Need Info on Agromax Patriot Led Light

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Got the day off so not to bad. Weather sucks. Rain all day today just like yesterday. My 60x magnifier should be here today so I get to check the trichomes on my plants tonight. Super stoked.

That's awesome my friend I bet you that is definitely going to be a sight to see your plants look beautiful
I believe it would be manageable. I am running 2 LED light fixtures in my 4x4 tent with an inline fan exhausting the tent and I have not had to open the window in my grow room at all so far this year. Not sure how well it would work in the summer though. I shut down for summer.
As for it being worth it? That ultimately comes down to the grower and their ability to change their grow style a bit. The biggest thing you will need to do is train your plants to keep them relatively squat. If they get tall and lanky your yield will suffer and you will have a hard time keeping the light high enough above the canopy. Jmo.
Im liking scrog growing. So that my work. I might pick up two of them this season.
Thanks hamster. Sorry for hijacking your thread op.
The Kind K5 1000w. Look At the video on what you can do with the remote. I do Think that i Mgiht Be Able To Get Away With The K5 750w?.

They Cost Less To Run, About 40% And Run Alot Cooler Then The Hids.
The Kind K5 1000w. Look At the video on what you can do with the remote. I do Think that i Mgiht Be Able To Get Away With The K5 750w?.

They Cost Less To Run, About 40% And Run Alot Cooler Then The Hids.

I have ran Apollo and kind both decent lights ...diamond all same company..under that manufacture..depending on price they are good.
1 Don't use electrical watts to compare grow lights.

2 don't use lumens to compare lights

3There is no magical growth spectrum

4 Make sure you are looking at 5 points or more of ppf on the company's growth chart..Not just one
Don't focus on wattage of diode ...
If any company tries to sell on these matrix or any deritives don't buy from them. I'm trying to very simplistic about this...

Electricity doesn't grow plants...radiometric efficiency does( how much light is edited by said fixture.)..

Any body can make a crappy light that pulls alot from the wall but doesn't produce much light ..or you can have an efficient light that consumes small and gives of the most light efficiently highest Ppfd...
Thank You Techrons!

I will have to agree with you Johnny they do look like a really nice light unfortunately in my area they were way out of my price range here they're like $2200 and in my room I would have to run 5 to 6 of them that would be like 10 G worth of lights I guess the old saying is correct you got a pay to play
Budlight I Feel For You On The Price. I Just Started A Grow and will use my lights till its over in april. thats when im goin to change lights.
Johnny what's the price on them where you're at
The K5 XL 1000 Is 1700, The K5 XL750 Is 1250. free Shipping.

Nice price on those... Hey bro you gotta check out Fluence bioengieneering...I have ran lights from old BML which changed to Fluence for last 2 years.. They are awesome bro using top not knotch mean well. Drivers...osram SSL 80 chip diodes( they might have upgraded chips on the fluenece but my BMW is using these ..osram is owned my sylvania bulb company moving parts to fail it's passive cooling rated at 100K. I'm on day 48 and under my BMl I'm pushing depth of 30 inches flower..and Colo's big as my forearm ..I'll get picks up in next week or so when they get ..BTW I'm running only coco in air pots Co2..super skunk..and straw kush...I'm using crushing the gram per watt sometimes at 1.2.-1.3
Nice price on those... Hey bro you gotta check out Fluence bioengieneering...I have ran lights from old BML which changed to Fluence for last 2 years.. They are awesome bro using top not knotch mean well. Drivers...osram SSL 80 chip moving parts to fail it's passive cooling rated at 100K. I'm on day 48 and under my BMl I'm pushing depth of 30 inches flower..and Colo's big as my forearm ..I'll get picks up in next week or so when they get ..BTW I'm running only coco in air pots Co2..super skunk..and straw kush...I'm using crushing the gram per watt sometimes at 1.2.-1.3

I'll Look Into It! Bud Pics Please! Post Them Here!:48:
Tech I almost bought a few BML Spyder 600's a couple of years back. Is that what your running, I was always curious to find someone I knew using them...real world feed back is much better than the slick advertising crap. ?