Alright can some1 help me.

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_Sir Smokes Alot_

Yup, thas some gud budddd
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Ok a couple sprouts that I do not know if they are Natural. Take a Look.

Is everyone else like me and has never grown before so they have no idea what i'm talking about or what the hell. Are they dying? Do they need light? What
I'm keeping them in the dark for now. So let me know if they need light.
what am i looking at here? it looks like a couple blurry photos of little seedlings. Give them 18 hours of light and a little water everyday.
They'll survive without it for a while (as I've accidentally discovered a few times), but UKg is right.

They look natural to me. :confused2:

Are you wondering about the seed casings still on them? Don't worry, the sprouts will soon shed them. Some people very carefully pry them off, but it's not necessary.
King Bud said:
They'll survive without it for a while (as I've accidentally discovered a few times), but UKg is right.

They look natural to me. :confused2:

Are you wondering about the seed casings still on them? Don't worry, the sprouts will soon shed them. Some people very carefully pry them off, but it's not necessary.
Well i've never grown before and the one looks like it might be growing down?
That's actually how the seedling pushes itself through the soil, so don't worry about it.

It should straighten itself upwards.

Did you know it'll orientate itself to where the light is coming from? If you place the light way over to the side, it'll grow sideways toward the light. :watchplant:

They definatly need light. Fluorescent will work for now. The first leaves are called false leaves because they don't look like normal pot leaves. Becareful not to over water. The roots are very fragile and will damp off and die. The seed casing are still on them. Personally, I would take a pair of tweezers and VERY VERY gently remove the seed casing. Good luck with your first grow. you'll have a blast smoking it
Let nature take it's course. The beginning never has an end. Put a little light on it, worked for me. Play misty.
don't fuss with it either. seedlings can be really fragile and sensitive to fondling hands. just let it be, and it should straighten up on its own.
do you just up and start a grow without any proer research or knowledge?!?! of course they need light....
This stage is called veg and in this stage you would wont them to be under light 18on and 6 off or you can do 24 on. The light you would wont to use is fluorescent grow lights they have them @ home depot, wal-mart and Lowe's. They don't cost very much either. Good luck.
This stage is called veg and in this stage you would wont them to be under light 18on and 6 off or you can do 24 on. The light you would wont to use is fluorescent grow lights they have them @ home depot, wal-mart and Lowe's. They don't cost very much either. Good luck.
I've got lights. thanks tho