trying to end to start a new

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Mauwie Wauwie

Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
well i have one plant sitting in flowering...its at 6-7 weeks and i want to get my next round going asap...the seeds where just from a bag of mid-grade weed(dont worry next round is going to be c99, cruck, and apollo11 x blue moon rocks) could i cut down the one i have now and not worry or should i just wait...i can get pics if needed...this is my first grow so plz be nice lmao...and thanks for all the help this site is the best you can get

:bong1: :48:
Mauwie Wauwie said:
next round is going to be c99

Happy hunting, your not the only person on the trail.

None of them found it, and I doubt you will too.

Why the urgency to cut a plant prematurely?

Let it go another 2 weeks, you will be glad you did :aok:

You can start the seeds of your next venture now, by the time they have germinated and sprouted just pop them under a flouro.

By the time you are ready to pot the seedlings on, the 2 weeks will be up and your in full flow again.

thanks for the info only problem being is i dont have other lights to put them under and i have to do alot to the box to make it better for the next i wanted to cut this one down(it has no fan leaf left on it:( so they r not getting any bigger)my other problem is we used pellet nutes(we now know thats a really BIG no no,ff all the way next round)im worried that it will start messin with the buds if that could happen...
Still let it go another 2 weeks.

Imagine you buy street weed that is crap.

That is what you are going to get if you cut early.

We all learn a lesson along the line while we are new to growing.

Ok, you made a mistake or 2 in this grow, its still best to get the optimum out of what you have at your fingertips.

2 weeks is not a long time to wait.

You will be thankful that you did, I assure you.

Are you checking your Trichome colour?

What changes are you going to make for the next grow?

well the list i have is to paint the inside again, move the light up and out as much as i can, cut new holes for a bigger fan, change the size of the door since the one now is only a foot wide. a few more things i can't think of right now(since my wife hoppy frog told me to get stoned so i will eat lol)
well HIE my wife just told me we do have a light to put the new ones under so i'm going to wait...thanks for talking me out of cutting her down. she does look nice and white and smells really good
Mauwie Wauwie said:
well HIE my wife just told me we do have a light to put the new ones under so i'm going to wait...thanks for talking me out of cutting her down.
she does look nice and white and smells really good

Do you mean your wife? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I'm sorry Mauwie- I couldn't resist.

That's great advice you got from Hippy. You won't regret waiting a bit longer. Congratulations on your first harvest.
Bro I get the same itch but you will be happily rewarded by waiting like Hippie said...
well got some bad news had to cut her down...she had become a he/she it sucks but still got alittle over 3 oz. from a small plant now just got to wait to see what the dry weight is a pic for everyone

Mauwie Wauwie said:
well got some bad news had to cut her down...she had become a he/she it sucks but still got alittle over 3 oz. from a small plant now just got to wait to see what the dry weight is

Never surprised to hear that a hermie came from bagseed...sorry's one of the reasons I only practice on bagseed and never grow them out...
thats why i used bag seeds for my first time i have really good seeds for the next looks and smells good so not really a lose
BBFan said:
Do you mean your wife? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I'm sorry Mauwie- I couldn't resist.

That's great advice you got from Hippy. You won't regret waiting a bit longer. Congratulations on your first harvest.

Nice BBFan!! haha you gave a me nice chuckle!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
HoppyFrog420 said:
Nice BBFan!! haha you gave a me nice chuckle!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Thank you HoppyFrog for taking it in the spirit intended! Please tell Mauwie that I meant no offense.

As far as the harvest- it's too bad it hermied on you Mauwie- though you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. It probably would have hermied no matter what. That's the problem with dealing with bagseed, to quote Forrest Gump- "You never know what you're gonna get."

Wet to dry yield is usually around 15%.
well if someone can't take a little joke then they probably shouldn't be here!

He didn't take offense BB, :p

Although she hermied, we got some great results.. Very encouraging going into our second round! Obviously with a lot more knowledge in our brains this time though :)

Thanks for all the help guys, very much appreciated!!
bbfan that was funny as hell i loved it does suck the plant changed on us but the next round is already going.changes to the box r being made tonite and once they pop out they r going right in.thank god i have good friends that hooked me up with some bomb *** seeds i can't wait but i have too lmao

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