what kind of bug is this?

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May 2, 2008
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what is this little critter?
he's a very tiny white bug, barely bigger than the crystals on my plant.
looks like some sort of mite to me :confused:

was a total fluke i found him, he's so tiny.
not the greatest picture, as i had to put my camera up to my microscope.

That my friend is the beginning of a huge problem. Spider mites are worse then herpes, crabs, and lice all at the same time. I suggest you get three products containing different active ingredients made for killing spider mites. You will have to treat in rotation evry 2-3 days for 2-3 weeks until you have killed them all. Remember that just because you only see one doesn't mean there are not more. I bet there are 300 eggs waiting to hatch for that one mite you found.
really? i always thought they had 8 legs (hence the 'spider')

sweet! :(

i'll probably just take em down then.. they're pretty much done. but the last i took down tasted nasty (i assumed chemically) so i've been giving them nothing but water for the past 2 weeks.

thanks guys.
well 3 are pretty much ready anyway, so they're gonna come down today.
but there's one that need atleast a week or two (still mainly white hairs, and clear trichs).. think i'd be alright letting it go a week or two? or are the mites just going to blow up and kill it anyway? (i think one of the things they do (before completely killing) is stunt the growth, so would it even matter?)

so tossed up.. what would you do?
i've never had to deal with spider mites before.

gutted :( what a horrible grow this year, problem after problem.
guys i got a rly language up question but im 19 smoked weed for about 5 years now never tried Marijuana site only if u ppl have done it can u tlel me if it was worth it or anyhting so i get some ideas
Hello Smoken :)

What you have done is hijacked someone else's thread, I can see your new around here, no swearing is allowed and no talk of other drugs, here are the rules, maybe its best if you click it and read them.


Feel free to start your own threads in any section, but you start your own, you dont jump into someone elses :aok:
smoken budall day said:
guys i got a rly ****** up question but im 19 smoked weed for about 5 years now never tried shrooms if u ppl have done it can u tlel me if it was worth it or anyhting so i get some ideas

Great addition to this thread LOL! LOL!
It seems the language filter is missing a few words, I have seen that particular version of the F word getting through everywhere. Security hole or a "freebee"? :)

Sorry, back to the regularly scheduled broadcast, looks like an aphid to me as well. Clean up good anyway after you harvest. Paranoid good.
it could be a cyclamen mite, mealybug, or spider mite. If I were you I would take care of the problem ASAP.
Hippy could be right about that. Is that bug on the underside of the leaf, or is it on the top surface of the leaf? Spider mites live on the underside of the leaf, and I believe that aphids attack the leaf from the top surface. What damage if any have you seen on your leaves? Spider mites live on the underside of the leaves poking holes in the leaves sucking out plant material, leaving little pin prick marks on the top surfaces. I don't know what aphids do. I believe they eat the leaves from the top.
no matter what it is it must be destroyed. Buy a couple Doktor doom bombs, Safer soap, and Avid.
thanks guys.
taking a break from cropping.. got 1 done, found no others yet (though they're hard to spot anyway)
gonna leave the one and keep a close eye on it.
releived to hear aphids (well as relieved as you can be having pests) they should be easier to deal with than mites.

and it was on the top side alistair.
and yup, the room is going to get a heck of a cleaning before the next batch (these started outdoors, so i've had many problems)
kaotik said:
thanks guys.
taking a break from cropping.. got 1 done, found no others yet (though they're hard to spot anyway)
gonna leave the one and keep a close eye on it.
releived to hear aphids (well as relieved as you can be having pests) they should be easier to deal with than mites.

and it was on the top side alistair.
and yup, the room is going to get a heck of a cleaning before the next batch (these started outdoors, so i've had many problems)

Well that explains alot right there. Be glad it is aphids. I am battling a mite problem as of now. Wife brought home some beautiful African Violets that came with a free gift, MITES! I didn't know the little buggers were there until they had already made their way down into the room. I think I almost have them wiped out but still, cost me $200 in insecticide and about two hours of extra work every three days.