Responces about the Vote for "Letter to the President" LEGALIZE MARIJUANA.

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I live in a medical marijuana state and I'm not about to run out to contract HIV/AIDS nor would I ever wish for any form of CANCER.. Though I have medical conditions, that call for daily meds..that have sever long term side effects,sever ADDICTIONS . I DO NOT QUALIFY..... Since I started smoking
marijuana I need no MED'S for my condtion and have had no episodes.Which means -no- long term side effects ALL THANKS TO A NATURAL PLANT BUT YET I STILL DON'T QUALIFY.... LOOKING FORWARD TO 01-20-10
I've often wondered? If marijuana is a billion dollar industry! Why wouldn't AMERICA capitlize on it. I'm not one to cry for more forms of taxes of any sort!!! But aren't there many-many uses for marijuana?? LIKE- PAPER,MEDICINE,CLOTHES,CLEAN AIR. " IT TAKES" IDEAS,PEOPLE,WORK,MONEY,FARMING,and HARVESTING to MAKE THOSE THINGS happen . Which means a better economy and more TAXES. so WHATS the HOLD-UP on LEGALIZING POT. further more why do we vote these people into offices that are clearly not doing what the public wants. LIKE my DAD said once its WE the Goverment not WE the PEOPLE
Here's the other side of the story, ms.bowles .

The profits of the existing cotton and other currently used textiles would decrease when Hemp took over the market. Converting to a new process is more costly than starting from scratch and building up from there.

The profits of the Alcohol Industry would decrease when people started using legal Marijuana to catch a buzz instead of murdering their liver, brain cells and other internal organs by drinking booze.

The food industry would also lose profits due to the hundreds of ways you can use Hemp to produce what is now used with other chemicals and additives.

The list goes on and on.

Lobbyists in each of these industries are fighting Marijuana legalization.

They want their money to stay right where it is.
Great point man. I do concede, you are correct. I get a little carried away in my own states laws....but ya POTUS, it truly isn't legal then, not even close.

As far as Medical, I do understand it is a little harder to get a Dr's rec then it is in Cali. I am here to tell ya, in Cali, anyone can get a Dr's rec. Period. I guess that is why I feel like the Feds being called off Med states is such a huge deal. If you want to be a MMJ patient, you can.

POTUS said:
No, it isn't.

It will be provisionally legal for ONLY those people who have medical reasons and approval to use it.

That isn't "legal".

Legal is when the laws that pertain to the purchasing and using of alcohol are also applied to marijuana. When anyone who is 18 years old or older can go into a store in any state within the USA and buy a package of marijuana or grow a self-sustaining amount of marijuana for themselves, it will then be legal.

Anything less and it will be nothing but more dog and pony shows by the Federal government.

Sorry man, but for some reason, you seem to missing the entire point of this project. That point being legalization of marijuana for everyone. Not just the people who have medical reasons for using it.

It's not even close to being legal. Out of the entire country, only 14 states have STATE laws that make it possible for medical users to do so under a magnifying glass. That's not "legal", it's a grudging allowance to bypass laws that keep it illegal for everyone else.

Another trick of the legal system by the Feds.

My message to the Feds is to stop screwing around with the laws of our country and MAKE MARIJUANA LEGAL FOR ADULTS.

Not "sort of legal", Not "legal for medical users", Not legal here or there, but legal for every citizen of the United States of America who is above the age of 18 and uses it with the safety guidelines used to control the use of Alcohol.

Until that happens, it's still under prohibition. It's still illegal. It's still an abuse of Federal power. It's still a law made by lobbyists, not lawmakers.

