Sopappy's so so grows

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Yes..... I was pumping so many bubbles into my res it was lowering my PH......... went to a smaller pump and went with making it put out bigger bubbles........ not really trying to oxygenate the water....... just trying to keep nutrient mixed well between the 12 hour watering cycle I use.

I know a few peeps who are using small fountain pumps on timers to flume (mix) their res every so often instead of air pumps.

This is making sense. I think I'm messing things up with too much up and down in the buckets (it sucks out and draws in fresh oxygen they say) and with the bubblers, it's too much. Interesting.

I'm going to make the empty period 15 minutes maybe 4 times a day and not at all overnight but I'll let them wallow in the DWC (only circulated 4 times, always bubbled) for the rest of the time.

I did the fountain thing at first with my new rez and just pointed it up, nice action on the surface but I forgot about the rez draining, the lower the water got, the higher the fountain went... I heard the splashing and went down to see a 3 foot geyser, great action but kinda noisy.

I drop pumps into buckets to mix nutes all the time.... really fun to watch stoned.
It's been a week, these gals have gone up about .1 per day, at 5.9 Ph today
drinking about 1/2 quart each daily, ppms were at 650, wed,thu,fri but dropped overnight (their day) to 350 today :)
nute change tomorrow? or go another week?, what ppms?
about a month into flower

View attachment tray.jpg
still having pH dropping issues with the buckets
I've slowed it (I think) by diluting the tank, reducing the ebb and flow cycle, I leave them submerged all the time and drain for 15 minutes every 4 hours
It's down to 5.5 this morning. definately doing a rez change tomorrow or tonight so left it alone today, sleeping
The 4 drank 4 quarts, ppm finally moved a tad 50 down, somebody snacked
sitting at 800 all week, but drinking all week
some burnt tips on two healthy, pale green mostly gone on 2 problematics,

I'm thinking my bud stacking ain't too great, I'm halway through flower.

when I look at that picture, I see those upper leaves reaching for the LEDs,
it looks like they want more to me. I was thinking of putting the buckets in a circle under the LED and hanging a vertical 250W HPS in the middle u nder the LED

(man I risk some serious burns and I'd have to get used to wearing sunglasses a lot more, I'm bad for that but I don't look at the LEDs but vertically in the middle of the circle....
I wonder if they'd keep going up or bend toward the lamp and smother it, real risk of that
I think I just talked myself out of that idea

View attachment reaching.jpg
leaves up means happy plant.........

lack of buddage and stretch is mostly cause by lack of light or genetics.

You shouldn't be burning tips at an 800 ppm....... mine did that until I got my daily topping off set up right....... correctly topping off twice daily fixed that issue for me.

I know many whose ppm's start out over 1000 up to 1200 in a fresh res using LEDs

What are you feeding?

How much of it are you using in the res mix?

what kind of LED are you using?........ most of the good ones require the light to 12 to 18 inches above canopy to keep them from bleaching the leaves and burning the plant.
about the ph, if you use calmag or some silica products its good to add those first into your res before the nutrients.
about the lack of buds- in the spoon feeding regiment you would be adding in more phosphorus during the first 4 weeks of flower and that will create more bud sites and faster bud starts. I cannot comment on your system strategies as i dont do DWC, which is apparently a reverse ebb and flow lol,
on the burn i think DWC uses a more watered down nute solution because it is in liquid most of the time?
leaves up means happy plant.........

lack of buddage and stretch is mostly cause by lack of light or genetics.

>>>then she's not happy, she wants more light, you're not helping hahaha

You shouldn't be burning tips at an 800 ppm....... mine did that until I got my daily topping off set up right....... correctly topping off twice daily fixed that issue for me.

>>>flower is 7am to 7pm off (thanks to that **** McGuinty)
so I check daily at 7am and 7pm and top up dammit so that's twice a day, why am I tormented so?

waaaait a minute... 7pm lights on, i just checked both rezes, no change, no drinking, they were sleeping, you have to top up when they wake up ??

I know many whose ppm's start out over 1000 up to 1200 in a fresh res using LEDs

>>> I'm getting pissed off now :)
I read sudden drop pH means too much nutes so I back off to 800 from label 1100 (change cycles too) and drop slows but continues

What are you feeding?
>>> you wouldn't recognize the nutes, nobody does, G.E.T technologies
I'm doing less tha hydro label sez but LEDS I figured.

How much of it are you using in the res mix?
>>>less than label recommends for hydro, I add some micronutrients (thrive)

what kind of LED are you using?........ most of the good ones require the light to 12 to 18 inches above canopy to keep them from bleaching the leaves and burning the plant.
>>> mine is 320W (actual) and sez 24" for bloom (made in china but cree 3W leds they claim)

thanks, 13, replies above >>>
about the ph, if you use calmag or some silica products its good to add those first into your res before the nutrients.
about the lack of buds- in the spoon feeding regiment you would be adding in more phosphorus during the first 4 weeks of flower and that will create more bud sites and faster bud starts. I cannot comment on your system strategies as i dont do DWC, which is apparently a reverse ebb and flow lol,
on the burn i think DWC uses a more watered down nute solution because it is in liquid most of the time?

