Trichome production

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CubeCap said:
wow Dubbaman you have alot of posts, dude over 2500 and almost as many thank you,s.. killer man...peace

Didnt even notice it man but now that you bring it to my attention it is really close in the stats thre isnt it :holysheep:
Thanks CubeCap and Dubbaman. These plants are from seed. Concerning temperature at night; the low temperature at night is about 21 degrees. The RH during a 24 hour period is between 34% and 70%. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that the highest humidity is at night.

What you all said about the phenotypes and sativa versus indica makes sense to me. I don't know the percentage indica/sativa these plants are though.

Presently I'm waiting for a fixture for my Reptisun UV light to arrive via UPS. If it hurries up and gets here, I'll be able to put it in the closet and use it for the last couple of weeks of flowering. That should help increase trich production.
Alistair Young said:
Thanks CubeCap and Dubbaman. These plants are from seed. Concerning temperature at night; the low temperature at night is about 21 degrees. The RH during a 24 hour period is between 34% and 70%. Unfortunately, I'm afraid that the highest humidity is at night.

What you all said about the phenotypes and sativa versus indica makes sense to me. I don't know the percentage indica/sativa these plants are though.

Presently I'm waiting for a fixture for my Reptisun UV light to arrive via UPS. If it hurries up and gets here, I'll be able to put it in the closet and use it for the last couple of weeks of flowering. That should help increase trich production.

Cool I thought so ..If you can get your room Colder at night as cold as you can! and try to loose that 70% humidity and get it down to 50% or less.. put in a dehumidifier if you have to, they cost about 50$ that should do the trick for a small space, your glands will pop fast and plentyful...

If I were you I would clone from the bottom of your best plant, the plant that likes the enviroment that you are providing for it...the most...then you dont have to bust your head trying to accomodate the whole familly...ya know what I mean?...They all have different indipendant likes and dislikes when they come from seed..get ride of those little girls that don't like your they are trouble...

Each plant from seed likes a different temp & Humidity to...
Ok Cubecap, I have a small closet about 12 square feet in area. I keep the fans blowing and the closet door all the way open during the day. Plus, the room in which the closet is situated has an open window. I thinking that with the fans blowing, the door wide open, and the window open that the humidifier would be useless. However, come to think about it, at night the door is completely closed, maybe the dehumidifier would work well at night. I'll do a search now for small, compact dehumidifiers and see what might be appropriate. Thanks.
do not get one that does not run on elec.waste of money.get 1 u have to empty the water.i just paid 180 for 1 and its doing the rh was getting too hi.
My Rh goes from 40% (lights on) to upwards of 70% + (lights out) with out any undo stress to the plants its normal and natural for air to become more moist and therefore humid at night. Ive not had any problems with bud molds or rot because of it.

Oh and im hoping tha tthe 21* your talking about is in C and not F because if its F your going to be stunting before long...cold kills.
Thanks again Dubbaman, that makes me feel better. I've had bud rot before, but each time I could have prevented it in spite of the average RH. That is to say, once during another grow I could have prevented the colas from other plants from falling over and leaning on this big fat cola of another plant, bringing about bud rot. During another grow I had to take off for about 5 days without notice and had no one to water my plants. So, I watered the crap out of them and then pretty much closed the door. The plants had enough water to last them, but the closet had mildew on the ceiling and walls, and some of the plants had mold. If I don't screw up like that then I think I should be ok as is. I might look into a small hehumidifier though.

The 21 degrees was in celsius. CubeCap started off in celsius, so I continued with it. The low temperature is about 71 degrees. I did notice that the RH had gone up to 87% last night and with bod rot on my mind I started to get concerned. Hopefully it doesn't go that high very often. I came home tonight and opened the closet door for about 5 minutes. Plus, every night before going to bed I open the door so it will be open when the light comes on.

Andy, thanks for the advice. I saw some for $11.00 that simply absorb the moisture from the air, and you don't plug it in. So, get an electric one that you need to empty? CubeCap said I could get one for about $50.00. I hope he's right, because if he's not, I might not be able to buy one now.

The plants look good and none of them have mold as of yet. The one that's the ripest is the most vulnerable, yet no mold for the moment. I think they'll be ok, I hope.
yeah you should be able to find a small portable dehumidifier for under 50 i know that home de pot :D and places like that usually have them for under that and they have one at target stores for like 30 that pulls aobut 3 leiters out of the air in a few hours time, only con to it is you have to keep going in to empty it every few hours.
The one I was refering to for around 50$ come to think of it might have been closer to 70$ we were able to screw a standard garden hose to the bottom of it and it would drip through into a floor drain..I am sure in your closet there is no floor drain though..but we emped that one every 24 hours with out the floor drain..
yeah you can get one cheaper than what i paid for.i was just desperate as i am in hard flower and my rh was hitting 80's.too close to get mold,feel me.good luck and get that dehumidifier.
The funny thing is I went to Target, Home Depot, and Bed bath & Beyond, and they have humidifiers, but no dehumidifiers. I'll probably have to order and have it mailed to me.
Well unless they were clones, they should not perform identically. Say you have 3 kids do they all look identical? Probably not, the plant that has the major tric production would be your Phono. If you would have took a clone from each one and kept them in veg. Then i would have kept the clone from the best plant "The one with all the nice trics" and thrown the others away. And make that one your mother. So from there you would most likely get what you got off that one.... Did i explain OK? If not let me know and i can help moor.. Good luck with your endevers..... L8r
I have a couple of pure afghan mazari sharif girls at about 7 weeks flowering and they have trichs every.......From the main stem to the fan leaves its coverd and still has about 10-14 days left.

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