The Economy and Prices of weed.

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Good dro has actually been fairly hard to find where I live. When you do find it, you are not getting it much cheaper than 350 and ounce. Typical 50 1/8th and if your lucky you will get a small break on quantity or you will get a full 32 gram ounce. Mids have also been on the increase. I was getting some seedless mids for 100 and ounce, well with the shitty economy the price went to 140. Oh well... Just waiting to start growing as I am slowly putting together a room, no more worries about paying for herb. Pics Included...
The first 2 are dro, goes for 100 a 1/4 no breaks. The 2nd two pictures are mids, that go for 35 a 1/4.

Some Dro.JPG

Some Dro 2.JPG

Mids 2.JPG

that dro looks very nice :) How dose the mids smoke? That mid stuff looks like some of the better stuff we'd get over here!

Wiseguy chef it would be cool to see those pics if you can find them :)
tokinmarine2008 said:
Good dro has actually been fairly hard to find where I live. When you do find it, you are not getting it much cheaper than 350 and ounce. Typical 50 1/8th and if your lucky you will get a small break on quantity or you will get a full 32 gram ounce. Mids have also been on the increase. I was getting some seedless mids for 100 and ounce, well with the shitty economy the price went to 140. Oh well... Just waiting to start growing as I am slowly putting together a room, no more worries about paying for herb. Pics Included...
The first 2 are dro, goes for 100 a 1/4 no breaks. The 2nd two pictures are mids, that go for 35 a 1/4.

The stuff I get here looks a little better than what you got. Man I wish I could find my camera charger. Mids' for 140 an ounce? lucky dude. That is unheard of here.
Maybe I should go into my credit union and ask for a personal loan. When they ask me the reason I'll just say I am trying to cover my weed expenses lol.
Well if your personal expenses would mean equipment to grow your own mary then I don't see why they would not give it to you!!!!! Anyways, yea 140 for an oz of mids. And I thought that was expensive, seems that i am getting a decent deal then eh?:hubba:
There are a lot of driving factors behind black markets and what makes them the more interesting is that they are an perfect example of pure capitalisim at work. aka trying to make the most while spending the least. So because it is unregulated and without fair trade rules or hell even ethics in some cases it is the closest you will ever get to pure capitalisim and it can be an ugly beast. But the bottom line is that in a pure capitalist market any single product will be produced and sold at the maximum price that the market will sustain. Now if they raised prices and all of a sudden couldn't move all of their product and where starting to see it pile up they have two options. Wait for market conditions to reach a point where the price they are asking can be sustained OR lower their prices. If they choose the former they have to be prepared to stockpile their inventory and artificially inflate the market to support the prices they are asking. Diamond companies are notorious for this practice. But it doesn't work well with a perishable product where the supply can't be controlled. So the dealer needs to drop his prices.

Now if the prices are dropped or started out to low you will then see a shortage in the market. The moment a shortage occurs you have two choices. Either you increase the amount of product you have to sell and risk flooding the market and further driving prices down. OR you can increase prices. The former requires a larger investment and a lower return on money put in. In some cases you end up making more money as long as the volume of product being produced and purchased remain high. The latter is a much easier solution especially when dealing in product that is illegal. So the dealer increases his prices until they reach a point where all of his product is being moved and he is getting the most he can for it. This model will keep demand high, keep prices high, and keep the return on investment high. There is no motivation for these people to produce more and sell for less when all that would do is increase the risk, cost to produce, and logistics behind the operation.

The only way you will see weed prices drop is for prohibition to end. Then you will see more and more "farmers" come into the market which will result in much more product than there is demand which will in turn force the sellers to lower the prices in order to compete with the guy down the road.
tokinmarine2008 said:
Well if your personal expenses would mean equipment to grow your own mary then I don't see why they would not give it to you!!!!! Anyways, yea 140 for an oz of mids. And I thought that was expensive, seems that i am getting a decent deal then eh?:hubba:

We pay £140 in the UK for any kinda ounce, so if your talking in dollars then yes that is very reasonable! :)

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