veggie room system....

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Aug 8, 2009
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Hello all growers! Thank you for all the help everyone has given me so far! I will make you all proud....I promise! My next question is for the veggie room. I am going to have a 600 watt flowering room to start, and eventually, after I get some "hands on" experience, I plan on expanding.

My flowering room will be 3X3X7 to start with, and I will have 36 plants in an aeroponic system. I want to do a S.O.G. grow. My question comes for the veggie room. I would like the veggie room to be 2-1/2 X 2-1/2 X 7. I want to put a 250 watt MH setup for the moms, and for the veggie time before they move to the flowering room, and some flourescents for clones. I cannot figure out the type of system I would like to have the moms in. I was thinking maybe a DWC system, or maybe a top feed drip system. I will only have 2 or 3 moms, and I will need 36 clones every 6 weeks or so. I plan on expanding like I said, but I want to start with this. Once I get a few grows under my belt, then I will consider it. I will have a 250 watt Ushio MH bulb, the Lumatek 250 watt ballast, and I would like to have the same reflector as the flower room, which is a SunSystem Super Sun 2-6 inch air cooled reflector, but I still have to research the reflector for the veggie room.
So, basically, what is a good system to use for the moms...something effective for the way I plan on growing?
Thank you all who have helped me already. Like I said, I will make everyone proud. Have a great day, and GROW ON!
Most hydro growing friends of mine kept mother in soil

It sounds like a good plan overall but you may want to look into a T5 fluoro setup for vegging. It's easier to control temps with and you can keep it very close to your vegging plants to limit stretch. In a closet that size you should be able to fit a 2 foot long, 8 tube T5 fixture for your space.

Happy Growing!:cool:
awesome.,....a lot of ppl are telling me to just use flourescents...and i really would rather not have the moms in soil....kinda defeats the purpose for my grow...i appreciate the feedback far, my plan is to use a DWC system for the moms
For those keeping their mothers in soil, that I know of, do it cause it is less maintenance then having them in they're aero or hydro systems. I am curious as to how you see it as "defeating the purpose" for keeping the mothers in soil? Once you take cuttings from the mother you can place them in any medium of your choosing.

As for lights, yes the T-5 would be an excellent choice for a room of that size to keep you temps more controllable. Truthfully I have tried T-5's, MH, and HPS for veg and have found that the HPS is the best. However I do use a T-5 set up for my clones for the first 14 days while they are rooting.

Since I have mastered my cloning technique, I stopped carrying mothers and now just take clones from my veg plants about two weeks before I send them to the bloom cycle.
I wondered that to Diablo, but figured I'd save the question. if you keep them in soil all you have to do is water em, and hack on them once in awhile, no changing res's, phing etc.

I know that alot of folks don't keep mothers they just take cuts before flowering, and then take cuts of those...just continue. I've read of geneticly degradeing over time, but everyone I have talked to about it says that they can tell no difference even after many generations of could give that a shot if you don't want to take up space with donors
legalize_freedom said:
I wondered that to Diablo, but figured I'd save the question. if you keep them in soil all you have to do is water em, and hack on them once in awhile, no changing res's, phing etc.

I know that alot of folks don't keep mothers they just take cuts before flowering, and then take cuts of those...just continue. I've read of geneticly degradeing over time, but everyone I have talked to about it says that they can tell no difference even after many generations of could give that a shot if you don't want to take up space with donors

Yeah not to hijack the thread but I have been taking clones from clones for over 10 crops and have seen no ill effect. My patients seem to think, as well as I, that the strain has actually become more potent and I have noticed that the plants overall seem to be more resilient. I wouldn't necessarily say that the genetics are degrading, but perhaps building up an immune system. I can say this with absolute honesty, the plant looks nothing like it did when I first crossed it, It looks better, the buds are more dense and fuller.
36 plants in a 3x3 ? may run into problems there. i run 18 10" pots in a 4x8 E&F tray . you can put more than 18 in a 3x3 but idk about 36.
you'll wanna use floros for keeping moms and soil really does make sense as well, even though i'm keeping my moms in a 2x4 E&F..
i used to keep moms in soil and flower in hydro and was so happy to throw all soil out of my room. i put em in small sized growrocks like 1year ago or more and started handwatering them and was planning on making a flood/drain table for them i even had it built but as time passed i saw them doing wonderful by handwatering so i kept them there till now, i am going to make a drip system anytime soon just so they get fed automatically, i keep them under fluros and water them once every 2days in summer and 3-4days in winter. when i install the drip system they'll be watered like 4times/day however i cant see them doing any better than they are today, the only bebefit i will get is that it will be automatic. so i would suggest what i know works good, growrocks small size with drip system. i also do SOG so i currently have 7 small bonsai moms because i need a lot of clones. in SOG you cannot make any compromise, you need that cloning rate to be as high as possible, believe me you will have a hard time getting constantly 36 rooted clones out of 3 moms. i suggest you take more moms and keep trimming them and thinnning the side leaves to keep the light getting to my clones. if you look in my new journal (link below) you can see the 7 moms kept under 3 4' 36watt fluros that is 108watts for 7 moms and theres space for one more i'm gona put there soon. you would need a very good cloner and the right strain that doesnt stretch a lot. get a dome and a water heater or heating pad for your cloner and keep the moms very healthy, thats the key to a successful SOG. other thing you should know is that you need to take the clones early i often take the clones 1 week after i switch into 12/12 so they will have a total of 7 weeks to root and establish the roots so it's kind of a prevegging period and thats where the right strain is very important because if it stretches too much they will become poor stretched clones. hope this helps :)