show off your critters

  • Thread starter THE BROTHER'S GRUNT
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Nice python Mutt....I had a 4.5 foot Ball Python, her name was Gypsy, but she got sick and died about 2 months ago.....the weirdest thing too....she seemed fine and then one day I went to check on her and she was stiff as a board.....still don't know what the heck happened.....
Sweet ball python Mutt but it surprises me. With the name mutt an all I thought youd have this gnarly grungy mutt lol. Ive had a few ball pythons before. They are gentle snakes at least mine were. Good pets. It was my 1st snake ever. I just needed something that was super aggressive, Im thinkin bout get a yellow anaconda from a buddy of mine. But with all the heat lamps and dog food and snake food and growin lamps the bills gettin bout as high as I am.
I had a mutt, but due to "extreme" circumstances I had to send him off to a farm with a nice family. He was a great dog, great with kids, and was lazy. LOL
Loved that dog.

I'm an avid dog person. Love reptiles.
I want a chameleon, but after I get back into another house. They are "high" maintenance as well.
That would be cool an anaconda. But how easily handled are they? Freind has a pine snake....I won't handle that mean arse thing.

Yes, this snake is even more pasive than other balled pythons I have handled. He loves my boy. Will curl up with him on the couch while my boy watches cartoons. :)

Hey homeade, This snake won't eat rats. :( only mice. I was told that rats are more beneficial than mice, Any advice? He's a bit of a "lazy" hunter.
Mutt, first off anacondas you cannot handle at least the ones I met. They much rather try to take a big bite out of you. The green anacondas are gauranteed to eat their owners when they get big. The thrill of the feeding and how they kill is what I want, that and they are beautiful snakes to.
Ok Ive had problems with feeding like you do before. Are you trying to feed it alive or frozen rats? And how much do you feed it? How big is he to?
He's about 3.5' lil longer (can't get him stretched out completely to measure...too stubborn. :p
I got this one from a freind who can't keep it. They fed it 4-5 mice every 2 weeks. (seems like not enough). I was planning on 2-3 mice a week Live mice only.....frozen defeats half the purpose IMHO. I like to see the kill myself too. ;) Besides he won't eat em unless he killed them.
I am very proactive watching for mites and stuff.
Just figure the rats would be much better for him. but if he won't eat em why bother.
I don't want to overfeed to get him bigger, Just to keep em happy n healthy.
He's about 6 yrs. old (I think...changed owners a few times b4 me)

I've owned a python before....but this ones a lil "lazy" like I said. Plus because previous owner, might be set in a certain way.
This little girl was found in my garden 11 months ago, she was so small she could fit in my palm, she meowed at me as she was shivering in the cold standing on top of an 8ft wood fence and could not get down, I climbed on some slabs and enticed her towards me, I took her to the backdoor of the house and gave her some milk outside and all of a sudden all the house erupted ~(kids are sooooooo nosey if they think something is going on)~ faces looking out bedroom windows to see what was going on, then everyone outside looking at the kitten as if it was an alien lmao, b4 I knew it the kitten was inside and all kinds of can we keep it? can we keep it? 400 times till it was decided to see if som1 puts a missing kitten poster up (dont think the kids would have told me even if they had seen one lol) and thats how 1 little lucky kitten became one of the most trouble making creations of the universe to be part of my life.

now for part 2

I have a Doberman aged 12, old smelly and covered in fatty lump deposits, she is an old lady who like all women, whinge when she is tired and when hungry and when uncomfortable and grouchy and I need to go on???

she is beautiful in my eyes and I will sorely miss her when she goes, the average age of a Doberman is 9 when they die, so she is well past her sell by date.

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Mutt said:
He's about 3.5' lil longer (can't get him stretched out completely to measure...too stubborn. :p
I got this one from a freind who can't keep it. They fed it 4-5 mice every 2 weeks. (seems like not enough). I was planning on 2-3 mice a week Live mice only.....frozen defeats half the purpose IMHO. I like to see the kill myself too. ;) Besides he won't eat em unless he killed them.
I am very proactive watching for mites and stuff.
Just figure the rats would be much better for him. but if he won't eat em why bother.
I don't want to overfeed to get him bigger, Just to keep em happy n healthy.
He's about 6 yrs. old (I think...changed owners a few times b4 me)

I've owned a python before....but this ones a lil "lazy" like I said. Plus because previous owner, might be set in a certain way.

When I switched over to rats from mice and mine are alive to I had to knock the rat out first. But maybe try this. Try not feeding for a week or 2 and then throw a smaller rat in his cage I think he will find that rat a lil more tempting then usual. You probably know this already but becareful feeding live rats to snakes they will chew on your snakes if the snake dont get him good. Ive seen it and it hurts to see a $1000 get ruined by a rat. My retics will be on rabbits pretty soon if everything goes ok. I cant wait to see these snakes at full length, they can get up to 25ft and Ive seen them at 17ft already. One of the most aggressive snakes in the world. But give that a shot with not feeding him for a week or 2 it should work and it wont hurt the snake either.
Thanks homeade, Gonna try small rats at first...lil buggers can be mean.
Thanks again....25ft!!!!!!!! WOW
HippyInEngland said:
she is an old lady who like all women, whinge when she is tired and when hungry and when uncomfortable and grouchy and I need to go on???

Hmmm...Hippy, you are treading on thin ice with that comment...:rofl:

But I can so hear the love for your girl in there,:heart: very sweet, and she IS beautiful!

It's so nice to see everyone's dear pets and critters...what a diverse group!
All this snake talk is making my skin crawl. :eek:

Ok....I am thinking about my fluffy soft dog right now. :p
Cmon Smokinmom snakes arent that bad except when they bite you. Then that hurts very much. As a matter of fact one of my snakes is named Nipper Ive been tagged by her a few times:hairpull: . If that makes your skin crawl Ill try to post some pics of my lovely spider that even creeps me out. Thats why Im not worried about anybody tryin to get into my house univited. My old neighbors in a townhouse I had got caught growing and they took 27lbs. I didnt even know my neighbors practically in the same house were growin pot but the police came in and shot his rott for no reason, the police said it looked mean. Then not to long ago in my city a friend of a friend was outside his home when 2 police officers stopped their car got out and started questioning him for some reason. Then his yellow lab came outside to play with his 5 year old daughter and the cop shot the dog dead, in front of the kid. Can you believe how trigger happy these cops are? I just dont understand why or how you could shoot a dog, theres other non lethal devices they carry that they can use. Sorry to change the mood in here I would be devasted if my 2 dogs were shot.
Homemadegravity said:
Also have 2 pits "Gotti" and "Capone" the brindle one is Gotti and the gray one is Capone. Ill tell you one thing you do not want to come into my house uninvited lol.

beautiful dogs

its the same with my boxer...if your not invited your screwed...i have to tell her its ok and then shes fine
84VW said:
beautiful dogs

its the same with my boxer...if your not invited your screwed...i have to tell her its ok and then shes fine

My mutt was very protective....viscously so, but if known....a total and pure wimp. :p
Great pics of your pets everyone. We got a new addition to our family yesterday. :D It's a baby painter turtle and is about 1 week old. We named it GAMERA. :p If any of you remember watching the old japanese monster movies when you were a kid there was a giant turtle called GAMERA. Anyway here is a pic of our Gamera and the real Gamera. :hubba:


Hey all. Here is a pic of my new pup, Bindi, We got her a couple months ago after a long grieving period from us having to put my last girl down, rottwieller, after she got sick. Anyways, with the coincidence part, My new girl is a brindle pit and on the papers it states that her father,sire, is Gotti.




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