Hi guys I have just SC my plant...The truth is I felt pretty bad doing it I felt like I was hurting my baby...I pinched about 4 branches.

But I am hopeful!

Thanks for the great advice and the video as well..

I've just noticed it smells! Before I had absolutely no smell..I guess some of the inner good stuff pushed thru...

I will post some before and after shots in a couple days...


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