Slow Growth Yellow spot Please Help

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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2008
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Plants seem to be growing slow, these are the results after 3 weeks from germ to till and 1 week after transplant into ebb n flow system with ph balanced rockwool at 5.6 (soaked for 24 hours then transplanted) The second one is really short ( which i want, but it has dried shriveled edges but still growing fine it seems) the third has a yellow spot in between the veins, the first has one leaf just pointing down, and it the 6th one's leaves are kinda curling under. PLEASE!!! feedback on my plants would be needed, let me know if im doing something wrong or im just paranoid and they're doing fine. additional info I have, the current water is at ph of 6.2 with ppm of 930, nutes im using are the GH 3 part bloom, boost, and grow, room temp is at a steady 73, light cycle 18 hours with a mh bulb 600 watt, watering cycle is 15 intervals every 4 hours. The lights are about 12 inches, and maybe i should lower it a lil bit huh







If the lights not too hot lower it down closer to the plants. You can go as low as two inches if the heats not a factor. They look a little stretched but otherwise not in bad shape. Keep doin what yer doin and be patient for a growth spurt to happen. Sounds like you've got a well thought out system goin so relax and let it get into a groove. Grow on and be safe.:)
a 600 watt hid 2 inches from seedlings isnt recommended from me...
whats your watering schedule? more times per day with less watering time will help. i would take the plastic off of the rockwool cubes for now because i believe your overwatering some and beginning to damp them off. the first pic clearly shows this. the other thing i would do is put a small fan (for now) in the growroom. not hitting the plants directly but facing a wall so the air might hit the wall at an angle then come back to the plants. this will strengthen the stems. lowering the light just a little will help but to close and it will stunt growth. its not the heat that hurts as bad its the intensity.

read the links in my sig for site growguides and referances for different techniques and even sections here on plant problems. research is key and without it you are helpless. there are killer threads on how tos and what to do's: even on harvesting and cooking. laws and medical info as well....

so have a seat, check out the search feature on the sites toolbar, click it once- then advanced search....enter in what your looking for then scroll down to :headlines/titles only: feature instead of search :entire posts:. this alone is a mighty tool!

keep the ph around 5.6 and lowering the ppm for now just might help. these are just seedlings.

goodluck on the babies.
Thx guys for your advice!!! I reeeeeaaaaaallllly appreciate it, if i could meet u, i would buy u a drink ^^. i went ahead and dropped the light a lil bit down, maybe around 6 inches from the plants and im about to remove the plastic from the rockwool as u suggested, but my problem is that my ph and ppm keeps fluctuating, im using regular tap water and im def. gonna swtich to distilled as soon and possible and flush out my whole system but man keeping a steady ph and ppm level is hard, any advice TOA's or any other experienced growers? Water feeding schedule is every 4 hours for 15minutes.
You said that you were using GH 3 part, bloom, boost and grow, what about micro? Isn't General Hydroponics 3 part system Micro, Grow and bloom, with boost being an additive?

IMO, a PPM of 930 is way too high for seedlings. You should maybe try going down to around 400-500.

With the PH, general hydroponics 3 part system is ph buffered, so try to let the solution's PH settle for a bit before trying to adjust the PH. It is possible to unbalance your ph by adjusting it too much before it stabilizes.

I am betting that your babies will be fine
woopz sorry i meant micro hehe ^^;. I went ahead and changed out the res today with 15 gallons of distilled water and wow distiled water is great, i mixed in my nutes and had a ppm of 500 even and the ph buffered itself to 5.5, imma check on it later to rebalance the ph so hopefully when i wake up 2morrow things will be better. I also reschduled my watering fto 15minute intervals every 5 hours and gonna see how that turns out as well.Thx guys for your feedbacks and advice i will keep everything updated in my journal.

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