theres something living under my house

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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2012
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i got company under my house not sure what it is i think its a cat i just don't know how to get rid of it, i can hear it banging the floor when it moves around :holysheep: it's creepy anyone have experience at getting them to move, without the use of a trap
smoke it out. Cat's don't have cannabinoid receptors, so the little bugger won't get stoned and will be discomforted by the smoke, and you know, you get to smoke too. Just smoke up an entire half oz under your house.
that's only if its a cat I guess. I feel like it man. Your description has cat like vibes.
I am hoping it's a cat and not a skunk, I out ruled skunk do to no skunk Oder. a smoke out sounds good in my bedroom not under my house there no room under there I don't even how an entry way aside from an access for the sewer pipes
ME! I am a plumber and as such, I crawl under houses all the time. I have encountered lots of small animals and reptiles in my day, some of them feral cats. Don't be afraid of traps--sometimes they are the kindest thing to use. You can generally get live traps from a vet, fish and game, or the humane society. Our humane society has a program where they neuter feral cats for nothing or almost nothing.

If your crawl access is outside, you can also try to lure the animal out with food. This will entail someone going under the house with bits of food and making a trail out of the crawl space with the food. There is always the threat of an attack if someone does this (so wear heavy clothing and gloves), but it is rare. Generally the animals are more afraid of you than you of them, but remember a cornered anything is dangerous. You will have to stay just outside the access and watch and close the access as soon as the animal is out.

If you do not know how the animal got in, walk around your home and try to find an entrance point (it did not come through a sewer pipe). Otherwise, the animal is likely to come back to its nice warm home where there are probably mice and other small rodents that offer plenty of food.

Although everyone's light-hearted responses to this thread are nice, feral cats can be dangerous and it might not be a cat. Just because you smell no odor does not mean that it is not a skunk. It could be a skunk that has had no reason to spray. I have worked in a crawl space with a skunk before. I left him alone and he left me alone. I used the trail of food thing with him and he left. I really advise to to find out how the animal got under your home and take steps to prevent it. In my plumbing days, I have seen a dozen or more cats living in one crawl space. It takes a professional exterminator to remove that many wild animals.
The Hemp Goddess said:
ME! I am a plumber and as such, I crawl under houses all the time. I have encountered lots of small animals and reptiles in my day, some of them feral cats. Don't be afraid of traps--sometimes they are the kindest thing to use. You can generally get live traps from a vet, fish and game, or the humane society. Our humane society has a program where they neuter feral cats for nothing or almost nothing.

If your crawl access is outside, you can also try to lure the animal out with food. This will entail someone going under the house with bits of food and making a trail out of the crawl space with the food. There is always the threat of an attack if someone does this (so wear heavy clothing and gloves), but it is rare. Generally the animals are more afraid of you than you of them, but remember a cornered anything is dangerous. You will have to stay just outside the access and watch and close the access as soon as the animal is out.

If you do not know how the animal got in, walk around your home and try to find an entrance point. Otherwise, the animal is likely to come back to its nice warm home where there are probably mice and other small rodents that offer plenty of food.

Always smoke up the plumber. Life lesson of the day.
He probably came there because he smelled the canna-skunk permeating from your :D

he must have its pretty much right under my tent
that makes me think I should leave it there to get the rodents if any
i would just call fish and game or SPCA they will trap it ,
if you are in the states animal control will likely loan you a live trap---bait it with cat food or peanut butter---they will even come pick up your catch and relocate it for you---best of luck you catch an opossum, cat, or racoon and not a skunk
Now I know better alternative to how I've been approaching pest control for years. I've always just smoked with critters ;)
Its probably just one of these.:eek: :eek: :eek:

Carfull ifin yual crawl under there and it be coon pilgrem I have tangled with coon in my day and have always been left bleedin and scared fur life also seen one take on full grown german shepard and win! They be quite full of jump up and kick yur arse ifin yual corner it. Better do as this old trapper says and bait live trap but put cover round it so ifin it be a skunk it will keep relativly calm ifin it cant see ya comin or movin it out the area. Be a bit of my line work we be talkin but other folks here have good guide to yur problem too pilgrem. There be a gas product yual can buy too that gasses and kills everythin problem with is ifin it be somethin with mass and yual kills it its goin to stink sooner or later. Hope yual gets it fixed friend ;)

whatever it is i get it out somehow especially if it is cats we had cats under our house this winter and they tore up the insulation on the bottom of the house to get where its warmer and we had frozen pipes and all kinds of problems form those damn cats

lets just say those feral cats arent getting under any house again :D :hitchair:
I think you should concern with an expert for this purpose because he can guide you in right direction in this matter which are good for you..
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if U kill it U got to go under n get it, or it will stink up the place

lovbnstoned :cool: :icon_smile:
ol stoner :tokie:
four month old post.

(dman, your pygmy looks alot like my pygmy. i taught mine to trim!):D

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