Sick Girl

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OH no, that isn't good. I will bump this for hydro folks to help out. What is your PH?
The issue here is not the nute burn,...its the failure of the grower to ID the issue and re act accordingly ...
FLUSH! 3 times the volume of the pot or better dump your rez. and reduce nute volume by 1/3rd for 2 weeks monitor it daily
This is absolutely not nute burn. She has been running at a ppm of around 400. This is some kind of deficiency combined with too high a pH for too long. We are trying to figure out what is going on.

What are your res temps? What do your roots look like?
Nute burn...deficiency...? theres a difference, once again a high post count here or any other forum don't make you an experienced grower, look to the wrinkled necrotic leaves
for direction
Um excuse me vostok... THG has been growing longer then you have been born, is my guess. Don't assume anything.. She knows her stuff.
PH Lockout = no uptake of nutes or very limited uptake
Please allow the moderator view my account! and note my age young whippersnappers you! ,


Note: that although DWC is obviously a new method to many growers, reading and correcting the reading on todays 'new' meters is a skill in itself, double check that reading by having a back up meter!
LOL--you can be any "age" you want to be on the internet and no one is going to be any the wiser. JFYI, Rosebud IS a moderator.
Age ..? Age ..? reminds me of ....
That's my opportunity to hide behind that old lady and say what I want to say.[unquote]
Vicki Lawrence
"How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?" Satchel Paige
Please allow the moderator view my account! and note my age young whippersnappers you! ,

I do beg your pardon. I did think you were a kid. I didn't see your age... but now I believe you are an old foggy too.
Espresso--sorry for getting off track here....How is the new growth looking? The leaves that are damaged will not recover, but the new growth should be looking better.

Did you get a chance to check out the roots and the temps of the res? I grow organic in summer because I have trouble keeping the res temps in check and res water that is too warm does not grow white healthy roots.
Well thanks all as a new grower you all helped me a lot The Hemp Geddes is correct When I moved her I never upped her nuts and the P.H dropped to a 4.5 in the last couple of days.I upped the P.H to a 6.2 and upped my ppm's to 1220. She is recovering slowly.
Espresso DR
Espresso--sorry for getting off track here....How is the new growth looking? The leaves that are damaged will not recover, but the new growth should be looking better.

Did you get a chance to check out the roots and the temps of the res? I grow organic in summer because I have trouble keeping the res temps in check and res water that is too warm does not grow white healthy roots.

What should the temp be in the res I am between 70 and 75
You will note that the worst of this nute burn, is of the lower laterals suggesting that it has occurred some time ago, with little if any on the top most of the plant, this suggests that it is a one off
As there is serious necrotic splotches on the dry wrinkled fans, and has not traveled far, a "hard hit". .. that may have passed?
but I still stand by my initial post of flush your rez, and cut back your nutes by 1/3 until you see some positive improvement
You will note that the worst of this nute burn, is of the lower laterals suggesting that it has occurred some time ago, with little if any on the top most of the plant, this suggests that it is a one off
As there is serious necrotic splotches on the dry wrinkled fans, and has not traveled far, a "hard hit". .. that may have passed?
but I still stand by my initial post of flush your rez, and cut back your nutes by 1/3 until you see some positive improvement

Originally nutes were at 221 ppm. She upper her nutes to about 400 ppm. You think she needs to cut this by 1/3?

Espresso, try to get your pH down some at least to about 5.8. There are simply too many nutrients that he plant cannot uptake in hydro with the pH at 6.2.
Have you a journal of this grow, as I believe THG has the jump on me regarding your grow data?


ps I still see the cause of this as mis reading the dwc tools, so easy?