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lol ktown, they are some very decent art bro!

why thanks you :)

I just found this and has to be probably the best tattoo i have ever seen.... no idea who's it is though sorry.

BIG dragon.jpg
Thorn said:
lol ktown, they are some very decent art bro!

why thanks you :)

I just found this and has to be probably the best tattoo i have ever seen.... no idea who's it is though sorry.
It is a nice tat. but thorn, I dont think thats what drew your eye to the pic.:hubba:
Ok mine arent done but i will get picks up. I have a flaming congi on my neck that stands for bravery(so i can face anything)with a stone dragon head as the gaurdian. the congi is inbetween the horns.
I have a Large Japanese dragon twisting on my back its not completed, line work is done, detail to the dragon is done, 12 hours so far another 6 to 8 hours still left just for fine work and shading
I got my family's heraldic motto done in my back between my shoulders in two inch block celtic font about two years ago. I'm also gonna have to deline on posting a pic for samiliar reason's to umbra's. It was my first and I loved the experience. I've been thinking about what I want to get next and I'm thinking that time is gonna be this July. I'm getting married and myself, my bride, my best man/friend, the rest of my groomsmen have all had some conversations recently about wanting to get a new tattoo soon. I'm thinking that'll be a good occassion, especially if we don't all get the same thing, ya know? I'm just stumped on what to get now and I hate the idea of me not planning out and/or designing what goes in my skin.

I cannot think of a response to properly convey my feelings towards this picture.

I am for all intensive purposes, in shock.



Now what would u say if I told you some of those tattoos were done with whats called a home made gun or prison gun.

A tape player motor
with a medium ball point bic ink pen
a 3 inch long Fine tip quilting need.
An AC/DC convert ranging from 3 volts to 14 volts

And the ink used was quill tip parchment ink like the stuff used in Civil war times.

would say im talking out my ar$e or would be able to tell me which ones?
painterdude said:
Hey everybody, been reading this thread, trippin on the tats and conversations.......then I remembered this jpeg I had saved because it was so weird and unbelievable that any body would do this to his privates.....but I guess the argument will always be, 'If you dig it then you dig it, if you don't then you have to figure out why because life is too short to not be open minded'.......Hick, give me a break on this, ok?

Oh yeah, I didn't post his frontal area, and it is really a trip, especially his 'dragon'......

How could you do that to your private parts. OMG it gives me goose bumps just at the thought of ..............................
ktownlegend said:
Now what would u say if I told you some of those tattoos were done with whats called a home made gun or prison gun.

A tape player motor
with a medium ball point bic ink pen
a 3 inch long Fine tip quilting need.
An AC/DC convert ranging from 3 volts to 14 volts

And the ink used was quill tip parchment ink like the stuff used in Civil war times.

would say im talking out my ar$e or would be able to tell me which ones?

>>> 2 , 3 , 5 , and
1,2, and everything on my back except the devil head on my right shoulder and my intials inbetween my shoulder blades in ancient chinese

all the rest were professional guns, although, 3 was done single needle like a prison gun style with a pro gun.
thanks you painterdude for uploading that...

i looked at it... but then i have a book on tattooing that has ALSORTS tattoooed, and yes they are crunge worthy, but that IMO is because a) we wouldn't think of doing it to ourselves and b) that we have been brought up in this society to be bashful of the naked body.

Anyway on the ink - i think its very good! and lets face it...he;s got balls!!! And well, i honestly think it makes the area look FAR better than its natural form! The colours are brilliant...i wish i could see more of the dragon on the left hand side though. :)
hahahaha now thats art!.My brother used to tell chicks at the bar that he had a tat of a catipillar on his member and when he got hard it stretch to a butterfly... I cant count how many times that worked.. he said he never had to prove pre occupied by that time.
most hard core tat i have ever seen was on a marine bull dike. on her inner bottom lips she had "made in the USA" s