will lucky stay lucky

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will lucky stay lucky

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Newbud said:
Glad to see she hanging in there.

I'm dying to throw one outside but i dont think i dare with the neighbours, carn't wait to move lol.

Keep up the good work :)
YOU are not alone dude !
well she seems to be living up to her name sake :D
After 2 nights of wind and rain shes still with with i must say some wonderfully colored buds (i know its down to cold temps and reveg)

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wow ! she's a real trouper ukmelgirl420 ! a few more weeks and she'll have some quality brain damage on offer ! lookin good ! take care
Wow she is looking better than I thought she would. Keep those good vibes going for her UKgirl420
nice good to see she is doing well))hopefully she will start the reveg soon would be awesome to c her go all summer long and then produce nicely also:D

good day
looks like lucky has stopped producing her buds and hopefully will start vegging again soon
been warm days with cold night :rolleyes:



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well we have had a small disater due to a rather gusty wind
lucky almost lost a limb :shocked: but like her name sake ,,she is stll going strong ,,pics from 25th april to 30th


:48: :bong: :48:
thanks for all the pics girl.:) . she sure has had a hard road in the past month. but here she is, still kicking, still revegging. good job at being vigilant. a mighty bush she'll be.:cool: ...bb...
Good to see she still fighting, i was thinking about her yesterday, been pretty cold at night latly ant it.

ATB :)
thanks Banjo and newbud ,,,:D

banjo heres the ww at various stages ,,also being as impatient as i am :rolleyes: i put 2 baby ww into flower ,,nothing to see yet tho ,,

lucky is still with us how i dont know :confused: she has suffered being whipped about in the strong winds ravished by rain and when she recieves any sun shes only getting around 7 hrs aday ,,but she seems to be one tough lady ,,and not prepared to give it up to the elements without any resistance:D
Just thot I would check in on "Lucky", she seems to be staying lucky. Your little ones look great too! A couple of my clones revedged last winter, the lower part that budded first is real heavy smokin reefer. She will need some support on that stalk if she revedges and gets back to flower. Good lookin Lucky....