SnowWhite Generation 5

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BuddyLuv said:
Only 70 days to go! LOL She looks like she is gonna put on some weight.

Howdy BuddyLuv :ciao:

Yes, dont tell Her I said it, but She is gonna get FAT :aok:

:watchplant: Perhaps as few as 62 days, as many as 69 to go I figger. 15 weeks ought to do it this time around :farm:

looking at the calendar, thanksgiving is looking like the right time frame. Due to the full moon the week before, I'd prefer 14 weeks, but I never have seen Her ready in 14 weeks :hubba:
you have patience well beyond my own. I thought these 9 week bubblegum took too long and my 10 week WW are taunting me every time I check my res. Funny how much faster they seem to finish outside rather then in. My afghani only flowers for 6-7 weeks, mid-late aug to late sept first of oct. Although I must say I really like the ability to control the environment inside. I smoked the first sample of dried bubblegum and ended up watching Flapjack with my son for 2 hours. Never laughed so hard in my life, so I know it gonna be killer after a week in the jars. I will be waiting for the Thanksgiving day smoke/weight report.
BuddyLuv said:
you have patience well beyond my own. I thought these 9 week bubblegum took too long and my 10 week WW are taunting me every time I check my res. Funny how much faster they seem to finish outside rather then in. My afghani only flowers for 6-7 weeks, mid-late aug to late sept first of oct. Although I must say I really like the ability to control the environment inside. I smoked the first sample of dried bubblegum and ended up watching Flapjack with my son for 2 hours. Never laughed so hard in my life, so I know it gonna be killer after a week in the jars. I will be waiting for the Thanksgiving day smoke/weight report.

Thanks BuddyLuv :aok:

I too like indoors much better than out, however, it would be nice to get all that light for free ;)

:watchplant: I anticipate a yield almost as good as last time 20+ ounces, even though I gave MINI-SHE the back right corner of the grow, at this stage I always get conservative :farm:
Howdy SnowWhite Fans :ciao:

I was :watchplant: gazing upon Her and MINI-SHE this am and got to thinking that maybe the roots being the way they are [ untouched for 3 yrs in SnowWhite and brand new in MINI-SHE ] is the reason the fan leaves yellow and die :confused2: As I noticed MINI-SHE is not losing fan leaves :D while SnowWhite is still droppin em like ripened maple seeds in a wind :hubba:
u are probably rite about the roots making the leaves fall off i bet if u put snowWhite in a bigger tote so new roots can grow u want hav that problem for a couple of grows atleast and probably more yield cause of more roots.
I've been thinking of dwc for a long time, perhaps I will take a few clones and start a new set up for the winter grow ;)
KingKahuuna said:
Hey there Puffin,
Did I miss it ? I looked all through here a second time, and still don't see it, so I thought I would ask. Wouldn't your root development be so great that you would also trim them back a bunch to inspire new root growth ?
If you do trim them, how much do you have and how much would you take off ?
sorry for the third degree, but I like to learn.:aok:
smoke in peace

:aok: Well, it may be that you hit on something way back there KingKahuna ;)

:watchplant: Lately, with the perfect growth of MINI-SHE, and the continuing decline of the fan leaves in SnowWhite, despite the increase in nitrogen and magnesium, I have been pondering other possible causes :farm:

It's not the nutes, it's the way they are NOT being absorbed by SnowWhite but ARE being absorbed by MINI-SHE :hubba: Same Nutes, same lights [at this point, no, I dont think the little helper flouro is responsible] same schedule, same container even :eek:

Sooooo, I'm thinking the ROOTS might need some attention. Perhaps it is as I have heard before, eluded to here in this very thread a couple times I recall, the NEW root growth is responsible for the uptake of nutes and in the case of SnowWhite, the roots havent been seen since, well, never :rofl: almost 3 years in the same container :rolleyes:

I'll probably start a DWC with SnowWhite clones, maybe as early as this winter:cool:
godspeedsuckah said:
Is it possible to trim the roots back without killing the plant?

Howdy Godspeedsuckah :ciao:

:farm: Yes, root trimming is a good idea I'd guess, however, I have never tried it :confused:

:cool: I have heard for many years, usually in response to my regenerations, that the plants can benefit from the trimming away of the old roots, similar to when a fruit tree is pruned of old growth each year, and I am beginning to warm to the idea as of late ;)
I think I'd rather just start over with a few clones and a new DWC res and air pump and if I time it right, wont suffer for the change over
you do have the patience.i was always short triggered and antsy.since starting this growing,i have sure learned some patience.i actually think it is mentally benefical.
being a dumb question,how would you know how much root structure to clip?i would be afraid of killing the plant and she has been so loyal to wishes to ya my friend.
andy52 said:
you do have the patience.i was always short triggered and antsy.since starting this growing,i have sure learned some patience.i actually think it is mentally benefical.
being a dumb question,how would you know how much root structure to clip?i would be afraid of killing the plant and she has been so loyal to wishes to ya my friend.

Howdy Andy52 :ciao:

yes, I am a rather patient person, comes from being a hunter and fisher I think ;)

:farm: I would have to get some point of reference for sure, but I'm also sure there is lots of info on the net to cover the issue well enuf ;)

:watchplant: I would think the difference between the old growth roots and the new would be readily apparent upon inspection, although the hygroton in my case makes getting to the roots a real mess, and you could just prune em back a bit to allow for new growth, and even I could just remove a bit of the hygroton on the outter edges and fill it with new. I could probably just dump Her out, remove a good amount of the hygroton, put new in and replace SnowWhite in the middle :hubba:
well clones are the same plant and will treat you just as nice. I personally luv my aero set up. I had to trim roots back several times and the plants never skipped a beat.
BuddyLuv said:
well clones are the same plant and will treat you just as nice. I personally luv my aero set up. I had to trim roots back several times and the plants never skipped a beat.

Howdy BuddyLuv :ciao:

:farm: Yes, clones would be the same genetics, and with all the knarly stems on Her now, not a problem to get a couple to start fresh in DWC ;)

Trimmin the roots in aero or DWC is gonna be a whole lot easier than in the hygroton for sure.

I really didnt plan on going this far with SnowWhite, but now that I have, I am not disappointed, She is a great plant :D Excellent smoke, good yield and not too hard to please :hubba:
You going to use 5 gallon buckets or are you going to make a Big rubbermaid one like I did? I used one of the biggest I could get and I have 6 monster mothers in 5 in net pots.
BuddyLuv said:
You going to use 5 gallon buckets or are you going to make a Big rubbermaid one like I did? I used one of the biggest I could get and I have 6 monster mothers in 5 in net pots.

I'd probably use the big rubbermaid tub, I have several empty around the barn, put a couple net pots in the lid, an air stone or 2 in the bottom ;) and set it right where SnowWhite is now :hubba:
Are you going to use a pum for a twice a day drip up top and easy draining for changes. I have my unit tore down right now if you want a couple pics.
BuddyLuv said:
Are you going to use a pum for a twice a day drip up top and easy draining for changes. I have my unit tore down right now if you want a couple pics.

Since the roots are submerged in the res all the time, I'm not sure I neeed top feed, However, I have a couple pumps here, and I guess it might help to have a little top feed. I have a dripper system with 16 lines already assembled, but never used for a sog grow coming up soon ;)

I'd probably just use the same pump and feed as I use now, but split it to each net pot:hubba:

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