What up peeps!?

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Sweet Cheeba Chiefa
Oct 28, 2006
Reaction score
Been a long time! Im actually shocked i remembered my login info. Hope everyone is good. Now i have to reacclimate myself.
holy crap :stoned:
welcome back BBP :)

how've ya been m8?
Well this is a big fat treat!!!! Welcome Home!!!! So happy to see your name.
Been a long time! Im actually shocked i remembered my login info. Hope everyone is good. Now i have to reacclimate myself.

What up brosef? Long time no see. Glad to see you back around. Was asking about you and Nvthis. Hope all is well.
Everything is great! Thanks for the welcome back home:D! Wheres all the old heads...irish, hick, smokinmom, nvthis and everyone else? They pull a bbp n disappear?
Everything is great! Thanks for the welcome back home:D! Wheres all the old heads...irish, hick, smokinmom, nvthis and everyone else? They pull a bbp n disappear?

SM pops in from time to time. Have not seen Irish, Hick or NV in ages. Always sucks when the old Family members go missing and you are left to wonder if they are okay.

Some folks are over at I believe it is MC. Ozzy's site.
Wow! Great to see you back...it must be a couple years. Pretty good memory to remember your login!
seems ol irish retreated from the interweb :(
*was actually gonna ask you if you heard from him. last email i got is like 2 years a go.
Whats up umbra!?
I finally moved from NJ to California. As legal as I can get in this crazy world of ours. Running some cherry pie x key lime pie from cookies family. Hooked up with exotic genetix at the HTCC in San Fran and just popped some grease monkey( gg#4 x cookies n cream)
Welcome back bbp:ciao::48:
Welcome back :) Don't think I've ever had the pleasure but seems you're well liked around here. Hope all is well!
Welcome back BBP, nice to meet you it seems you were well liked and missed even more. Glad to have you back.
I don't know you yet but it is great to see you here with us.

I have had a Doctors recommendation in Cali for many years. I hope the less repressive environment here will enhance your grow experience and give you more easily accessible strain options.

Good Karma to you and your grows my friend!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

THG-Thanks! My memory sucks haha! My pw just happened to be a motto of mine:p.

Kaotik-Man, id love to touch down with Irish. Last i was here he had a bunch of my crosses going. Hope he's good.

Umbra-legal is awesome! Cant wait til the day when my peeps dont have to move cross country to grow some plants.


DGF-Thanks! Good meeting you!

Kraven-Thanks! Glad to make your acquaintance!

Burnin-Thanks! Need all the karma i can get haha!

Red!!!!! I have really missed you woman! Hows the heat in your part of the south?
Welcome back!

I've been on the lam for just about 9 months! Holy **** does time fly!!