I appreciate the fact that YOU in YOUR state can feel free to use Marijuana and MAY not be abused by the Federal Police, but the remaining Hundreds of Millions of us who don't use it for medical reasons and/or do not live in one of the FEW states that permit it by STATE law, still are in fear of our very freedom, livelihood and and enjoyment of our own lives when we light up some marijuana to enjoy as we should be able to do without fear.
Hand written letters are a great idea POTUS. I think I read somewhere that one hand written letter represents something like 10,000 registered voters.
I have marked my calender.
spending time writing letters helps alot, but voting in november 10 is what really matters. i know were not supposed to talk politics, but i have a bad feeling that obama's gonna have a 50/50 split in both houses in 2010. dems arent gonna touch the issue until pry obama's 2nd term, maybe after 2010 if they pick up a seat in the senate. im not trying to be partisan, there are pro-decriminalization republicans too.
well this will either turn out good or nothing will happen. so is it worth doing? OF COARSE! even if it doesnt work just continue growing your bud or smoking your bud as usual. I have a good feeling about this working.
Hey folks one thing you might want to consider is taking this in steps .
Decriminalzing Cannibis ,Stopping Property Siezures for grows that can be documented as "For Personal Use ONLY" No 1,000 plant grows for P/Use (That's Chronic Abuse of the system and our goals)
3-4 Mature ; 3-4 Juveniles , as a compromise to Total Legalization .
We need to be seen and respected as responsible members of Society ,not a bunch of Dopers,and Wefare Recipients as we are seen as for the most part .Prove we are capable of making wise decisions and protecting our children as well .
Address the control of the grow so it is NOT accessible to kids , toddler up to 18 (Voting and Selective Service age-Young Adults) .
By basically demanding Legalization you back the Administration and the Old Farts into a corner and then NOTHING will change .
WE need to get our foot in the door and present this as a Moral and Economical issue .
I'm a Disabled Vet , I have a passion to not be seen as an "Enemy of the State" . It's my last defence to Chronic Pain , Muscle Spasms and PTSD . It allows me to Shut Down and Decompress in the eves. .Beats the heck out of Painkillers and Muscle Relaxers and Anti Depressants I take on a daily basis , all of these meds things made in a lab then "Fast Tracked" by the FDA and then use the general public as test subjects to find out if the Meds cause Drooling , Crossed Eyes , Uncontroleable Flatulance, Limp Noodle Syndrome etc !
OZark_Mauler said:
Hey folks one thing you might want to consider is taking this in steps . Decriminalising Cannabis compromise to Total Legalization.
I disagree. You're suggesting that we compromise with an unjust law. A law that was put in place and kept in place by trickery, not justice.

I will not compromise! I'll be writing to the President of the USA and telling him that he should LEGALIZE marijuana under no less stringent rules than that of Alcohol.

We've been compromising since the Marijuana Tax Stamp crap was slid into law by those who had no legitimate way of making it a law.

Screw compromise!


Do that or just forget it. Keep it unjustly illegal and the drug lords and street dealers will love you for it.

They're making hundreds of Billions of dollars from it being illegal. If you compromise, you just get half burned.
It's really exciting to think that someday we may be looking back at this thread and thinking to ourselves "I was a part of something, it's partly because of me that Marijuana is now legal".

The more I talk to my friends that smoke the more excited they seem to get. They originally had made a commitment to me to do this, but I can tell when we talk that the commitment is no longer because I asked them to do it, they are committed for themselves, because they want to do it.
cadlakmike1 said:
It's really exciting to think that someday we may be looking back at this thread and thinking to ourselves "I was a part of something, it's partly because of me that Marijuana is now legal".

The more I talk to my friends that smoke the more excited they seem to get. They originally had made a commitment to me to do this, but I can tell when we talk that the commitment is no longer because I asked them to do it, they are committed for themselves, because they want to do it.
If anyone does the math. One tells 5. Each of those 5 tell 5 who each again tell 5.

By January 20, 2010, we can all get together and try this as a huge sign of protest to an unjust law. 20 million. That's the goal I'd love to see. 20 million letters sent on the same day, to the same address, with the same message.

We have a year to gather like minded people into the effort.
yeah i know we think alike on this one. thats exactly what i think is going to happen. and when it does future generations wont even realize what it took to get it legal though. it will become just like alcohol and cigs. just as easy to get, and people will get used to it being legal. which would be awesome to help cause. im seriously stoked. i wish i could jump to 1-20-10 and put my letter in the mail box then jump straight to 1-27-10 and see what happens. but i gotta wait.

we all actually owe Hick and the other mods a big thank you for making this a sticky and for keeping it as a sticky. and potus for getting the idea up.

thanks to you all.
I'm not gonna send a letter to the president; I'm sending a letter to my representatives. Maybe I'll CC a letter to Obama
POTUS said:
If anyone does the math. One tells 5. Each of those 5 tell 5 who each again tell 5.

By January 20, 2010, we can all get together and try this as a huge sign of protest to an unjust law. 20 million. That's the goal I'd love to see. 20 million letters sent on the same day, to the same address, with the same message.

We have a year to gather like minded people into the effort.

i doubt well have that many, but who knows. i have word spreading in indiana quick. ive had 4 people tell me to do that and i started laughing and said your and idiot im already doing this. then pep talked the **** out of them to get them practically pumped. im good at that.. unless im high, then i ramble about it long enough for people to give in because their annoyed hhaha.

and the law is unjust, but til the day the bill passes, we gotta continue to tell new people. telling just 5 people shows you dont really have much interest. i bring it up to nonsmokers, even got turned down for a job for telling the person interviewing about that.... not really, but that would be funny if i was that dumb... but yeah, my hardheading anti everything grandparents will probably send a letter, just because i smoke it and i make them understand pot better everytime i see them. trying to get mom to, my step mom and dad would easily.
i actually accidentally left weed in a oney and i stashed it in a gig bag while i was high and it went to my dads house, couldnt find it for weeks and finally realized. called up my dad and he says funny smelling tobacco in there. they delivered it back to me, both wearing sun glasses and i didnt have hardly any weed. lol that would suck if it wasnt that it was my dad smoked it for the first time since the 70s haha.

