What's in Roddy's Garden Today??

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Mix it with the flour ... Try to put at least 0.75gr per portion. If 14 slices .... 14x0.75 ... That will be a nice high :p
Sounds good Gixx, BHO!! I am making this tomorrow night so we can enjoy it this weekend, if it's as good as I hope, it'll be a regular when on our camping trips etc (just will have to make one regular to share with our non-smoking friends)!! I made some spaghetti the other night, threw a handful of chopped up bud in and I was stoned all night...NICE!

Plants come out of darkness in a few hours, will see how they look!! In the meantime, hit this and pass it on!!! :48:
Roddy said:
Sounds good Gixx, BHO!! I am making this tomorrow night so we can enjoy it this weekend, if it's as good as I hope, it'll be a regular when on our camping trips etc (just will have to make one regular to share with our non-smoking friends)!! I made some spaghetti the other night, threw a handful of chopped up bud in and I was stoned all night...NICE!

Plants come out of darkness in a few hours, will see how they look!! In the meantime, hit this and pass it on!!! :48:
I've done mushrooms... But never buds! You cook it in the meat or mix it with the sauce and let simmer?
I chopped the buds up (about a 1/4) and put it in with the sauce to simmer for a few hours!! Didn't tell anyone I did, but everyone knew quickly LMAO, and we all loved it...no leftovers.
Well, guess I could update this a bit?? Sorry....

The 4 clones are coming along nicely, I have them bushing out with some experimentation. All in all, I am impressed with them and will be looking for a small cloner...not that I am giving up on seed! Good to have options though!!

I tied the OG Kush clones down, giving a nice bend to them. This allowed them to grow all branches up and above the stem, making for an even canopy. They're both around 1' tall and growing nicely!

One of the LSD clones was topped, the other LSD has been left to grow as is. The topped plant is bushy and has nice large leaves...something I've not seen on clones in the past, one of the reasons I was turned off to clones. Both of these are looking great, just like the OG clones!

All clones were transplanted to 5gal smart pots awhile back, I've now transplanted the 3 seed plants (2 Vanilla Kush and an Acapulco Gold) up to 1gal tubs and will change up yet again as soon as I buy more soil. These gals, along with the 4 clones and whatever else lives through the long wait for budding room, will be the next crop, some 3 months or so away!

Kandy Kush is now around 20" tall and bushing out nicely! I topped her again, so she'll have several colas to keep me happy!! She's waiting patiently for the Train Wreck to finish (still some 3 weeks or so away...maybe a few more lol), she should be a hefty mama by then! A few of her tops were planted and came up, so we also have mini KK's lol SWEET!

Camera battery was dead when taking pics of my newest toy, the vape, so I'll take pics as soon as I can!
Almost forgot, smoke report on the Big Band!

The curing dope is really picking up in taste, not really strawberries, but fruity all the same! The high seems great since people I share with are left stoned. Gotta love that! I'm quite happy with this, but won't likely be keeping it in my stable, will be growing some Pineapple Express for the sweet tasting smoke!
Update on the bud room:

Train Wreck is looking AWESOME! Tons of buds coming out all over on this huge bush, she should be a good provider! A few weeks or so left, she should really bulk up! Leaves are looking great, a bit of yellowing, but expected! She's got a great purple tint to her buds and leaves, didn't realize TW was a purple strain??

LSD has a cola bud that is about 18" tall, all covered in a very skinny long budding! All her buds are long and slender, but just starting...and FROSTY!!! She looks like she'll do well! All the leaves look happy, this plant looks healthy!

OG (bushy pheno) is also budding up nicely, thicker buds than the LSD, but smaller too. Her leaves are still all clawed and nothing I have done will fix this...any ideas are welcomed!

The 5 newer additions are all looking very nice now in their new pots, the leaves seem to be greening up and less are dropping off. Guess it's like I thought, need to transplant to keep happy healthy gals! Must be a size thing... All 5 are budding up, all are looking good in this regard!
:postpicsworthless::rofl: getting at ya Roddy...But where's the pics?
i have never known TW to be purple. I just read your journal Roddy, where I had left off, and you are cooking,in more ways then one.
Glad you got the transplanting done and that was the problem. You are having fun now. Keep it up.
I'll get them, Gixxer, this camera is junk though. Can't wait to have money to fix the good one! THANKS for dropping in, my friend!

