The Person Below Me (Off topic game)

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This is actually true, my girlfreind just got off work and called

The person below me has mad munchies....:hubba:
False...not hungry at all.

The person below me can't get warm for some reason.
True,its is cold out.-3 right now.

The person below me is from canada eh?
False im always too hot

The person below me is starting their day with a big fat Hooter. :tokie::banana:
false, i dont smoke till the afternoon...and at night.

the person below me likes the show " family guy"
true its pretty funny

the person below me has skidded on ice today!
False...its rainy and cold but not cold enough for it to freeze- thank goodness!

The person below me has toast cooking in the oven. :)
false, my oven broke....the coil at the bottom started burning, which is really really bright. it looked like magnesium burning!!

the person below me still believes in the Tooth Fairy.
Of course I do! And she always brings gold dollars to my kiddos! :)

The person below me doesn't believe in Santa.
I believe in the spirt of Santa.;)

The person below me is HIGH right now?
Smokin it already ! The person below is havin a beer.
false water today beer last night

the person below me is hung over too :D
False, but perhaps hungover tomorrow? ;)

The person below me wishes they were drinking a cold beer. :)
True. i wish i had a nice cold Red Stripe !!!!!!!!

the person below me is smoking a cigg, like me at the moment.
False, nasty. :p

The person below me is wearing their fav underwear.
False, it's actually laundry day....

the person under me is wearing one of those santa hats....:hubba:
False...but if you want me to...;)

The person below me doesn't like the holidays.
True too many family members to buy fro and it makes me depressed to see the ol bank account get that low that fast :D

The person below me is Flying out of town for the holidays :bong2:

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