One Ugly Mutha'

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those are some big frosty flowers man, you get the green thumb for sure


Looks like there will be some excitement here @ the end...

The last few times I've gone in to top-off the res, I get a whiff of some BAD stink.
Something is not right in the res/roots.

I keep adding Hydrogen Peroxide to try to fight off the rot but at best I'm just treading water.
I've NEVER had this issue before, I don't know what I did different this time.

well instead of hydrogen peroxide why not send in some super oxygenated water? oxygen kills anaerobic almost instantly
Here is for 20 more days... looking a little burnt but hanging in.. You can do it plants. Keep on.. almost at the end.. mojo for the finish.

Well, that's what its "supposed" to do.
"55 Flowering Days" so says: Dinafem

I'm trying not to get antsy and allow this to go nice and long (amber).
Tried Chucky's Bride early last grow so the plan is go late this time.

Joe, I am a very impatient man. But as for waiting for Amber?? I can wait all day. I'm twitchy I'm so impatient, but I will not take this grow a day earlier than needed. I guess I figure, done waited this long, a little longer won't hurt.
I also picked up the useful skill of flying in holding pattern until further notice. Thanks to the Georgia Correction Institute. 😁
Hey Joe U Old Fart!-- Sorry I haven 't stopped sooner !--Love the grow !--Got some questions !--Is that hydro or DWC? --Is don't recognize the Led ,U using it for supplemental light from the side ? U got a bubbler in there ?-- What does your pH run ?-- Do use use a water conditioner ?-- I use Aquashield / Hydroguard from Botanicare instead of peroxide !-- What dose the temp In your res. run ? Gotta get some more coffee and find my pipe !--Looking good Joe !-

-LED is SpectrumKing <--- link to page
(that picture was pointing/looking UP)
-air pump is over in VEG, got 2 lines running to this tote
-pH from 5.5 - 6.1
-Distilled water and nute, no conditioner
-water temps held at 68F with fish tank heater (if needed)
NEVER seen it higher


Everything was LIMP, ALL the pistils went dark overnight and there was a change in the smell of the cabinet... it was only getting worse FAST!

threw in that pic of the itty-bitty little buds that grew at the base of the plant to show how that light penetrates... those were about 36" away and under the canopy (light @ 265w draw... goes to 485)


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Just wow joe. Congratulations! I'm in love with the pictures lol.