Rosie, THANKS for the kind words, my friend! I was surprised by the purple as well, but it's in the bud and not leaves (as much)? The room isn't cold anymore, so not a temp issue, wonder why purple! At any rate, looking good!
What is your favorite for tricome color on the Train wreck? I like it not amber at all. Was that a sentence? Lets try again. more coffee.
Ok, I like my trainwreck to be speedy and I let a little amber get in that I will not next time. Clear and cloudy for me on TW.
Was that better? Maybe I better go smoke some tw. I can't seem to talk or type.
I've not grown her yet, so looking for tips on this! The KK has TR in her and I let those trichs get mostly cloudy and not overly amber....and loved the high and taste.

I ramble and stumble all the time, smoking does help lol, here :48: try some Big Band!
Sorry for the delays in updates and pics, I will get pics tonight when I return from a kayak adventure!

The 4 clones are HUGE and have the big fan leaves I saw lacking on others' clones around here...these gals are GREAT! I am already pricing cloners, a 24 bay costing $180...good price?? I'll be growing a regular stable of clones mixed with some seed gals for variety!

I moved the seed gals into 5 gal smart pots today, they are getting bigger and bushier daily....looking good!

Kandy Kush is HUGE, we're gonna have to squeeze her into budding! She's almost 30" tall, even having been topped several times...WOW! Ahhh well, we love them large!

Gals in budding:

Train Wreck is filling in great, soooo many buds. I think I see another 7 ouncer here....we can always hope lol! She's still purpling up, and has tons of crystally trichs covering her all over!

LSD has some HUGE slender buds...which aren't quite so slender anymore! She's covered with these buds that have long white hairs poking up like porcupine quills all over the place! Smell of buds is STRONG lemony pledge....WOW!

OG is really budding up, I am in the flush stage to correct the overfeeding of N! She'll be fine and will produce nicely, might just take longer than should have!

the rest are all budding up nicely, some are so tall now, I have had to tie them down...and I have 6' light clearance LMAO! Ohhh, this will be a fun run, yes indeed! :D :D
thats one fat cola u got there hanging. lol good job.
congrats on the near half pound. impressive!
THANKS Staffy! That gal is really providing some awesome smoke right now, very happy with her outcome!

Appreciate the kind words and visit, my friend!
Here's some pics as promised, same junk camera, so bear with me!

Clones and veg 002.JPG Here's my Kandy Kush clone, this little thing was a top from the KK, I stuck her in soil after a dip in rooting gel! Took her quite a bit, but she stood up and showed new growth. I transplanted her yesterday with the others, she has roots!

Clones and veg 003.JPG Here's my cluttered and crazy veg closet #1! Tall gal is Kandy Kush, she's been topped a few times and is still 30"....time to bud, honey! The ice cream tub is the KK clone, behind her is the Acapulco Gold, now in a 5gal smart pot! The two on the far left are both Vanilla Kush in 5gal smart pots. The 3 in 5gal are my "from seed" gals!

Clones and veg 005.JPG Check the height of that KK beast! Makes for some interesting stacking jobs LMAO

Clones and veg 006.JPG Now we come to veg closet #2 and the ATTACK OF THE CLONES!!!!!! These are my 2 OG Kush and 2 LSD clones (left to right)....getting big! I've used LST (coat hanger...love that trick lol) on both the OG's, I topped one of the LSD and left the other alone (3rd from left is untopped), all look very nice and bushy and should do good!

Clones and veg 007.JPG Methinks the light may be a tad close?? LMAO...we like it tight! They're all about 19" tall and growing fast...very healthy and bushy compared to all the clones anyone has grown around here. These changed my mind on clones!

Clones and veg 011.JPG Closer view of the LST'd OG's...getting fuller and fuller daily!
Bud gals are in dark cycle and it's a regular JUNGLE in there anyway, so pics will be hard to get at best....maybe tonight or tomorrow right at lights out, but no way am I gonna try to pull any out. WOW, it's the worst jungle I've ever seen, the light situation forced me to veg some longer than I wanted....we'll make it though!! :) :D
So, I am guessing your going to buy a cloninator? Why not just stick to the old fashioned way and go get a tray with a dome? I have seen a 60 plot and like a 36 plots take a dumb and it was not exciting.... it sucks... went back to the old way have never had a problem.

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