sorry for my sober ramble. i completely lost direction with this post. oh well, heres a possibly mildly entertaining post.
and Bowl Destroyer.. not trying to get you to do this or anything, but that emails are no where near as affective as handwritten letters.
I knew the old tymers college would pay off in the long run:hubba:

POTUS said:
This thread is for responces to the POLL at:


IF a coordinated effort to send ORIGIONAL hand printed documents that clearly state a dislike for the current marijuana laws and a desire to have it LEGALIZED were to take place, and MILLIONS of letters directed at the office of the PRESIDENT where they would be counted and processed, then something might actually get done. The people would have had their say as a type of vote.

The press would get hold of the MILLIONS of letters fact, widely propagate the news and a real notice would take place that has a chance of changing the law by Executive Order.

This would have to be set up as much as a year ahead. The "pre-news" would start filtering to both the legal side and the side of the people with a FIRM DATE OF MAILING noted. That would do many things. It would enable people to talk among themselves so that many "fence-sitters" may decide to do it, and it would progressively bring it to the attention of the legal system that a change was inevitable.


On that date, the massive, MILLIONS of letters would tie the system into knots for many days. They would arrive in D.C. for a couple of weeks to be counted and read for a vote count. The news would broadcast the vote-by-letter. It would be an event.

The first series of letters would be talked down by the anti-marijuana people. They would probably cause it to be finally ignored. HOWEVER, that is when the second, and if necessary, a third and fourth series of letters are sent on prescribed days following the first, IF THE LAWS ARE NOT CHANGED BY EXECTUTIVE ORDER. It's that simple. FORCE the President to stop marijuana prosecution until the senate and the congress can vote on the law and over-turn it.

If this is done, marijuana would be legal to use within a month. I'm going to start a Poll for who will write this letter on January 20th, 2010.

If you are going to write a letter, then just vote yes.

Others in other countries than the USA, please feel free to do the same in your own country. A world-wide effort would be quite the news.

Edited by Stoney. Not as pushy.
[FONT='Verdana','sans-serif']40: Percent of Americans are in favor of legalizing marijuana -- 46: Percent of Americans oppose legalization -- 48: Percentage of men in favor of legalization -- 49: Percentage of women who oppose legalization -- 42: Percent of Americans have tried marijuana --:hubba: :hubba: :hubba: [/FONT]
yeah and 240% of figures like mine are made up. lol. how come i never took any of these tests. these are figures thrown out by the man to discourage. haha. no but for real, ive never taken one of these tests. and if they are legit numbers im pretty positive the only reason its 42% of americans have tried it are the only ones that would admit it. Ive talked to 1 person over 21 that has claimed they have never tried pot. that i know of... idk im bored tired but cant fall asleep so im rambling..
schoolboy420 said:
yeah and 240% of figures like mine are made up. lol. how come i never took any of these tests. these are figures thrown out by the man to discourage. haha. no but for real, ive never taken one of these tests. and if they are legit numbers im pretty positive the only reason its 42% of americans have tried it are the only ones that would admit it. Ive talked to 1 person over 21 that has claimed they have never tried pot. that i know of... idk im bored tired but cant fall asleep so im rambling..
I gotta agree just this past year i've come to find out that the people I know that smoke or has smoked at one point in their life far out weighs the ones that CLAIM they never have. Hell my previous federal job I could count more people I worked with that I knew smoked vs ones I knew that didn't. That doesn't even account for the ones I have no clue about.

The government has done their job at keeping people quiet and its about time we stood up to them. I feel like Americans as a whole are afraid of their government and are too preoccupied with television etc to even think that they can make a change. While I am not a conspirasist I do believe that they (the government) know whats going on and have probably had a hand in the process.

Seriously I am sure the topic of marijuana has come up with you and non users and they always buy into those stupid above the influence and other propaganda commercials on TV, why? because there are so many people that believe the government has no reason to lie. I get so pissed about this subject because no matter how many times u debunk the lies that were embedded in their brains there is still a little part of them that still thinks otherwise.

If you are for legalization and are tired of having to look over your shoulders whenever u spark up then show some concern and write a letter on Jan 20, 2010. If u can't take the stance to write a letter then why even ******* bother even if u are not very optimistic about the idea u have to realize that we need to come together as Marijuana users and Citizens of this country and work together to make our voices heard.
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