Any Ideas?????? Help Rookie Please

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my plants look pretty health except for a couple drooping leaves, was only on 1, now on 3 out of 4. Onlt 1 or 2 leaves on a set will start to droop and curl under like a upside down taco or i guess a rams horn. ive looked through the resource guide but im just not sure. plants seem to be a lush green.
i was worried about my soil being to damp so i didnt water for 5 days, yesterday 1 plant had 3 leafs doing it and after i watered now 3 have a couple doing it. .:shocked:
how dry is the soil gettin between waterings?
dam i need a digital camera. no pics available. i believe theve turned around and are regaining there strength. it was wierd, the outer part of the leaf closest to the stem would turn downward like an upside down U but about half of the leaf to the tip of stayed flat. i think they were just really thirsty. lights off in 3 hours ,so we'll see in the morning, but i already have to look closer to spot the troubled leaf set's. cool. thanks and ill update in the morning, about 10 hrs from now.:fid: lullaby time...
yesterday when i gave them water i only gave 8 cups into a 7 or 8 gal pot. didnt have any runoff. so i gave them straight water today until i seen a little come out the bottom. now ill wait a couple days and keep checking the top 2" till its time for more water, i think the problem was dry spots in the soil. sure hope it isnt over watering.
if they still look bad tomorrow i wouldn't water them again untill they are droopin from a lack of water. jmo
got webcam use it to snapshot hmm?

geez be sure u got good drainge, have them in good light plently of light.. good air currents, mj plants dont like air that stay still and usually when curls they are tellin you they are crappy
i did notice a few leaf tips are pointing down looking like they want to curl under, but just a couple. im getting a foilar spray today that contains all the micro's. they did seem to like a light mist at lights out. im almost thinking that when its time to water again in a day or 2 or 3, i might flush the pot just to be safe, that should take care of any "hot spots" right? or nute build up? :rolleyes:
i found this in the old overgrowers guide in resources. just a few leafs on a couple sets kinda look like this, but there is no discolorarion or spot's and they really dont look shriveled like that. like i said its closest to the stem that curling. im thinking flush.

slowmo77 said:
if they still look bad tomorrow i wouldn't water them again untill they are droopin from a lack of water. jmo

i've noticed quite a feq threads posted askin ?'s bout deficiencies nute burns overwater etc.... and u always seem to reply but yet noone bothers to look at the link in ur signature the way it seems.
I agree with slomo sounds like an overwatering problem, let the soil really dry out. Pot for the most part is a pretty drought resistant plant, also letting your soil dry out between waterings forces the roots of the plants to search for water and results in a stronger root system overall.
i agree to, but if it was overwatering, why did it happen after i gave then no water for 5 days? my kin took a look and said not much of a problem, only a couple leafs. they would all look that way if it was way too much, just a tad to many nutes. just check soil in a day or 2 using finger method and water a few times with out feed to back off on the nutes a little bit.
well 2 days since water and fed, plants look good, no more noticable leaf changes. Soil top 3 inch's are not what id call moist or wet, but its not dry either. well, its pretty close to how it came out of the bag, so i guess you could say its dry...:48:
2 more days no water, looking good, i gave a little misting last night at lights out with Magic Green.
do you have any burnt tips or discolored tips of the effected plants? if you look at the nute disorder link then you would see what nute burn looks like. if you don't have good drainage then the top of your soil will be dry while the bottom could still be very wet.. jmo
i used good organic soil. BLACK GOLD mixed 60/40 with FOXFARM LIGHT WARRIOR. Oh, they look better already. things are going good. thanks for all the help.
went to osh and got me a soil test kit. my soil tested right at 7. i mixed up a soil solution so i can test NPK, but i have to wait at least a half hour for the soil to settle out of the water. but plants are swelling up!!!lol
:watchplant: :watchplant: :watchplant:
ok npk tests are normal except phosphorus, which is high but not real high according to the soil test kit. think im in the clear. but my "buddie" brought those clones over, after he sprayed them for spider mites. What should i do to make sure they dont come back and end up on mine???
looking good. the cheap meter i got finally started to drop saying the soil was just moist. so now ive watered once in 11 days. i did foilar feed 1 night. new avatar is 3 days ago.:D

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