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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2007
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I unfortunatly have a drug test coming up in a couple days. I was just wondering if anybody has any special ways to pass a drug test. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Its a piss test by the way. I need a sure fire way to pass this thing. Thanx.
when did you last smoke? has this test been suddenly told to you or did you know it was going to happen?
moved thread to drug testing section.
Take a look in the Drug Testing section. There are a number of ways members have passed tests. Good luck mang. :aok: Beat me to it Mutt.
Ok I will look at this drug testing section. Sorry about posting in the wrong section. This drug test was just thrown at me just today. I last smoked this morning. But if anybody can help with a couple quick ideas Ill be your friend forever.
So I guess Im going to try the sur gel method. Im gonna refrain from smoking for now till the drug test is over and take the gel. I hope it works.
Will do. Im not sure when it is but Im guessing next wed or thur. But I will let eveybody know how it goes.
I've heard that you can flush your system with water and take a vitamin B complex supplement as it will turn your urine yellow as to not raise suspicion, flushing is probably the most convenient short term method, There are alot of products that you can buy. You don't have to limit your options, to the opinions of the people on this site. That is to say Google it!!:D as mentioned above is probably your quickest option because Vitamins can be bought at any local drug store, the made for products you probably have to order over the internet. Then there is the question of where the Drug test is being held. If it's court appointed, say from a probation officer, and it's your first time submitting a test. usually you can just be honest and they'll move your test to a later date. As for employers this can be a bit tricky, as some won't care as much as some do.... I hoped this helped and I'm not too late to help. take care...

Zelda 012.gif
Well Ive tried every cleansing product out there and guess what none of them have ever worked for me. I dont know if they are just crap, or is it because I am a heavy heavy smoker. Ill just say I have 2 states of mind stoned and asleep. So I really really hope this sur-gel works.
But what an invasion of privacy this piss test is. Who cares what I do at home, just as long as it doesnt interfere with my preformance who gives a rats ***. I wouldnt be able to make it through a whole day and function properly if it wasnt for weed. But I guess we are all pretty much slaves to the man and if he says piss in a cup we say how much it sucks but we have to do it in order to stay alive in this free country of ours. I just dont understand why weed is a schedule 1 drug, but alcohol is still legal. Any way it sucks but we gotta do it.
O yeah this job that im trying to get is only part time at my local hardware store. All I wanted was the discount for supplies and Im pissin in a cup to get it. Also they said they are going to put me in the lawn and garden section,lol just the spot for me. Also on monday I have a interview for my local hydro shop, hopefully they dont drop a piss test on me to.
good luck to you on your wizz quiz its ginorant to think that people have to be so straight laced to even get a job these days i dont have one and its not because i dont want one but try being a ex-con (out for 11years too) on top of smoking and the disability of mine (severe bi-polar disorder) most times if i even get an interview they just look at me and tell me that in order to work for them i have to "clean-up" my appearance its my choice if i want to have longer hair and facial hair not yours but anyway back to your thread while i was on parole i used this method for my quizes and passed many a times (some failures too but thats when i broke the system and didnt or couldnt finish the mix) hope it helps

a link to my post about wizz quizes
Hey Dubbaman When I was on probation they did the strip test on me, is it because it is newer and more efficient? I just told my probation officer the first time she asked, and she was totally cool about it. She just told me that she would reschedule it for 45 days later, that time I abstained because I didn't want to go to jail. and of course I was clean.
i dont know about the strip test being newer or more efficient then any test i know that the probation/parole department that i went to used the local colleges testing labs and ran the specimine through a machine that can determine if it is a fake (eg bottle of yellow water)or the donor had used any masking agents in it (eg test sure) and this machiene tested to see if the sample was even human it checked a creatiene level in the urine to make sure it was human (people have a natural creatiene leval of 9.0 i think its been a few years since ive had to deal with these things) but as for the test strips ive never been tested by them im sure they are accurate and the only reason that your PO used them is for a faster result (myPO had to wait 3-5 days for the results)

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