Organic soil - yearly routine?

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Active Member
Jul 24, 2014
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Hey ppl.

Been looking around the forum but haven't found an answer which i found fullfilling.

My goal is to have a fully organic garden where i grow in the dirt and don't add extra soil every year. Like spagnum. But rather give the soil the nutrients needed every year for the plants.
I am currently growing in the soil (mother earth) it's my first grow in this particurlar soil. It was pretty bad to begin with so i added 2kg pr m2 of dolomite lime, some seaweed, and 1kg pr m2 of komposted chicken manoure plants are spaced at approx 1 pr m2, i then cultivated it all together with a machine to get all mixed up in the ground. Besides this i am giving them biobizz since what i added to the ground wasn't enough. The plants started to show deficiencies etc.

My question is what is YOUR yearly routine in your organic garden.
How much do you give them? and what?

The manoure doesn't burn the plants so in theory i would be able to give then 5kg pr m2 or would so much manoure have a bad effect on the ground?
And how much dolimite lime yearly to maintain stable ph (it's of course dependent on numbers of plants, size, etc.) I find it hard to know exactly what i need to keep the soil healthy all around from year to year.

I've been having several successfull indoor grows, but find my knowledge of outdoor organic growing to be rather lackluster. It's much easier to just get some spagnum and then water it with nutrients rather than "creating" a healthy soil basically from scratch. But i really wanna get this going :)

Really home some organic garden people can help. Thx alot! :)
I have not done organics long, so there is much I don't know. However, this is what I have learned so far. Those with more organic experience will add more.

I can say that you are going to have to add a lot more things than lime, seaweed, and chicken manure. I made a super soil recipe that had about 12 different ingredients and it still did not last all season. I did have to sup0plement with organic teas or pre-made nutrients. You need to add things that will release nutrients at different speeds and the nutrient needs for vegging and for flowering are different. This needs to cook (yours probably should have cooked too) to get all the microbes growing and working. In other words, you cannot just add organic products to the soil and then plant immediately.

It is a mistake to believe that the manure cannot burn the plants. Too much of anything is not good and will have adverse effects. Do you know exactly what each of the things that you have added to your soil provides for the plants (N-P-K and micronutrients) and to what degree? Are you aware of the N-P-K requirements for cannabis while it is vegging? While flowering?

Here is a link to a bunch of organic recipes:
Organics don't happen quickly, unless you buy bagged organic soils.

I started with composters. You really need three composters to make it the best way. All of this takes time. I use all my kitchen scrapes, not meat, but egg shells smashed up, coffee grinds, fruit peels, etc. You add green and brown. Green grass that hasn't been sprayed for years with chemicals, and dry leaves that will compost. In a year you have compost.

YOu need to read about organics. A book about growing marijuana organically is True Living Organics. It is an ok book, but not perfect for me.

I reuse my bagged soil and put in a composter and add nutrients to it... like you will see in the link The Hemp Goddess provided for you.
Start studying, it is a great way to go. I love organics. I have been organic in my back yard for over ten years.
Thx for the replies. I will look into the links you've sent and do more research.

I see now that it's in the indoors growing forum. Should've been outdoor growing ofc.
Can you get your soil tested? That is where I started. I found i have a very high ph here. That told me how to go with my amendments. I still say do the compost bin and work that in with the well rotted chicken manure. I think it is too hot to use by itself.
I prefer to buy my soil in from the hippy commune down at the local river, I give them some bud and pay well, in return I get great DIY soil, many of these deadbeats are really well educated and know their stuff, been doing it for about 30 years now.

that said making good soil is hard work and very distracting to an old stoner like me
So much for being stealth. Deadbeats?, you really are quite the charmer.[unQuote]
....indeed a little too harsh, ...sorry, an incredible amount of talent with in this group!