Police question florist over suspect cannabis plant in window

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Hey Stoney, no need to see his face man. cop goes " sir whats your name"? Dylan goes " MYYYYY naaaaaame isssss Bobbbbb dyyyyylan" No voice like that for sure:D

I can guarantee you that if 10 cop cars were constantly patrolling the obvious high crime areas instead of responding to stupid calls, there would be less real crime. Nooooo, that makes too much sense. Let's put some real clean, real neat, well shined police in a rich neighborhood that has no crime and let them patrol in their nicest cars!

exactly!! And will not change. I work at a casino at a very high altitude, thus people r fainting all the time. Everytime one "falls" out, ya'd think there was a major robbery. Ambulances, firetrucks, at least 2 cop cars . Theres like 10 people around this old lady in no time. She best snap into semi alertness quick or They'll strap her down and truck her out to nearest hospital---This precedure happens at least 4 or 5 times a day thruout the casinos----------We have a flower shop in town too, no rotten don't do it!!:D

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