White Rhino

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Also, I personally loathe soil (and soilless) because every single time I run like that I get leaves that look like yours. (no offense)

It's a look that SCREAMS rootbound, but it's not really. It's something toxic, and I never sorted it out.
Going to rehash some things I just read in the first post..

I'm using a 4'x2'x5' tent. My first grow taught me that four plants overcrowds the tent, so I am growing three this time.

Eek. Ok, tricky running with LED's in a 5' tent. At least with the normal Sativa dom strains and light distances that goes with LED's.

May be tricky running 3 in that space, but I assume if you don't top you should be fine.

I'll be staying tuned, if you'll have me :D If I'm a pain in the arse, just tell me to piss off
Haha no I appreciate the help, Doc. I suppose I'll avoid topping, then (haven't done it before anyway). I'll move the lights up and see how they do. These girls definitely need to stretch some.

My last two runs were soil and I loved it. But they were also sativas under a 600w HPS. Different ball game, I guess.

I'll move the lights up and update in a few days or so. Thanks again, Doc!
Mini-update...the girls love the LEDs. And I love how little heat they give off. I am using a CanFan Pro (on lowest setting) and a filter, and the temperature in the tent is staying around 73F. The lights are right at 24" from the tops of the babies.

I gave them a good trimming and they seem to like it. They've been flipped to 12/12 now and I'm using General Organics BioThrive with each feeding - about once every three days.

Any advice or mojo is appreciated. Otherwise, I'll update my journal again in a week or so! And thanks to everyone who has helped me so far in this journey - I love this place.

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Shoot them under natural light, looks like your fixing to have a N issue but really hard to tell whats going on with the new growth under LED's. Green mojo, looks good so far bro.
Just to set your mind at ease.

The yellow you see under LED's first scared me! But, if you notice.. it's the TOPS that are yellow.. it's the new growth and how it looks under LED light. Notice how super awesome they look outside of the LED's? :) :aok:

But,.......if you do get any yellowing and "clawing"... I totally blame it on you not being hydro! DOWN WITH THE DIRT!! :) lol
Just to set your mind at ease.

The yellow you see under LED's first scared me! But, if you notice.. it's the TOPS that are yellow.. it's the new growth and how it looks under LED light. Notice how super awesome they look outside of the LED's? :) :aok:

But,.......if you do get any yellowing and "clawing"... I totally blame it on you not being hydro! DOWN WITH THE DIRT!! :) lol

Haha thanks for the pointer, Doc! And I know...as you and I have already discussed, I hope to have the money around Christmas to convert over. Slim pickins around here right now though! Thanks for stopping in. :)
I hope to have the money around Christmas to convert over

Mate, your setup is so small, you don't need a big system. you could do some DWC buckets for a very very low cost to you.

Totes are about $10 each.. you could do 2 in the 4x2. The pump you'd need would be about $50. Air stones are about $5 each, and you need 8 of them so that's another $40. Then air line, which should be about $20.

That's about $130. Oh wait, two 8" mesh pots for 5 gal bucket and two 4" mesh pots..so another few dollars past that.

I know we spoke before.. I'll have to reference the PM, because if you do DWC in that 4x2 tent, the initial investment isn't really much. :aok:
Mate, your setup is so small, you don't need a big system. you could do some DWC buckets for a very very low cost to you.

Totes are about $10 each.. you could do 2 in the 4x2. The pump you'd need would be about $50. Air stones are about $5 each, and you need 8 of them so that's another $40. Then air line, which should be about $20.

That's about $130. Oh wait, two 8" mesh pots for 5 gal bucket and two 4" mesh pots..so another few dollars past that.

I know we spoke before.. I'll have to reference the PM, because if you do DWC in that 4x2 tent, the initial investment isn't really much. :aok:

I'll get there. Soon.
Nice to get caught up on your journal. Is DGF making you go to water? I love the dirt and the soil. I think your plants look nice.

Great pic's i love the one of the female showing up there. Thanks for a nice read.

In fact DGF, come look at my dirt and tell me it isn't a work of art! Just say no to water. This grow needed 5 gallon pots imho.

If everyone grew in water we wouldn't have cannabis. No hydro in landrace i don't think.:vap-Bong_smoker:
Nice to get caught up on your journal. Is DGF making you go to water? I love the dirt and the soil. I think your plants look nice.

Great pic's i love the one of the female showing up there. Thanks for a nice read.

In fact DGF, come look at my dirt and tell me it isn't a work of art! Just say no to water. This grow needed 5 gallon pots imho.

If everyone grew in water we wouldn't have cannabis. No hydro in landrace i don't think.:vap-Bong_smoker:

I just hate the hassle of soil! Getting it into and out of the house to dispose of it is no fun, especially with most of my neighbors being retirees who are always looking out their windows. Getting water into and out of the house? Easy. Plus I'm curious to try water. However, having just invested in LEDs, I may wait a couple grows to recoup my losses. Do you think I should go ahead and transplant them into 5-gallon pots?

Thanks for stopping by, Rose!
Hey, I'm not "making" anything hahahahaha :) The person was interested, and you know me when interest opens up.

I flow right on in.

Those girls are looking quite happy and healthy. Keep doing what you are doing. If you don't know by now, I am a devoted hydroponic grower, but If you like soil stay with soil. What I don't like is soilless. It seems to be too subject to element buildup and needing flushing to keep it balanced. I say if you go soilless, you should go all the way and go to hydro. I have 3gal pots of coco/sunshine mix/pearlite set in my hydro and they do quite well. My plants seem to love to grow in coco coir(not too thrilled with the sunshine mix). But I say do what you like, if it works for you :)
I agree with HP.. if you do soil, do soil.. amend it etc. If you have soiless, do it in a hydro form.. stuff does build up toxicity quite easily.. I've had first hand experience there lol!
I wouldn't transplant now.. they are looking nice and you don't want to disturb them in flower. You grow anyway you want.. I am on your side. lol
Hey D, I don't know why my system doesn't like the sunshine mix. It may be that I didn't get the same thing as that bag pictured says coco coir, and what I got looked and felt more like all peat stuff rather than coco. It really put my pH in a bit of a tailspin for me. Unfortunately, I threw away the bag long ago so I can't remember which one I had.