Second Auto Grow

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thx for the help hippie chick i will get one ASAP thank you to hampster & bogart for all the info
risktaker27 said:
thx for the help hippie chick i will get one ASAP thank you to hampster & bogart for all the info

No problemo....keep it green bro.:icon_smile:
WEEK 5 update

all is growing good in the garden the girls are lovin all the ertra light from the 250 watt thats a total of 400 watts now i think i got somthing like 4800 lumm in a about 4 foot by 2 1/2 by 5 foot high space still got em on 1/2 strength tiger bloom think ill go full next watering wasent going to do a nother transplant but very very carfully moved the biggest girl to a 3 gall grow bag like i said all a learning experience this time im learning every day.placed my order for a scope today hope yall like they smell so freakin good :icon_smile:
pic #5 & #7 is of the big ak #1








Can I just say that I'm more than impressed:icon_smile: i mean like I'm speechless:holysheep:
looking nice and frosty fella are they lowlifes ak? herd good things of these other grate lowlife strain is the auto lemon skunk. peace.....[j]
no the beans are from marijuana - i have bought all my beans their 100% germ rate so far and quick shipping to the states.every sight that i have been on that carries lowlife seeds are always out of stock not shure if they had some problem with quality of the product or somthing

thx for the kind words the girls are geting more & more frosty by the day
na they be out stock cause they the gold in land of auto<<lowlife & joint dr are by far best auto breeders out ther fella<<joint dr started it all <<i herd of autos in 2004 in a book [buds] i looked every wher to get these lil butes only strain doing back then wher lowryder#1 thats wher it all took off from ,,,look at it now dont think thers a breeder out ther without few auto strains avalibel...........[j]
Nice. Well I have just done the Auto Friut. And Let me tell ya. For an Auto is great. Finished in 55 days from seed. With 24 hours light. This was the 3rd Auto I did. The first was Sour 60. And I really like that. I am doing the Auto Chesse right after I finish my Diseal Ryder. I will post pic when resized.:tokie: The Dr. is Out of the Office.
Day 42 Week 6 update

ok as you can tell the ladies are sweeling up nicely they got some nice colas forming and they are mighty frosty im very pleased with how things are coming still waitng on the pocket scope to get here.would it hurt to clip a few leafs around the main colas they they get more light? or just leave em how they are

thx for stopin bye:hubba:












id let them be , think of them as your plants soliar pannels, looking nice buddy;) [j]
yeh leave em be any stress will just lose you growth also with less green surface area to collect energy youre shooting youself in the foot.
add some side lighting if youre worried, a few cfls/t5s (even low wattage) will do much more good than trimming.
or if not then just tuck the leaf in behind the growth you are worried about.

looking nice and frosty:icon_smile:
The leaves are the things that need to get the light...I wld let them do their thing.
cool thx for the info guys i was only gonna trim a few smaller leafs around the main colas.i wasent gonna touch the bigger fan leafs but im just gonna leave em be how they be:D im so proud of the girls thx again
Day 50 Week 7 update

wow:eek: the girls are looking so juicy and the smell is so nice and fruity we got a couple more weeks to go cant wait the colas are gettin fatter by the day.i think 2 of them have a slight nut burn from some of the leafs tell me what you think? just imo but things are a lookin up yum yum :ignore:

some pics for your enjoyment









thx for the kind words jesuse a lot of hard work and time has gone into these.i treat them with all the love and care as i would one of my own children gettin a little nervous my scope still has not come in yet if i knew it would have taken this long to get here i would have just bought it off e bay:rolleyes:
Looking good. Congrats. Yeah I see some nute burn but there's nothing you can do about it so just relax. Dang, I hope your scope gets here soon.