Weird 'balls' on plant in vegetative (not pollen sacks)

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grumpygrowers said:
That could be correct slowmo77, the humidity is quite high and I have not watered in 3 days because I was waiting for the soil to dry out almost completly down 2" before I flushed the pots through with aged water.
I do not water or nute the plants untill 2" of soil is dry, is this a good idea or not?


59 most of the time
Min 57
Max 74

I know HR during vegetative growth should be 40-50%
The max has been 74!
How the hell am I going to bring it down to 30-40% for flower?
i kept my humidity around 65-70% during for bringing it down..if your venting and using an HPS , that should really help
zipflip said:
does the MJ plant ever secrete anything like a tree does sap say maybe in certain conditions weather it too hot dry humid or watever?

The only time I,ve ever seen one "secrete" anything is after a cut or break. This plant is amazing and will immediately send healing salve to any such wound.(What a healing plant she is!) This is only from personal experience and I would love to learn if other "secretions" do occur based on evironmental extremes? IMO Much Love.
What you have is a Laticifer

A laticifer is a type of elongated secretory cell found in the leaves and/or stems of plants that produce latex and rubber as secondary metabolites. Laticifers may be articulated, i.e., composed of a series of cells joined together, or non-articulated, consisting of one long cell. They are thought to have a role in wound healing and as defense against herbivory and are often used for taxonomy.
Laticifers were first described by H. A. de Barry in 1877.
HippyInEngland said:
Why is your humidity so high?

I dont know, we dont have the intake or exhaust fans on during the 6 hours off which is from 12-6 at night.
I flushed the pots through with aged water this morning and let the water run out of the pots quite a lot before putting them back in the box and raised the reflector before I put them back under it and the RH is 68% and the tempature is 25.6 degress C.
Not so bad for temp but the HR is still quite high, I want to lower it to 30-40% before flowering. The dehumidifier was not on today because we were fixing it up a bit and cleaning it to make sure it runs its best.

Hope the max and min readings for the HR are better tomorrow. It never drops below 60%.
ya its not what im talking about. what i see in the pictures is normal i think i see it on all my plants.
Not all plants create latex, in fact only a few families of plants produces latex, and I am just about sure cannabis is not one of them... Poppies do, as well as lettice to a point but Cannabis does not

HippyInEngland said:
What you have is a Laticifer

A laticifer is a type of elongated secretory cell found in the leaves and/or stems of plants that produce latex and rubber as secondary metabolites. Laticifers may be articulated, i.e., composed of a series of cells joined together, or non-articulated, consisting of one long cell. They are thought to have a role in wound healing and as defense against herbivory and are often used for taxonomy.
Laticifers were first described by H. A. de Barry in 1877.
massproducer said:
Not all plants create latex, in fact only a few families of plants produces latex, and I am just about sure cannabis is not one of them... Poppies do, as well as lettice to a point but Cannabis does not

Cannabidaceae Endl.

Alternatively Cannabaceae auctt., Cannabiaceae auctt., Cannabinaceae auctt.
Including Lupulaceae Link, Strobiliaceae Dulac
Habit and leaf form. Herbs, or lianas; laticiferous, or with coloured juice, or non-laticiferous and without coloured juice; resinous, or not resinous. Annual, or perennial. Self supporting (Cannabis), or climbing (Humulus); when climbing, stem twiners; Humulus twining clockwise. Mesophytic. Leaves alternate, or opposite; petiolate; non-sheathing; not gland-dotted; aromatic; simple, or compound; when compound, palmate. Lamina when simple, dissected, or entire; when lobed, palmatifid; palmately veined; cross-venulate. Leaves stipulate. Stipules intrapetiolar; free of one another; persistent. Leaves without a persistent basal meristem. General anatomy. Plants with laticifers (unsegmented, unbranched — the contents resinous in Cannabis, colourless in Humulus). The laticifers in leaves, in stems, and in the fruits.
grumpygrowers said:
We thought it could be sap. Humidity is my main problem so that could be it.
I've seen the pics of bud rot and I want to lower the humidity before the plants enter the 12/12.

Any ideas!

We've got a dehumidifier and good air exchange.

with these things still have high RH? need to get that rH down before switching to 12/12..Good luck

take care and be safe
Checked the temps and RH today at 5.22pm...


AT TIME CHECKED- 31.7 degress C (it's been pretty sunny today)
MIN- 26.9 degress C
MAX- 32 degress C


MIN- 55
MAX- 66

The humidity is better but the temp is a bit higher so I've put a floor standing fan in the area outside the box to cool the air a little. The humidity is pretty good seeing as the plants were flushed yesterday and the top of their pots have not been covered yet.

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