Should I repot these little green beings!!

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Hemp-o Kitty

Dec 5, 2006
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Hi everybody! After a bad start, I decided to build a place for my plants and give them the right light.
I grew my seeds in a propagator (or grow pad) and then some without it and I have to say that the propagator is great to make them sprout...JUST TO MAKE THEM SPROUT, though!!! I took them too long and with the wrong light (a halogen) and they grew a lot in you can see from the pictures.
There is when I decided to build a new place for them.
So I bought 4 sheets of wood and built a grow box where I put 2 by 4 feet and 4 by 2 feet florescent lights and 2 fans.
My question comes now....should I repot them in bigger vases and cover the stem up to where the first round little leaves are?
I read in a book that you should do that to help the plant to reinforce but I never came across a thread about it.
Any help is very much appreciated!!
I can upload the pictures but then they don't appear....Anyone can help?

Finally i figured it out.
Here they are.

Pictures: the picture after the propagator are the plants under the wrong light.
Then some of what I did to make the "box" and the pictures of the plants at the bottom, the last 3, are the plants a little bit bigger and under the new light (flos).


wrong light.jpg

box 1st part.jpg

box 2nd part.jpg

3rd part.jpg





Hemp-o Kitty said:
Hi everybody! After a bad start, I decided to build a place for my plants and give them the right light.

My question comes now....should I re-pot them in bigger vases and cover the stem up to where the first round little leaves are?
I read in a book that you should do that to help the plant to reinforce but I never came across a thread about it.

Yes, you should do exactly that. If you put them in quart size pots, it should be good for now. It's very good that you've already starting reading. You'll be doing a lot of that for growing weed.

Your light should be at least 3,000 lumens per/sq ft. of area.

You can fit those little things in a tight area, so a few CFL's will do you for now.

Calculate your future area and how much light you'll need to provide 3,000 lumens per/sq ft.

The lights all come with "Lumens" on the package. Area is measured my multiplying one side by the other in feet.

Like a room that is 2 feet by 5 feet is 10 square feet.

At 3,000 lumens per/sq ft, you'd need 30,000 lumens.

Good luck to you! Let us know how it goes for you.
yup stoney's right. but 3000 lumens is the minimum. I think its better to have around 6000 lumens per sq ft.
Hey guys!! After reading your answers, SB and FM27, I went straight out to get more flos...I don't know how much this is going to cost me :( ...but as I previously said in another thread, I would do anything for my babies..... :p
So, I repotted them, I now have 4 big flos and 3 small on the sides and I cut "the box" down to decrease the space, so they will have more light.
What I would like to know now, is if I should put down the flos closer to the plants because I think they are still growing too much in height.
Also, can you see the last 2 pictures? These 2 plants have the same age but, the very last one, is not growing the pointy leaves.
Do you know why?
Looking at my set up and plants, what should i change? Or is it ok like that?
Again, thanks very much for your answer and I really love the fact that everybody can share their knowledge!!!....Fantastic!!

2 plants.jpg

more side plants.jpg


on the top.jpg

side plants.jpg

3 babies.jpg

same age as abnormal.jpg

hey your looking good right now you have done your reading gald to see that your not lazy good job keep it can't wait to see your ladys grow nice long legs
Thanks for all the nice words! Does anybody knows why the last plant in the pictures above, is not growing any pointed leaves?
I haven't seen it mentioned in this thread yet, but you should probably get a fan on your babies, it will help the air circulation, and the movement will strengthen your plants and make them thicker.
hey there!! I know, I haven't talked about a fan, but I have one on the plants and I already have another one bigger for when the plants get bigger.....Hoping for the best :p
Here I'm posting a few more pictures of my plants....they are growing, but aren't they growing too slow??? Or am I just too impatient??

