Sopappy's so so grows

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Those are looking great... how fun is this?

Thanks, Rose. Day 2 of flower, eating and drinking, I could just bust! and the seedlings under the 6500K, it's like i just got a new lamp. It's so nice not doing the firefighter thing, from one crisis to the next. I hope it lasts.
I have dirt and water side by side, same strains, same age, the stems on the water are considerably thicker. I've also managed to keep the pH 6.0 - 6.3 for veg ...more by accident than design; so I'm trying to keep it below (5.7 - 5.9) in flower. I read it somewhere. It doesn't seem to be hurting them (unless that's why they 're so dark)
Well, it didn't last.. I'm my own worst enemy. I wanted a Sativa strain but hadn't stumbled across this tidbit until this morning. I've been going crazy trying to figure out what to trim on these plants and here's why... (sorry, forgot to grab source, just took the note)
Some strains are better suited than others for the main-lining method. The best strains for main-lining display "single cola dominance," which means that it tends to grow in the class "Christmas tree" shape of Indicas, Afghani strains, Kushes, etc.
Sativa dominant strains often do not grow in this shape, and tend to have lots of secondary branches naturally spring up.
shitshitshitshitshit, can't win fer losen
It's getting fun now... I'm halfway to 12 weeks and am out of headroom with Sativas! I have no idea what I'm going to do if they don't stop going up and all the branches sheeesh
Supercropping is all I can think of but they're close now and i don't see any damage....

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Thats going to look amazing when its all ready for chopping. Doing very good!
update: They never got a whole lot better than this, another pathetic yield. I'm afraid these LEDs just aren't cutting it. Environment is ideal, I'm penny-wise, pound (get it?) foolish
I'm converting these buckets to ebb&flo and looking at HPS again.
Good for you Bro,,,HPS is the bomb,,,hell i did better with T5s then ive seen with LEDS.
Wait for it,,wait for it,,,okay now PJ can talk some crap. Lol
Good for you Bro,,,HPS is the bomb,,,hell i did better with T5s then ive seen with LEDS.
Wait for it,,wait for it,,,okay now PJ can talk some crap. Lol

I'm not putting it in a cool tube either, I'm pissed, I haven't seen a nice big fat cola in years.
Pappy; I wouldn't put an HPS bulb in the grow space without a hood to direct the light to the plants (you probably already know this). If your room can handle the increased heat from an open bulb then get a batwing hood, but the cool tubes with the reflector on the outside will give you excellent coverage and allow you to draw the bulb heat out. Here is where I buy all of my fixtures and ballasts. Never had a problem with this equipment. This is the fixture that I use, but not sure if you need a 400w or 600w.
Pappy; I wouldn't put an HPS bulb in the grow space without a hood to direct the light to the plants (you probably already know this). If your room can handle the increased heat from an open bulb then get a batwing hood, but the cool tubes with the reflector on the outside will give you excellent coverage and allow you to draw the bulb heat out. Here is where I buy all of my fixtures and ballasts. Never had a problem with this equipment. This is the fixture that I use, but not sure if you need a 400w or 600w.

I started years ago with 600W Mh in veg, 1K in FLR, both in tubes vented through the rooms, in a basement, sucked house air thru tube back out to house and STILL it was too hot and expensive but I'm just not getting anywhere with these LEDs

yes, a hood fer sure but no tube, it blocks some helpful UV rays, no?
Flower only, 600W HPS w/ just the wing thing, I'll have to run A/C too, ching ching dam but if I get decent yields

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I haven't found any losses with the tubes that I use. There has to be some loss but not enough for me to tell any difference. But I have used the open wing hoods and struggled with heat. Heat/humidity is a significant challenge for me here in NC. If my grow was big enough, I wouldn't grow in the summer, but I have to for my patients that depend on my meds.
I have nothing against LED but it has its own set of parameters that have to be used for it to work best. I have my methods down with the lighting that I am using so I don't care to upset the apple cart that I have.

I use a portable AC unit right now that fits into the ventilation set up that I use, and while it works ok, it is a little bit of a pain and more expense.
okay here I am, stumbling along again, having success with seeds so I thought I 'd try bombing at cloning and on my way, HP trying to help:

I spray my clones when I put them in the 2ltr soda bottle domes, and I spray the domes as well. I do this once a day for the first week. then less as they seem to hold their own.

I can't spray these wimps, the weight of the drops.
they bend eventually, that's what happens, see pic, two in front promising, one in back is what the end up looking like, don't get it,

Then I start removing the domes for short periods and then longer periods. You will find some variation in how much misting the plants like depending on the strain. I also put just a couple drops of rooting tonic in my misting water so that they get a little foliar feed to help them along. Some plants love this, and some hate it.

my clones aren't having any of this :), ready to throw in the towel

I personally don't like to leave my rooter plugs open like you have yours because it allows for too much drying, too fast, but under the larger dome it may not be an issue.

mine are still damp to touch 24hrs later, I ca watch color shade on side of plug go down the plug
3 ft from 2 x T5 room temps, 80 - 95 HUM, I remove dome at 90 until 80 again, spray dome,

I also cut off any larger leaves before putting them into the cloner, and only leave smaller leaves or cut them in half. It seems to help hold the plants in suspended animation while the rooting hormones take over.

doesn't seem to help, should lamp be off ???

If you have large leaves under light, they want to do their "veg" function and that slows the rooting function, and the leaves continue to lose water due to normal "veg" function which robs the clone of moisture that it currently has difficulty retrieving from the plug due to being cut. The cut stump will absorb moisture through "capillary" action but it is no-ways as efficient as what just a couple roots are able to do. That is also why we keep the air very moist. It prevents the cuttings from losing water as fast and allows them to take in a little from the air.

aha, nevermind :)
thanks as usual, HP

here's my clones still surviving so far

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I learn everything the hard way, never should have spiit the trunk like that, I don't have the room, still, I'm trying some serious pruning before going to flower (this week)
goal is 4 - 6 branches total, topped.

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Not too thrilled with my ebbing and flowing in the new tub either, 3 of them in suspended animation yet roots showing.
I stop flow to just below the plugs now and lengthened period to every 3 hours.

bottom row, 2nd from left, scrawny pos

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oh, and another thing, I used to go same strain but got bored, big mistake
too many strains going on here

See that scrawny looking thing with the yellow marker?
I was getting pissed and was going to pull it.... two weeks and a half weeks later

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Having multiple strains is ALWAYS a challenge, even for the most experienced growers. Its just more to keep up with.

If your cuttings are still standing and looking ok, you are still in the game. Its not over until they die. Even if they get looking rough, they can come back.

Those that are behind will take off shortly and will catch up. :)
The cuttings look like they are holding their own but they will handle being misted if you have a very good spray bottle that atomizes the water good. They don't need to be soaked with the spray, just wetted. However, if they are getting a good level of humidity under the dome then you shouldn't have to mist the cuttings.

You have to be very careful with lighting. Too little lighting and they will either die or begin to flower. I had several try to flower while in cloning because my light levels were too low and I was also giving them a dark period of 4hrs. I keep mine under 24hr light.
What kind of lighting do you have over your cuttings?