will lucky stay lucky

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will lucky stay lucky

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ok guys and girls ,,as u will see im asking for opinions on wether this not so little lady :rolleyes: will make it ,,,
she was put outside on the 22nd march ,when she was all ready 3 weeks into flower ,,,but she was getting to large and room was needed ,,so i asked if she could be spared the chop and see how she does outside ,,my wish was granted ;) and now here she is
Also forgot to add she has been threw 2 frost the latest being this weekend but she is still standing ,,,also if she makes it threw reveg she will be planted into the ground of where she is now standing pics start from the morning after the reprival :D
Always have to assume the best! Good luck for you and her!
:hitchair: :holysheep: poor baby!!! :hitchair: she looks so sad lol.... wow i see water leaves but no buds?? where r the buds?? that really looks like cancer weed or sumthing....:farm: lol try cloneing it n see what happens...... :watchplant:

:watchplant: good luck gurl!
:ciao: I am hopeing for the best..but to reveg after 3 weeks in flower seems stressfull enough..a couple frosts you say as well..Im new to all this but seems this is going threw alot of stress..pulling up my milk crate to fallow allong..Good luck:bong:
Hello SL :)

OMG have you any idea what your letting yourself in for? :rofl:

The beer baby went through half a dozen frosts and survived ;)

She will survive but your going to need to get her in the ground so start prepping your hole now.

She is going to grow absolutely HUGE and I mean HUGE :eek: :D

When you have her in the ground get a thick rope, as thick as you can find, totally smother and smear it with grease and half push the rope into the ground (you want it 12 inches out from the stem in a circle), it will stop slugs and snails :aok:

Good luck, I will be watching :)

HippyInEngland said:
Hello SL :)

OMG have you any idea what your letting yourself in for? :rofl:

The beer baby went through half a dozen frosts and survived ;)

She will survive but your going to need to get her in the ground so start prepping your hole now.

She is going to grow absolutely HUGE and I mean HUGE :eek: :D

When you have her in the ground get a thick rope, as thick as you can find, totally smother and smear it with grease and half push the rope into the ground (you want it 12 inches out from the stem in a circle), it will stop slugs and snails

Good luck, I will be watching


:holysheep: im worn out all ready :eek:
i need another :bong1: before i even think about starting any out door activities today :rofl:

okay what type of greece do you recomend ?
Slippery sticky grease.

Old grease, new grease anything that says grease ;)
ThickKaliKush said:
:hitchair: :holysheep: poor baby!!! :hitchair: she looks so sad lol.... wow i see water leaves but no buds?? where r the buds?? that really looks like cancer weed or sumthing....:farm: lol try cloneing it n see what happens...... :watchplant:

:watchplant: good luck gurl!

thanks thick ,,,,,,
ok she has buds in pics 7 and 9 and several others ,,,but that isnt what the thread is about just now ,,,she was in flower and now were re vegging her and letting the great outdoor do its thing ,,,i dont need to clone her to see what would happen ,,i know she s female and capable of producing great buds ,,,please read threw the thread next time ...save my typing fingers .:ignore:
feel frree to call back in anytime ,,:D
sssshhhheeeesss gone RIP lucky she ran out of luck last tuesday she odeed on ferts then she became dehydrated her split personality led her to believe that she is a cactus and now thats what she is ...cactus but not even jack her husband is a widow probably a green one at that ..he may be cactus to eventually the loneliness may lead him to her in mj heaven ...adios lucky rsvp for funeral arrangments to ukgirl420
She will survive and be fine just try to get her in the ground soon...take care..
purplephazes said:
sssshhhheeeesss gone RIP lucky she ran out of luck last tuesday she odeed on ferts then she became dehydrated her split personality led her to believe that she is a cactus and now thats what she is ...cactus but not even jack her husband is a widow probably a green one at that ..he may be cactus to eventually the loneliness may lead him to her in mj heaven ...adios lucky rsvp for funeral arrangments to ukgirl420

purplehazes said:
oh dear her husband will die if not from loneliness ...SHOCK :holysheep:

dam i need some of what your smoking ,,,pass it on :48: :giggle:
forget the horrible greasey rope ukgirl thats a durty horrible way to sort slugs etc.

get a length of copper pipe and just bend it so it forms a circle around your plants base even plonking it on top of your plant pot around the stem if ya want.

you could just chop the bottom off the bucket and sit the whole plant and pot into a shallow hole and fill in around the pot if ya want without disturbing the root structure so much.

btw the copper pipe gives off an electric shock to slugs etc so its a safe way to deter slugs and get westlands bug spray under 4 quids from b n q in the orange sprayer 1 litre bottle which is systemic so any mites fancying a bite to eat just die fast.


UKgirl420 said:
:cool2: ukmaan ,,,,

can you witness the slugs get shocked :D ,,,,i must admitt my fav and most evil way is seeing the little buggers and dropping salt on them :hubba:

disclaimer :p no slugs were hurt during this posting :rofl:

Great thread UK, I am laughing out loud...husband keeps looking over here wondering what it is cracking me up.
I put my budded/revedged/budded girls out yesterday. Put them in a box covered with clear plastic, so far no frost, but dayum they have such nice heavy first flower buds...and the second flowering buds look pretty good too!
Good Luck Lucky.......sounds like she is gonna make it. I agree with HIE, you get big plants that are out early. My biggest last year were put out in march.
hey TC thanks for dropping in ,and for the enjoying so far ,,tell the husband to come and vote his opiniion :D

Glad you think shell make it i think she will to,,,i just hope she doesnt get an added appendage :rolleyes:

if she looks half as good as any you produced out side last year im sure we will be very happy ,:peace:
UKgirl420 said:
:cool2: ukmaan ,,,,

can you witness the slugs get shocked :D ,,,,i must admitt my fav and most evil way is seeing the little buggers and dropping salt on them :hubba:

disclaimer :p no slugs were hurt during this posting :rofl:

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: just love that disclaimer

Just don't catch any slugs on the inside of your wire