Don't need Phosphorus, Gooch, I 've got plenty of bud sites. They just seem too far apart at 4 weeks. What does RAW have to fatten the bastards up and fill all that space between them?
well phosphorus is the energy element and it gives the plant extra energy to create more budsites is my understanding, starting week5 you fatten em up by giveing them extra potassium which is the health/quality element and it helps pull the sugars into the forming buds, during heavy flowering the plants will pull the available potassium down to deficient levels within 2-3 days, so every 2-3 days i add potassium back in so the plant can continue to build
well phosphorus is the energy element and it gives the plant extra energy to create more budsites is my understanding, starting week5 you fatten em up by giveing them extra potassium which is the health/quality element and it helps pull the sugars into the forming buds, during heavy flowering the plants will pull the available potassium down to deficient levels within 2-3 days, so every 2-3 days i add potassium back in so the plant can continue to build

now we're talkin' , I'm just starting week 5 and I won't get the RAW stuff in time, I'm in an igloo in Canada, amazon still sells books to us.
What else has potassium I could use?

could I sprinkle a little salt in there? what's chloride? will it hurt them?
bad idea, what hydro store is near you locally? you are ideally looking for potassium sulfate
bad idea, what hydro store is near you locally? you are ideally looking for potassium sulfate

Procurement in Canada is a pain. I rarely find what I want here.

I was more kidding about the salt (season to taste)
I'll look for potassium sulfate.
is procurement a store you go to? sorry around me i have indoor garden centers, that carry everything you would every need to start,fix, or upgrade an indoor grow. I am not sure about laws in canada or how it all works i just assumed there were local shops you can go to and buy what you need. pm me your address send me money on paypal and ill send it to you
is procurement a store you go to? sorry around me i have indoor garden centers, that carry everything you would every need to start,fix, or upgrade an indoor grow. I am not sure about laws in canada or how it all works i just assumed there were local shops you can go to and buy what you need. pm me your address send me money on paypal and ill send it to you

procurement is procuring or acquiring **** and up here, I might as will be livinbg in an igloo, but don't get me started :)
I'm still waiting for my G13 markers, a MONTH.(like comic book days ffs)

And Very kind of you to offer but no, there's always a workaround or a substitute. I'm still waiting to hear back from one outfit.
i know there is a way to make it organically but obviously that takes time to make
Can't get nuthin' up here, I'll be sticking with my GET technologies guy, he's too helpful and I picked up a used 1K HPS and ballast for 100-
I'm thinking that will make a bigger difference than anything else.

This is week 6 and the buds are there, but nothing anywhere near looking like it'll make a cola, too embarrassed to take a picture :-(
I paid a small fortune for those damn chinese LEDs and I'm saving on electricity but I don't have anything to smoke!
(money will get you through times of...

I have two weeks left of yet another disappointing grow under those LEDS
should I rip out the LED now and put in the monster for the last 2 weeks or wait until next flower?
so I've decided what I'm gonna do now... (Zeppelin circa 70s)

Ebb & flo was a huge mistake... but lessons learned
4 buckets are back to RDWC with drips in each bucket but I'm adding a wrinkle.
The rez is gone, control bucket is rez now.
They re-circ for 1:45 hours and drain to empty
then re-fill to neck of the plant (top of the hydroton)
and drain to 1" below net
and recirculate, repeat as nauseum

Ebb and flow tray is going RDWC, aint that hard, I just leave the pump on and add bubblers to tray and the rez

I am not differentiating between day and night until somebody convinces me otherwise :)

aaaaaaand I have a 1k HPS I really, really, really want to stick in my flower room
but I'm dragging my heels.... I'll shock them hahaha

oh, the Zeppelin reference... having trouble?.... go to 3:39

not enough? okay, go here
you're in the spirit world, *******
sorry gang, out of pot, can't handle beer... 14 beers in 14 hours not too bright
my apologies for the silly postings
I dont think you problem is the ebb and flow cause you were not really using it as an ebb and flow. You were using it backwards, and keeping it filled rather then keeping it empty. you should be keeping them filled for 30-45 min and empty for 4-6 hours
I dont think you problem is the ebb and flow cause you were not really using it as an ebb and flow. You were using it backwards, and keeping it filled rather then keeping it empty. you should be keeping them filled for 30-45 min and empty for 4-6 hours

I'm half french, backwards actually makes sense to me. :)
I thought I'd try and add a couple 15 minute empty periods during the day,
it made sense when I was stoned but pretty silly in practice
I did revert the buckets back to RDWC with bubblers in each,
I keep the water level just below the net pots and the last bucket is top fed