in the new box-bigger 001.jpg

in the new box-bigger 002.jpg

in the new box-bigger 003.jpg
they look good i didnt no about the replanting after streching when mine did that i just tossed them. now i dont have too. but the best thing is to have enough light at that period of time so they dont stretch. good to no though!
Yeah, patience is the toughest thing of all. There's very little chance for a relative novice grower to have a grow with no problems at all, but MJ is a weed, so it's got a good curve and great overall stability for growing a plant. My new babies got shocked by the soil I believe, and halted growth as well. I just have to wait! :)
Check your light height to keep them from stretching again. To bring them close enough without burning them, take the back of your hand just above the plant tops and bring the light close and if it gets too hot after a few seconds then move the light up until optimal height is reached. I hope this helps. :bong:
i already see mentioned a few things that you should do...the light fan movement...and keep your light close to the plant...stop it from want the new leaf tight

when you transplant you should bury the stem up to the first of leaves...anything before that first set will turn into root mass and now your plant is more stable

looking good..happy growing :farm:
lefty said:
they look good i didnt no about the replanting after streching when mine did that i just tossed them. now i dont have too...good to no though!
Hey l! During a trip to Amsterdam I got a book where it says to repot them if the stem is too long.....I have to helped a lot! You tossed your plants? Don't do it again!! ;) You could have had big plants now....

Fluid1 said:
Yeah, patience is the toughest thing of all. :)
F1, I completely agree with you...patience is hard!! I guess I would like to see half a meter a day of growth!! :p

newgreenthumb said:
Check your light height to keep them from stretching again.....take the back of your hand just above the plant tops and bring the light close....
Thanks a lot for the advice, ngt! I have to say that it's very important to keep the lights almost on top of the plants....checking with your hand it's a great way of checking the distance and warmth....Thank you!! :D

LdyLunatic said:
....and keep your light close to the plant...stop it from want the new leaf tight
Yes!! LL you are completely right. I've noticed that the closer is the light, the more leaves they produce.....Great!!!!

And now some more pictures!!! Look at the pictures where you can see the sides of the plants...can you that they are growing more little leaves between the stem? :D
Also, there is a picture of my set up. Lots of Flos attached to lots of that I can adjust the height...
By looking at them, is there something I should change? Any advice is appreciated and put in action!!! :p

top 19DEC06 004.jpg

topb 19DEC06 003.jpg

topc 19DEC06 002.jpg

side 19DEC06 006.jpg

sideb 19DEC06 005.jpg

set up 19DEC06 007.jpg
Those little leaves in by the stem are gonna be big branches when ur done too... with more branches off of them... it is like a pyramid graph! =) More and more and more.
Those are great looking plants Hemp-o Kitty! They look like they'll grow into wonderful plants.
KADE said:
Those little leaves in by the stem are gonna be big branches when ur done too... with more branches off of them... it is like a pyramid graph! =) More and more and more.
I can see them now and you can see them too in the pictures!!! And there are more and more growing....When I came back from work today I was shocked!!!....they grow so quickly!!
More and more and more :D :D :D as you said...more and more :D :D :D ....

Stoney Bud said:
Those are great looking plants Hemp-o Kitty! They look like they'll grow into wonderful plants.
Thank yoooouuuuu SB!!! :eek: I do what I can to make them feel better...expecially, I take on board advice from anybody who knows more or can help me.

I'm posting some pictures and something is worring me...:( in the last 2 pictures the bottom leaves are going down and the points are going yellow.....after seeing pictures of other plants :eek: I'm kind of scared....but I'll stay positive....I think it's something that can be fixed with some help! :)

bigger 21DEC06 008.jpg

bigger 21DEC06 003.jpg

bigger 21DEC06 006.jpg

bigger 21DEC06 002.jpg

bigger 21DEC06 005.jpg

bigger 21DEC06 007.jpg

bigger 21DEC06 004.jpg

bigger 21DEC06 yellleaves 010.jpg

bigger 21DEC06 011.jpg
Hemp-o Kitty said:
I'm posting some pictures and something is worring me... in the last 2 pictures the bottom leaves are going down and the points are going yellow...
Hey HOK, I see the same problem in almost all of your leaf. What are you giving them for nutrients? It looks like light nutrient burn.
I'm actually not giving them any kind of nutrients and the soil has no nutrients in it too. I read that you should wait until they are at week 2 of flowering to put I right?
What could it be? What do I need to do?

Please HELP!!! :cry:
Hemp-o Kitty said:
I'm actually not giving them any kind of nutrients and the soil has no nutrients in it too. I read that you should wait until they are at week 2 of flowering to put I right?
What could it be? What do I need to do?

Please HELP!!! :cry:

Don't cry Kitty!

What nutes were you giving them prior to flowering?

How much water are you giving them, and how do you determine when to water?

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