Rat in my growoom

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My word zem, I dont want to sound bitchy, but put on your big girl panties and deal with this. Do you think it was not scary for me to go into dark dirty crawl spaces with rodents, bugs, snakes, mold, and filth all the time? Just deal with these rodents, fix where ever they are getting in and be done with it. I understand being afraid, but truly your risk is minimal.
:rofl: you guys are killing me. Fraid of a little Rat. Must be the size of a dog. LMFAO
I can picture Zim in The growroom with a M16 shooting the place all to hell,,plants and all.
When the smoke clears the rat is setting in the corner smoking a joint. :rofl:
Get suited up Zem, we are all on your side vs the rats... You can do this. Let us know... Hackerman and I are waiting for the all clear report.
LOL ok you can laugh all you want but I went in and turned on the lights. I don't want to debate about poison vs trap but what I meant when I said that it is looking really bad is because I placed 5 poison pills and they vanished then 6 more and they also vanished! Setting so many traps then disposing of the rats is not an option because I have no time for this. Reminds me of a report I once watched about the worst jobs in the world, the rat killer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FekJQkuqcA Don't want to end up like that
Where and how the hell is that many rats getting into your Growroom? A freaking fly couldnt get into my Growroom when i was growing unless i opened the door and let him in. I had negative preasure in my room that sucked the door closed. :confused:
My word zem, I dont want to sound bitchy, but put on your big girl panties and deal with this.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Any rat pics? :postpicsworthless:

I'm with zem how many are eating that poison???? OMG it could be a gang of rats. You do need to make your grow tighter huh, but you know that. At this point i would call the ghost busters... Seriously, can you show us the damage of the plant? Can you pull all your plants out and take a look?
Hopefully, the rat is not taking all this poison outside where neighborhood pets can get in it. Not sure if you're rural or urban.

Where is the Pied Piper when you need him.;)
duct tape works well too. stick some bait in the center, and wala!!! caught in a sticky trap. a spring trap is best i think, as far as how fast it kills. i only wish a slow death on some people i have met, not rats or other such beasts
Thats a good one dog. I loves my Duct tape. Got all kinds and colors.
This is not fun at all! The rats seem to not like eating my weed anymore. Maybe they think that it is the reason for them getting sick. However, they ate a big plant that i had near my clones I mean they munched the entire thing and there are droppings all around it. I counted at least 15 poison pills missing and 2 big poison cubes as well. This is a pic of one munched up plant. I will try to take a pic of the ornamental plant that they munched. It freaked me out.

View attachment 20170726_051428.jpg
My experience has always been that if there's one rat, there's probably more.
Stop putting poison out. If several rats eat it and die inside your walls or under the floor, the stench will drive you out of your house (one way to mask pot odors I guess).
It's no work to set a trap and then pick it up when there's a dead rat in it.
It takes less time than setting out little pills and cubes.
I still want to know how the hell rats are getting in a growroom that should be sealed? Why cant you fix where they are getting in?????
I still want to know how the hell rats are getting in a growroom that should be sealed? Why cant you fix where they are getting in?????

WH the growroom is not sealed and I can fix the points of entry but I have to get rid of the infestation at first. I have an ongoing project that is consuming all my time, so that I barely have time to go in a couple of minutes in the morning then same in the evening. As soon as I am done with my project, I should be able to fix the openings which are many because it is a big area has many windows doors drains exhausts...
Good luck my friend,,,hope ya get them before it becomes like the movie with that kid that controlled them. Cant remember the name,,but the rat was called BEN.
:angrywife:I think maybe the movie was called Ben too!
Yeah, i remember Michael Jackson sang the song about Ben
oh there was another movie called Willard.