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I'ma Joker Midnight Toker

Drive fast, take chances
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
I would like to know some ideas from advanced growers on how they would set up a closet space to accomodate cloning, veg, flowering (single colas) all in one closet using a 9 sq foot space 6 feet high, any info would help. My main purpose is to have a perpetual garden. Thanks.
PS. Do you need to keep a mother or once you have all female starters (clones, seperated males from seedlings) can you just clone veg state plants to start anew?
Hey there Midnight toker,
That was a cool song from back when. LOL
1. Big stuff down at the bottom
2. build a shelf for the clones
3. you will need to seperate two sections down low and protect the flowering section from light in the dark cycle.

I'm certain that you can find some pics of grow boxes that are comparable to your closet space.
Good that you are going at it slow, I did the same. You can draw it out on paper before you bust a move. Better slow than sorry right ?
Take a look in the forums, I'm thinking some of the pics and ideas will be better than what I could suggest. Let us know what you come up with.

smoke in peace
Hey thanks, I've been studing some of the boxes and closets on here, just trying to get the full mental picture...which can be hard in my vegetative state! So I take it the two low sections is for veg and flower and clones on top. I've seen different ideas for cloning on here, do you use a small light for them? Thanks
Hey there Midnight,
Yes I would use a secondary light, a good cfl or two or three LOL would do the trick. yeppers that veg state that I'm in is about to finish me off ha-ha.

smoke in peace
I'd get a wardrobe closet aprox. 20" x 30" like I have. Use the bottom (about 4' high) for vegging, and the top shelf for clones. This way, you can seperate the lighting with the closed closet from the main closet it will reside in. That's the best way to block the light in my opinion. There's a closet in the DIY section that shows you how to weather strip the sides so light doesn't escape, and how to add a vent to get air in and a pc fan to get air out. Check it out!
Hi BG,
That's a good idea, if I could fit two of those in my closet then I could keep the flowering one in darkness easier, sound right to you? I'll check out the closet in that section-thanks.
hey midnight toker... i recently upgraded to a cabinet grow but i was in the same situation as you... i have a closet that is 8' x 3' x 10' and what i did was on one side of my closet i put a shelf at exactly 5 1/2' high and put my mother under the shelf and my clones and seedlings on top of the shelf and i sectioned off the other side of my closet for the flowering side... i put in another shelf on the other side at 6' and kept stuff up on top like my ballast nutrients spray bottle carbon scrubber etc... the way i sectioned the light off is i used velcro strips around the edges of my flowering side and used panda film (black plastic on one side and white on the other) to keep the light out during dark period... i had a 400w hps light with an air cooled hood that vented to my carbon scrubber and i also had an intake fan that fed air in from under my closet door into my closet so i could keep the closet locked at all times... you will need a constant supply of remotely fresh air... if you want to know more about my setup... pm me and i'll tell ya more about it... peace

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