Rookie First Time Grow

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Outside Gardener
Jun 4, 2008
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I have finally started my first plant(actually 2). Just some random seeds given to me from a friend. He said I'd like them. They just went through its first transplant from its original spot. Its about 4 inches high and its all outdoors. I'll have pics up by tomorrow night.
Hopefully they weren't too young when i transplanted them. Its only been about 2 weeks since they've been out.
Any help is welcome. I am a nooob at this.
Hey, good job on deciding to grow some MJ! Marijuana growing is really addicting! Once you start, you can't stop! They tend to be like your own little babies once you start taking care of them.

Outdoor growing is great. How's the sunlight situation look like? Your plant would like at least 4 or 5 hours of direct sunlight each day (unless of cource it is cloudy, then what can ya do?)

Hopefully they are girls! I'm sure the genetics will be alright, good potent bud I'm sure!

Try not to feed any fertalizer if you have added your own potting soil with nutrients already in there. After about a month or so, you can add fert with no problems (unless you add too much!).

The watering schedule should be based upon your soil and it's moisture capacity. You could make a habit to check out when it's raining and when it won't, this will give you a general idea on the water status. Sunny days dry soils out more than any other days. If it's sunny for a whole week, you should probably go and check on it during the middle of the week or so. You don't want your babies without any available water. I've come back to a few plants severely wiliting and dying of thirst before. Growth slows when this happens. Always better to prevent a problem than to fix one.

Well, I just thought I'd post a few things on my mind. If anybody wants to correct anything I may have said, feel free.

Happy growing Herbologist!
Thanks for the tips. They'll come in handy. I just mixed some soft soil in with the soil i transplanted it too. Sunlight is about 5 hours mostly from 10-3ish.
Question: I planted them nearby another fern. I cleared all roots from the hole i dug. Will the other fern affect them?
When you say fern, you are refering to an actual fern or are you calling marijuana plants ferns? :confused2:

I don't think ferns affect the growth of your plants unless I'm missing something!
You want your plants at least a couple of feet apart.
An actual fern. I tried to disguise my plants a little. Ha.
Yeah, and I planted them too close. What do you suggest? Tomorrow we should be having a rainy day, so should i spread them apart asap?
Na, you can keep them where they are. You will probably stress them more than you would like. They will probably just grow their branches into each other. If some branches become shaded by leaves of the other plant, just move a few things around so certain areas can recieve light.

I don't think ferns would provide any trouble for your roots... They seem like nice friendly things. I have a bunch here as well. They are really nice to look at. My dog loves running through them!
I'll let them be. I hope you see the pics when I put them up.
I'm going shopping for some indoor equip. this weekend. Hoping my basement cabinets are good spots. Any suggestions on which lights to get? I'm not sure at all actually.
A few questions:
I didn't know, but there was cow manure in the dirt i had taken from my home veggie garden. Will that be a problem?
Also, i added some top soil underneath the actual dirt clump that the roots were in. Will that help or do the opposite?
Also, it rained very nicely yesterday and it drizzled today so far. If it doesn't rain for the next days, how long should I wait until I should water it myself?

Good update: I'm germinating a good amount more of seeds. I wasn't sure if it should be kept warm. If so, I could just keep it in a tin case right next to my computer tower. It gets warm, but not too warm.
Thank you so much TBG, that was nice reply. Answered all my questions perfectly.
I'm leaving my house right now to check on the babies. I'm bringing my camera. Lets see how they're doin.
Weather Update: SUN IS SHINING! Its very humid out 62% actually. Was worst earlier. Temperature is about 73% and the babies didn't get too much sun today, but they're probably reaching for it now. OH man I'm excited to check 'em out. Back in a few.
HORRIBLE, just horrible.
I went back the garden today and something ate it. IT ATE IT.
Horrible first try, but my fault. Time to start over. Seeds germinating.
Ouch sorry to hear that dude. Different location this time right...? Haha, best of luck.
Next time you plant outside you need to put down some dog hair, urine, or soap. These will help keep away those pest that ate your plant or plants. You don't wanna do this right on your plant but around it. ;)
I thought it was a good spot, but the critters that ate my babies...they'll pay.
I'm germinating a lot of seeds right now. I'm probably going to try a micro-growbox. maybe?
Hmm... try both. Put some outside as well as keep a few inside. Well, that's what I always do. Last year it turned out nice for me. I had a guaranteed indoor harvest with a nice outdoor harvest as well. Outdoors always seem to have its downsides though. Bugs and pests are the worst. I have a few clones outdoors right now and they've already been eaten and bitten and such... I have another one in a bucket though and it hasn't been touched whatsoever... Perhaps it was the spraypaint on the bucket that repelled them (I camo'd it with green and brown spraypaint).

Well, the important thing is that you learned a thing or two and had fun doing it! Good luck with the new seedlings!
i hate when the critters eat my stash but i gotta figure they were there first and do actually live there so i wright it off as rent err something
LOLLLL thats funny. Thanks thief.
Well checked up on the seeders. Most of them have roots pokin' out. Looks like tomorrow may be the big day. I'll probably start the micro tomorrow, if they're ready and try outdoors saturday during the day.
I'm gonna start them in a small pot holder with some type of meduim.
Has anyone heard of using soil + sphagnum peat moss for medium? I have some in my garage from home gardening. It really helps soften the soil and such.

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