nute burn or diff

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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2007
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I have always had problems with too much or not enough nutrients. I know I should be feeding them more, but I always end up burring them. I will increase the strength, to 1/5, on one plant too see what happens. I thought I would see if anybody might see something different with the pics. Thanks for the help.
ph is between 6.0-6.5
fox farm 1/4 strength on all stages
Happy Frog ff
Flowering stage, second week.

IMO that looks like a bug problem. Nutes problem usely effect the tips of leaves first
Looks like bugs or bronzing. I can not really tell from the quality of the pic.
My ph from tap water is 8.5 before I treat the water. I have to test and treat the water every time I use it. I bring the ph down to 6.0, but it always comes up. I just treated the water a few days ago and now it is 7.2. I will start to use distill water and see how that works. As for the bugs, I will pay closer attention to that. Thanks for the help.

I doubt it is bugs. The problem runs along the veins. Bugs don't destroy leaves that way. Ph off= mineral deficiency of some type is my guess. I have some of that myself. Just tested my ph and it's 7.4
Hello Melnick :)

Listen to the people who are trying to help you above,

This is caused by your PH

I'd say most likely a calcium or magnesium def. brought on by watering with such a high ph. When you water with a ph above 6.5 you are going to start to lock out micronutrients...
Thanks to all the help. I will make sure that I have a 6.0 ppm. So much for tap water. I should do better with distill water.
You might want to check into getting a Reverse Osmosis water filter, it would help your situation a whole lot, and you wouldnt always have to go buy distilled...
Blanco is partially right. You want a pH of 6.7-6.8 for optimum mag and calcium uptake. A pH of 6.0 will be too low. What kind of pH meter do you have? I have a feeling your tests are not correct.
Good point. I calibrated my Hanna HI 98108 a few months ago. I will calibrate the PH meter today and get back with the results.
check the pH of your run off. That is what your root mass will be at.
My ph meter was not working right, so I am replacing the electrode probe. It's hard to say what my ph was, so for now I am using the cheap ph test solution. I will get the ph close to 6.6-6.8, my runoff is around 6.0. It's hard to get a reading with the solution. I am treating my girls with epson salt for now.
I brought the ph up to 6.4 and flushed one plant, the runoff was still 6.0 ppm. My plan is to keep upping the ph until the run off is 6.6-6.8. Let me know if this is good or is there another way to do this. Thanks for all help on this problem.

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