a weird trip

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New Member
Jun 4, 2007
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i had a very different trip yesterday lol and i was just hoping if someone could explain?? lol yesterday i was at a freinds house in which we did some hash and then we smoked a spliff about 20-30 minutes into the high i reached an intense peak while my freind was playing little old silent box which i dont know why but all of a sudden i started seeing colour spots(a light blue/light green colour surround my freinds shoulders and this continued on for a couple of minutes before it stopped can anyone explain?
Can't necessairly explain it, but were you smoking out of a pipe, a blunt wrap, and did you have any other meds or cigarettes you were using at the time?

Sometimes if you have diet pills or something like high nicotine content or stimulants you can get a wierd effect. But, most likely you were just high off your *** and had the light in your eyes that caused the wierd colors around your friends shoulders.

Craziest trip I EVER had was when I was at home alone and lit up. 2 minutes into the high ( and it lasted for 10+ mins it seemed) I laid flat on my back, felt like my heart was racing, but I checked my pulse at my throat, and it wasn't racing. After that everything went into a head rush. I saw myself from the outside, and my mind way racing, but I had a warm orgasmic sensation over my whole body. It has never happened since. I was scared yet loved it all at the same time.

But think about what I asked in the first paragraph.
yea last nite i think i had a bad high because it felt like i wasnt really high after 4 hours but evrytime i moved it felt wierd and i couldnt hold on to anything and im still felling it a little in the morning has this ever happend to anybody i cant really explain it
OK Guys,
So many people have mentioned this, and I can tell you that I finished my studies in medicine so here it is in easy terms for you all. THC is a very potent stimulant, at least when first smoked. Your heart rate can climb and blood vessels enlarge. Consider this when visually experiencing some abnormalities. By the way there are no studies that show the effects of mj to be permanent, just mind blowing sometimes, wheeeeeee !!! LOL
The blood vessels around the optic nerve have enlarged, your pupils tend to open more allowing in more light, and firing off more rods and cones at the back of the eye, thus a stressed site picture, mix in with this what is going on in the brain itself, your receptors are slightly over loaded, (loaded get it ? ), and all this can lead to small visual ticks as I like to call them. We used to call it synapse burn, that's why you see it at the bottom of my posts. I put it there for us OL' Timers. LMAO
Now here is the most important thing about it all, what are you doing for you body? and general health while your stoned?, and slammed into a wall?, Ha-Ha ?? If you plan out a good smoking, then plan on doing small cool things for yourself before you get started. I mean if your going on vacation you would take certain things with you right ?? So here is what I like to recommend,
1. set yourself up with something cool to drink.
2. Grab a piece or two of fruit like an orange MMMMMMMM
3. Dress for the occasion in temp appropriate clothes,
4. Set up the fun and games, or a friend to party with
5. Be sure to offer to share with your friend the refreshments
6. If you find your hitting the wall too hard smoke a tad less

I used to play the sitter for my friends who got way to wasted to even function, and yet they all wanted to party with me cause I was good at taking care of them, go figuere.

smoke in peace

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