Time to bid Farewell to all my friends at MP.

  • Thread starter degenerative_disc
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Cheers Friends!

Hippy, Dirtyol,Mutt, SmokingMom, Hemp Godess, Art V, Stoney, Cubby, and Hick just to name a small portion.

I came here a few months ago with the desire to achieve the knowledge to grow my own meds from bag seed, and with all of your help and patiance with my sometimes stupid questions have achieved this.

I was able to erect my what I call Hobbo Grow set up with next to nothing for money and have been able to bring 4 sexy ladies to full maturity with 2 more finishing off in my Hobbo. I have more then enough budd to ease my pain to get me through the winter so its time to shut her down.

I just wanted to say thanks to you all (wish I could do it personaly share a toke with each and everyone of you specialy you Smoking Mom *wink* just kidding) But seriously
You guys rock here at MP and I will be back in the spring to carry on learning and improving my skills as a grower. You have been a huge asset to me as well as the countless other here i watch you help. Cheers to you all!

I hope all of my friends here stay safe, stay kind, and stay happy!
Remember what I always say "TELL NO ONE AND SLEEP EASY AT NIGHT"

I want to wish you all a safe and happy Holiday season and a happy new year in the months to come.

I will look forward to chatting with you all in the new grow year!

I will maybe pop in from time to time just to make sure you are all behaving your selves LOL Ya right!

Good Luck to all your crops hope you all yeild what you deserve!

Cheers Friends!
X O for the ladies and Handshakes for the men.

DD's Hobbo Grow Room powering down..................
I'm feeling used... you got 'cher home grown and now you're bailing on us :)

Kidding, DD! Come and visit us often!
Thanks Art!
What ever happened to that guy how wanted to run around in the lightning with his plants to get hit? Man did he/she get peeved off LOL

SexiMexi :)! I hope we'll see her again selling SexiMexi Lightning Bud seeds :)
THATS RIGHT!!!!! I forgot her name! But thats it, who says smoking mj ruins your brain cells! Good memory their Art unless you and Sexi got somthing going? LMAO

You have felt the true meaning of this forum DD :)

It is not just a stoner forum where stoners meet, it is a place where stoners help freely to get a novice to grow free meds and to be safe from the streets.

Congratulations on completing your journey :aok:

See you in the spring.

(Make sure you start your next grow before your existing meds run out :eek: )

Will Do Hippy thanks for all your help! Man I hope you and guys like you here on this site stay because without guys like you I see nothing but alot of failing or dying plants, and that would be a shame. Oh Hippy while I have your attention, what was the name of the plant you said would give me a real good couch lock and is easy to grow? was it I cant remember something kush name of a country or something like that. I may want to order some of these seeds to try in the spring.

Yo Ho DD,

Sometimes ya just gotta go exploring life. Personally I think that you have been good for this place, and I hate saying goodbyes, but since you said you'll be back I guess that we can chill for time being.
You watch your backside cowboy, follow your own advise and keep it low and quite.
Smooth sailing on calm waters for ya friend, and here's some of that
GREEN MOJO GreenMoJo.jpg
for ya

smoke in peace

degenerative_disc said:
THATS RIGHT!!!!! I forgot her name! But thats it, who says smoking mj ruins your brain cells! Good memory their Art unless you and Sexi got somthing going? LMAO


Nope! You see? You don't find entertainment like this on your tv, DD! Unless you're watching Red Green :D
Thanks King
I havent talked to you since I quit smoking thanks again for the encouragement!
Cheers friend hope to see and chat in the spring.


and yes I love that show Art but Its been cancelled i can never find it anymore? I love my duct tape!!
Happy Trails DD, hope all your smoke, smokes smooth, your seeds pop 100% and your bong stays full.

Looking forward to next year!
Thats it Hippy! Thanks were do u recommend I order them from?

Bye DD!! and as you always say CHEERS!
Cheers 2Dog!

Stay safe! It was a great season with you guys! I look forward to next spring!

What a great way to leave for a while!

Way to go dude...it's too often people are ungrateful...good Karma to you...

see you in a awhile!!