How early can plants show sex?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2009
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Mine are 32 days old.
Growing under 600/1000W 24hrs. In dirt.
Checking one of them out today looks like it is loaded with balls! DARN!

Isn't it quite early for them to be pre flowering? Only about 8 inches tall with 7 nodes and tons of bushy growth in close to the stem.

I've got two blueberry as part of this grow and they are different ages (first try at germination didn't go all that well)
The older one (55 days) is not showing any where near this level of pre-flowering. Only one or two indicators.
Why might it be so different for two plants of the same strain?

And I'll confess I'm bummed since Blueberry is my favorite of all time and I was hoping to end up with at least one girl. Was not a great bunch of seeds since only 2 of 8 even germinated. :(
4 weeks s the earliest I have seen a plant show sex.
Ifin yual give them sip o wine here and there and maybe little smoke if she be into that and she be showin yual sex fur yual knows it ifin yual play card right ;) Good luck the warmth of yur fire

Thanks everyone.
Here are some pictures.
it is a shame because the growth on this plant is awesome. I lifted up the outer leaf to get a shot of this growth.

The last one of course is clearly a girl :D! (Kush - 53 days old)





That sounds like a genotype mutation. you might want to keep it and collect some pollen off it, then when the other one flowers out as a girl, you can do a back-cross breeding and see if you can capture that short maturing phenotype.
sound like the start of a project too me. Good luck if you decide to try it.
you said ''looks like its loaded with balls''...1-4 are males for sure.;)
Hey tasty :icon_smile: . . . few weeks ago I sexed three plants, same strain, all were at day 28 from seed - four weeks exactly - all were bout 12"-14" tall, all of em showed their preflowers at the sixth node on the main stem, and all three showed female . . . now they're in second week of flower and 30" tall :D so no worries there, that's normal with some strains/phenos that will show that early (hey with males, the earlier the better !!)

You didn't say what the difference in age between the two blueberry plants is, I haven't ever personally run straight blueberry, but it's been around a long time. I have run a couple hybrids from it, and I've seen it in another guys grow, and imo I think it's just one of those strains where there's quite a bit of variation between the individual phenos, in terms of height, color and maturing time, so I think your observations are astute . . .

the older taller one is possibly the sativa side pheno that may go 9-10+ weeks, and the younger, shorter one is setting into flower earlier cuz its prolly the indica side pheno that might finish in 8 weeks flat . . . . i think what you're seeing sounds like the norm with this strain . . . but we need to get Irish in here, he gets my vote for the resident blueberry expert here, maybe he can corroborate this . . . . check out a couple of Irish's grows n pics . . . . fulla sweet tasty blueberry goodness they are :icon_smile:

jm2c :48:
oh hell, he beat me here :rofl:

Irish, can you smell blueberry over the internet or what ???????? :rofl:

I like the growth on the male too, looks a bit freaky . . . be interesting to see what it would do as a sugar daddy:p
Hushpuppy- that sounds really cool. How would I do that? I know I would need to isolate the male. Would he need light? My biggest challenge is temp. - freezing cold where I am even inside. ;)

Dan- sorry- they are 21 days apart. I will check out Irish's stuff.

I really love this classic... luckily I've got some Blue City Diesel in this grow and confirmed 1 girl today.

Irish, Ozzie and BWD thanks for stopping by
Actually most of the plants are growing in that super bushy style. I wish I had grown before and seen how the shape growth of plant now relates to the final bud production.
I've got some interesting pheno differences in the Blue City Diesel and the West Coast diesel as well. One looks like a miniature 12" Xmas tree.
But it is soooo fun to learn- and as long as I get something smokeable I'll be excited. Been dry for over 5 months and it's getting to be a drag.
You go, girl . . . sounds like you have good taste !! First time grower ??
I've tried and succeed many times in getting some plants started. Last year - I even got a few to bud and they were doing great but I was leaving the country and had to harvest early. And wasn't around for drying/curing. Result was smokeable but nothing to write home about. Plus they had been abused (water issues, bugs)

My new life circumstances mean I'm reliant on what I grow for what I smoke. So this is my first "real grow". I've got 3 confirmed girls (3 more "fem" seeds that haven't shown yet of which 2 are autos)

Still have 2 boys (the blue), 1 suspect boy and 5 unknown. From height I'm guessing 3 of 5 are boys. We will see though.

The BCD was actually a mistake. WCD was freebie.

I only have one grow area right now so have to get a plan in place for taking clones and starting some new ones. Still have a few blue (try, try again) some Jack and another freebie from same grower as WCD.

Can't wait to hit the first toke on this project.
well from what you're saying you've obviously been reading alot, learned from your early attempts, you got some great genetics, and you're motivated to succeed . . . so I have no doubt that a couple more months and you will be tokin' the best stuff you've ever had :icon_smile:
Greenest of mojo to you tastyness. Those were great pic's you took up there. very nice.

PS, i swear my plants from seed take 8 weeks to show sex. We are slow at my house.
Rosebud- Thanks. After MJ , photography is another HUGE passion. Got my first digital back in 2001 and have over 63K shots since then!

I have no idea why they decided to lift their skirts so early. I found another girl today BTW.
If you want to make a back-cross and get seeds, you can do it pretty easy and it will better solidify the phenotypes of the plant. However you will have to be able to separate the boys n girls to prevent getting everyone knocked up. You just pick your best looking boy and toss the others, then isolate the boy until he starts to get ready to shed pollen. As soon as the first pod opens you snip off all the pods that look as ripe as the ones that are starting to open and drop them in a plastic baggie that is sealable and pop them in the fridge until the girls are ready.

Pollenating just a few of the buds, or just the ones on a single branch will give you plenty of seeds. Wait till they are budding real good but still a few weeks from harvest then take yer baggie and break open some of the pods and look for the yellow dust. Use a Q-tip to pick up the dust and then just stroke it onto all the hairs of a single bud or a couple buds.

Make sure that you break open the pods outside of the grow room (maybe even outside of the house that the growroom is in) and don't use yer fingers for this as you don't want to get any on you. You should be able to mash them from the outside of the bag and break them open after you have let them warm up to room temp. Then be very careful when going into the grow room so that you don't spill the pollen or you will wipe out your smokeable buds and have a butt-load of seeds. :)
Not sure I can segregate them enough to make it safe.
My plants live in a tent.
If I grew the male in a different bedroom would that be enough isolation?
Probably not worth risking my girls at this point.
Check my gj for the unusual phenotypes I've got in this bunch.
I can see how crossing and breeding could become really fun once I have my final permanent grow room/tools set up.
PS: Why is it called a backcross?
Wouldn't I need at least one blueberry girl to cross with? Or would I be trying to take the blue and the shrubbiness to another strain?

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